Why haven't you take care of your physical health today, user?

Attached: 5235.jpg (380x640, 57K)

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hi shitskin

why would someone tattoo themselves with an ace of spades. don't they know what that means

he's the queen of spades.

You should take care of your mental health first.

>Why haven't you take care of your physical health today, user?
Because I'm trying to commit suicide and I get sectioned if I do anything less subtle than take poor care of my body

>Coalburner symbol on your hand

Are you at the gym while your wife gets filled up by her bull?

Fuckin roids. I'll never understand why people take that shit to bulk up in ways that don't look natural and frankly, make women cringe. Only a homosexual would do such a thing. Hope you enjoy staring in the mirror while you jerk off, faggot. The rest of us will poke the non-mongrels you wish you could have.

Attached: IMG_8927.jpg (1200x1200, 302K)

Because I dont care about my physical health.