Why hasn't Trump fired this ugly Asshole?

>over a year's worth of investigation
>Republicans already jumped off
>Mueller desperately going after anyone for anything, not even related to Russian collusion or hacking just to look like he's doing something
>No russian hackers found, only trolls and FB ads posted after election
>no evidence found stated in reports
>Steele dossier is a joke and obvious political retribution enabled by Obama on behalf of Hillary
>FBI investigators texts showing bias against Trump, same people investigated Hillary and even deleted references to crimes that would have indicted her
Mueller oversaw uranium deal w Russia with Obama, Bill Clinton met with Putin at his house


>Mueller is ugly, looks like some kind of humanoid tree-monster

here we have based liberal jew HA Goodman, who like Styx debated and pushed Spencer into a corner with his bad ideas, explaining the whole thing:

So either Trump knows something special and is letting this play out a la 4D chess, or he's just being stupid and letting a guy who obviously has it out for him to run wild and jail anybody who did a Russian cossack dance at a party one time.

Attached: BN-WL896_3jFtM_OR_20171206141511.jpg (3660x2440, 738K)

Because lefties control the media, if he really did nothing wrong he should let it conclude.

Firing Mueller would be suicide.

no it wouldnt, everybody knows it's a farce and the news cycle would wash it away in no time, like HA said. If they tried to protest they'd just be forced to hash through the facts, the fact that it's still going enables them to string along the delusion while ignoring the obvious problems. "Oh who cares where the dossier came from? Mueller just nabbed another guy based on nothing related to Trump or collusion!"

Trump CAN fire Mueller and exonerate pedo-killer Flynn and others. He needs to show some real balls. let the Clintards whine, they always end up looking worse.

>everybody knows it's a farce
You must live under a rock if you believe this.

Every fucking week he uncovers more criminality. Mueller is modern day George Washington.

Muller is in containment mode and he won't stop ongoing pseudo investigations. He is just making time if he stops he is done.

What? That it's a farce or that everyone knows it? You must be living under a rock if you think the mainstream media represents what people really think.

Where are the hackers? Where is the collusion? What is even the crime?

Hey Bill how's Hillary?

Because he has fuck all

It's low-key embarassing to leftists and firing him would give them yet another thing to shriek about
OTOH by leaving Mueller in place it demonstrates his innocence to supporters and the rational

If Trump fires him they can claim he was about to reveal something and Trump only fired him to cover it up.

And what would that something be? Where is it? They can claim phantom bullshit all they want but if something was going to be revealed it would be revealed, then who looks like wacky conspiracy theorists? They'd be going on for days about The Big Thing that would never get revealed.

your fucking stupid, majority of americans believe mueller, and trump and his administration have being shitting themselves left and right, people keep leaving his cabinet and even now his fucking lawyer does

When the fuck is this shit going to wrap up.

Trump may not have been colluding with the Russians but the people around him certainly were. Trying to stop the investigation hurts his position more.

Shitting themselves over what crime, specifically, faggot? Name the exact crime and why it's a crime, you little pussy.

>Where are the hackers? Where is the collusion? What is even the crime?

Your a fucking nobody, and investigations never reveal what they know during them so its easy for you to say they know nothing despite not being smart enough to know how a fucking investigation works

>thinking facts matter

This is why cuckservatives always fail. We think we're different from the neocons of old, but in this respect at least we're the same naive faggots who try to fight a rabid pitbull with both hands tied behind our back. We're so worried about being 'right' that we rarely bother to win

Just keep telling yourself that, conspiracy theorist.

no hacking shown, it was a leak, not a hack. DNC wont turn over their servers to show proof. Why? i'd be more concerned about that.

Mueller is Trump’s guy.

It’s why Trump interviewed him after he fired Comey. Mueller was the FBI director before, so he couldn’t come back to serve. It’s also why Mueller is surrounding himself with liberal lawyers. When he charges Hillary and Obama, none of those lawyers will be able to represent them.

You do realize this is Jow Forums right, the home to all conspiracys

The leak was by guccifer who was confirmed to be a russian agent

i never said crime, trump has done alot of shady shit, and knows alot of shady people, as for evidence, how many fucking people need to plead to mueller before you get your head out your ass

Can you name a single partisan who's opposition to Trump can honestly be described as "measured", "professional", and "not batshit inasane"? What makes you think Mueller's people are above leaking anything remotely interesting to the press the second they hear about it? Someone's obviously providing the basis for all the r/politics articles talking about some hot new scoop with the Mueller probe on a daily basis

Everyone is biased, but that does not make them wrong, just because mueller has questionable reasons does not mean his investigation is too

Also mueller does LEAK things to the press, but he doesn't leak important info, only where hes going and whos involved.

>8 years later
>can't wait for flipped Mueller to drain the swamp with den indictments

It's a leap of faith at this point to think they're holding onto something juicy when everyone else who's against Trump tries to turn every benign thing he's ever done into the scandal of the century regardless of their supposed bona fides

Mueller has always just been bait. Firing him would only fuel impeachment. Ol' Jeff pulled a fast one on the swamp. The prosecutor working in tandem with the OIG is effectively a special counsel without all the noise. Mueller is not /our guy/ he's going to slow walk his investigation because he knows he's not going to get anything. Checkmate incoming

I don't think trump worked with the Russians, but the Russians certainly worked to get him there, and this involves funding his people

Trump has destroyed the GOPs future

I've got no love for Russia, but if you turn out to be right and liberals cry fowl about the GOP subverting democracy for political gain, I'm going to point out how they've been bussing people in to vote in districts/states they don't live in for decade and have been pushing unlimited immigration for the exact same purposes. And when they deny it or cry whataboutism, then the time will have come for a hard reset of the American government and the days of the principled (read: cucked) conservative will be long gone.

I hope for all of our sake's you're as delusion as you come across as

Democrats are just as fucked, both sides have constantly thrown the middle class under the bus

>witch hunt
lol you know if he doesn't do anything they're just going to continue these investigations in perpetuity to further cast a shadow over his administration and hamper his ability to effectively do his job. Firing Mueller is the wrong course of action but firing Sessions and Rosenstein would have the exact effect without actually giving his enemies any legitimate talking points.

pretty much exactly this at this point

>confirmed Russian agent
by a fucking blog not too dissimilar to Jow Forums

he can't. he's SES.
only power he has is to defund him.

He's the modern day J Edgar Hoover.

Trump can't do shit.