Mutt dead in Syria today

why do americans always chose to die for their banker owners in countries that are no threat to them ?

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I'm not positive but I think often it's financial hardship that causes some to enlist.

This. It's why the soldiers/vets are the lowest class of citizen, and get shit on by both sides:

>left wing shits on soldiers because "haha you're so fucking poor, why dont you just get a NEA grant/endowment to jack off on 35mm film"/"fucking baby-killing soldiers are fucking welfare queens!"
>right wing (RINOs & WNs) shits on soldiers because "oy vey why can't you just inherit some money like we did"/"golly gee gosh why isn't our military 100% white and aryan? might as well send those mutts off to die so we can get 15% more profit compared to last quarter~"

its a sad fate the poor from the US die for rich bankers and arms manufactures . All in countries that themselves are poor as fuck . But nobody seems to care people just accept it as they way things are and never resist the oligarchy

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Beats flipping burgers!

You're the one making fun of them for it and pretending to care with this liberal concerntroll shit... Typical canadian millennial liberal to be quite H.

honestly the USA no longer needs a second amendment . the reason you had one was so you could overthrow the goverment when it got as bad as it is now . thing is you guys will never rebel so it no longer has a point of existing .

People do care but citizens don't know how to reel in our military industrial complex. Our democracy is sort of corrupted.

If you have any ideas, please let us know.

0/10. Try harder.

see @166106893. He's not being genuine, this is a liberal concerntroll thread. OP most likely gets paid by the (You).

it's true, roadside bomb in Manbijibiji, northern syria. it's a kurdish controlled area just west of the euphrates, which turkey have vowed to invade in may. The us and other allies are currently there to try warding off turkey, france is either there or on their way. The area to the west of it is controlled by the turkish controlled aq branch of fsa and well turkey

so not sucking on your banker owners dicks makes me a liberal ?

you guys deserve everything thats comming

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because no good jobs or bitches otherwise

Your talking to no coin faggots who like paying 7% interest to their gov.

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Thanks drumpf

first step would be to stop electing people who give money to the leader of ISIS

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Who would you have supported in our most recent election?

blue shit is where it happened, ah well that's manbij city though. That entire yellow batch there is going to be invaded by turkey in may, and the us tries to avoid that. There is no telling what's going to happen. Turkey might just start their invasion and the us withdraws, they won't stop just because they are there I think. Russia was somewhat present in Afrin when the turks started there, and they moved out. Yes they are not allies, but still

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the people who want war are the ones sent all the manufacturing over seas you guys are dying for people who destroyed you . its truly mind boggling

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You see the nature of the problem here.

Our elections are set up in a way that every candidate that makes it to the debate is a warhawk. And ones that are not, get shut out.

I appreciate your concern, there is no doubt a serious problem, no one is denying that, but we need to be pragmatic and come up with solutions.

Trump but look how that turned out the guy basically has no power anymore he is a lame duck at this point . he gave over military control to the generals a month after he became president . Trump cant even be called the commander in chief the first president in history to be able to say that .

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Let us know if you come up with anything. Thanks.

Yet he lived a life you faggot leafs would do anything for.

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1. boycott all foreign made products
2. get out of 70% of the countries you have bases in
3. stop electing war hawks
4. start electing people who want to rebuild your country
5. New Deal 2.0 10 Trillion to work projects

if you guys can spend 7 Trillion on destroying and rebuilding then destroying again the middle east you could at least put 10 Trillion towards putting people back to work rebuilding your country .

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le ebix leaf maymay good job skip

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>professional army
>people sign up voluntarily for the job
>job risks include death
>everyone thinks this death thing will somehow affect the other guy, never them

I don't see a problem.

its crazy how afraid the US is of Assad they are putting billions into the pockets of anyone who is willing to fight him .


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it's about destabilization, they want to weaken syria and get russia out of there. It's not going to happen. At this point it's just waste of money. The argument of isis is not valid at this point. They are basically shielding the remaining pockets from the syria-iran-russia-lebanon axis.

In other words, they want them there to justify their stay. It's not only the us, it's other nato countries and nearby sunni nation as well

E8 with those qualifications, can't be just after the money, might have almost been out with full pension already or quite close to it.

what a shame. requescat in pace

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The US should take notice of Canada importing terrorists. Canada is a bigger threat than Syria.

>why do americans always chose to die for their banker owners in countries that are no threat to them ?
because we dont have another country to leech prosperity from while also criticizing them

what's that like leaf? must be nice


literally nothing is produced domestically.

Gotta defend that "Kurdish" oil for the Israeli market

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aaand--the poster boy for Canada is heard from.

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