It´s happening, pls help.
It´s happening, pls help
Fake and gay, my Koff and kossu loaded friend.
Can you feel it? War is approaching.
>tfw was just reading about winter war and continuation war an hour ago
PS nothing is happening
Can't wait. Pic related is the aftermath.
fake and gay
A great fiction about the Continuation War (jatkosota) is "Tuntematon sotilas" (Unknown Soldiers) by Väinö Linna. If you can't read it in Finnish, I suggest the Liesl Yamaguchi translation to English as it is considered the most faithful.
why don't they call the finnish border the finnish line?
this may or may not be related and I am simply posting it
for anyone here questioning their past and why they
can't seem to get their feet on the ground. hope it helps
there are effective ways to combat this through exposure therapy as in
guided introduction back into normal life. If you know anyone experiencing
these symptoms try to be supportive of them when they are experiencing
a flashback or get triggered.
spam this around
They just recently made anothe movie of it. The DVD is already released.