Blue pill>Red pill?

>join university sjw association
>don't really believe much of it, do it for my resume and all the thots
>go to underground parties with all the sjw qts
>grills are easy af
>get summer stem internship at fortune 100 company even though i only have one part time job as experience, and its non-stem

why shouldn't i take the easy way out? why not join the winning side? the battle is already over, cash in while you can. the red pill is a meme and ultimately it will give you nothing in life.

anyone have similar experiences?

Attached: niceu.png (720x644, 256K)

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Yes basically to be social you have to have a normie, lefty persona. Then over time logically break it down in front of your significant other or person of interest. Much of leftism is traditional social thinking, pic related. It just doesn't apply to a modern, industrialized, globalized(niggered) society. That attitude will mongrelize us and turn us into slaves.

Attached: noble lie plato.jpg (960x720, 102K)

because Ahmed will rape your daughters in an alleyway you fucking retard

israeli detected.

>Why shouldn't I sell my soul to Satan?
I can't think of a reason. You get to burn forever in hell, and I get to laugh at you.

No amount of change is gonna make the cities 100% safe in 20~ years. I will have moved innawoods by then, and you need money for that. Hence you have to be opportunistic.


I can't say I exactly blame you, but that's not what you said in your OP. innawoods might turn out to be the only option depending on how things play out

sluta larpa din jävla bög, hoppas du umgås med familjen din jävla kuksugare

Haven't you heard? There is no Hell.

Also op is a fucking retard if you can enjoy "easy" when your very soul and core is disgusted every single moment of it. I hope you get beaten to an inch of your life by some sandnigger.