Operation Alt-Right Elmo

All right, hear me out bros. You know how the left is using shilldren for their pro gun agenda... Always the children this or the children that.. or they will have vulgar children pushing degenerate in Soros PSAs, anti trump, pro immigration shit? Not to mention that they're in our schools idoctrinating our children from the word go...

Well, I have an idea.... Operation Alt Right Elmo

We invent some kid friendly Muppet type character that we can use to interview people like Jared Taylor for example.. Just imagine it *Elmo voice* "Mr Jared Taylor, what's an ethnographic state?" " Mr Jared Tsylor, what's a white nationalism?" "Mr. Jared Taylor, what's a Race and IQ? ... etc you get the point.

We could do this with all of our popular figures. "Mr Richard Spencer, why did the bad man punch you?"

And can you imagine the autistic screeching coming from the left by doing this sort of thjng. The child's pace which they own 100% and consistently use as a weapon in their agenda. The scathing news articles or Nazis trying to indoctrinate children using puppets. It would truly be a sight to behold..

So what do my fellow Jow Forumsacks think? Good idea? Anyone wanna draw up some concept art for our puppet?

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Fuck the "alt-right", they're a disgrace to National Socialism and the right-wing in general.
That being said, I like the idea of having a cartoonish mascot to appeal to youths.

Not a bad idea leaf. Maybe not make it completely inflammatory and drag some of our youth into our world. Bump.

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We could even have this thing go to leftist rallies and ask questions to the commies to make them look dumb

Think Triumph the insult comic dog from Conan Obrien show

We need to strt developing the puppet personality.. what does he like to eat? What does the like to eat? (Soy) we could use him to red pill children on various redpilled topics and lifestylex

Yeah, but if you are legitimately using it to influence our youth, you can't incorporate Nazi symbols or other nefarious imagery. You need to find the most polite way to inform the children that black people are not inherently like us and we should celebrate and be proud of who were are. Also, maybe give the kids a reason to question why just 2% of our population controls the media, banking institutions and government.

What will Alt Right Elmos name be?

He should be a dog with a gold coat and blue eyes, who likes to go outside and spend time with his family. There should also be an opposite counterpart, a dog with curly black hair and brown eyes that stays inside all day and is fat.

this may or may not be related and I am simply posting it
for anyone here questioning their past and why they
can't seem to get their feet on the ground. hope it helps


there are effective ways to combat this through exposure therapy as in
guided introduction back into normal life. If you know anyone experiencing
these symptoms try to be supportive of them when they are experiencing
a flashback or get triggered.

Exactly. And I'm talking about this puppet interacting with palatable people like Jared Taylor, or Molyneux.. or John Lott on guns.. shit like this.. can obviously throw in s o me c k medians like Sam Hyde or Owen Benjamin and whatever... but yah not going to be Nazi Elmo... just some Muppet that we have go around talking with our e celebs and then maybe trolling leftists.. you don't need to be vulgar to troll leftists

Imagine alt right elmo with our e tots like Lauren souther or Pettibond... Sellner.. Tommy robinson... Lana and Henrik from Red Ice.. I think this could be something pretty huge to get our message out to children, our message which isn't bad in any wa h whatsoever... and just imagine the J left kvetching

>Hey I know guys! Let's become just like the poeple we hate

No. Fuck you. Leave the kids out of this. To hell with anyone who wants to talk politics or religion to a kid under the age of 10. That first decade of life is for exploring, running around, building shit, getting in trouble, getting lost in the little two-acre woods, reading kids' novels, eating candy, getting super excited for holidays. Not this shit. Leave the kids out of it.

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Thx for the common sense leaf

Shill detected. They're already doing it and you want to let them own that space? Fuck outta here

>reddit spacing

The Alt-Right are a myth perpetuated by the media, nobody calls themselves Alt-Right unless they have a brand to maintain.

>No. Fuck you. Leave the kids out of this. To hell with anyone who wants to talk politics or religion to a kid under the age of 10. That first decade of life is for exploring, running around, building shit, getting in trouble, getting lost in the little two-acre woods, reading kids' novels, eating candy, getting super excited for holidays. Not this shit. Leave the kids out of it.

No, the left has them chopping their cocks off and taking hormones

Then we attack the Left, not the children.

This is a canned share blue meme. Shills are mad at this thread

We're not attacking the children you asshole, the left is. We want to help, heal, and save them from the left. You don't accomplish this by doing nothing

So you're fine with going after those influencing the kids rather than directly influencing the kids? If so, then we are in agreement.

Could use baby Pepe frog. He's cute

Pic related

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Better just to allow them the redpills of life. Eventually they will come here on their own as long as this place still exists by then and we've held out against the shills & MSM.

J left has trillion dollar weapon zed entrainment complex working on our kids every day..

Me: Hey let's make a puppet


Elmo does look a little like a furry walking redpill TBQH famalam.

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I agree with the general premise for only one reason..... We've seen the Globalist Ruling Class deploy media propaganda against children constantly. It's time to share our story.

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Remember how successful that Donald Thump children's book is... this could be same

You are wrong. They are indoctrinating children. Go watch the shows. Look at the postmodernist terminology the characters are using. It starts early....

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They have stuff like this: youtube.com/channel/UCecsVoeJcsXbAra7Sl4mOPw

Or drag queen story hour in public libraries

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My wife is an artist so if you guys can come up with some ideas she could start doing some concepts... we also need a good name for this thing too

I want this puppet to be clean and get onto the SPLC Hate List

Would be funny seeing something like this puppet doing skype interviews or ending up on MSM talk shows

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No nazi stuff :/

This is "a fucking leaf" of an idea.

How about this?

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