How can we stop population growth in Africa?

The African population is set to grow to 6 billion and thus be more than 50 pecent of the Earth’s population. This is the most serious crisis the world ever encountered.

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spread a disease that's transmitted through sex so that even if a woman does get pregnant the baby will have it and all three parties will die

Awww... They're cute. Fuck you OP.

> How can a bunch of loosers on a image board stop population in another continet when they can not even leave their house besides when refilling their fridge

Stop shipping millions of tons of grain to stone age every year. Problem solved.

cut all contact and aid to africa

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A virus that only attacks niggers. Soon.

every new african born is automatically granted european citizenship

Stop giving them aid and let them get AIDS.

That’s crazy, nobody could even conceive of any such horrible disease ever.

Send condoms?

why do you even ask such a question, you're german, you should know what to do

Stop paying for their food.

stop feeding them.
that's literally it.

Just let them free, and don't interact with them at all, they will find solutions on their own

To quote William Luther Pierce :
>What were we thinking of when we took our medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Central and South America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?
>If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world.


Literally just stop sending free food

Doesn't work, we don't feel threatened by Africans and Africa is not Lebensraum or Anschluss

Sterilization is completely humane and doesn't impede their lives in any way children such either way

Why don't you support sustainable agricultural initiatives in Africa?

Friendly reminder that AIDS is OUR creation. It could have worked very well but then some degenerate decided to fuck literal jungle niggers and imported the disease into the white population, forcing the west to study the plague, give medicine and advices to the world etc.
It could and it should have stayed under the radar.

This and stop fucking sending aid to them.

Send surgeons to tube tie and vasectemy all the africans same with the blacks in the us.

>we don't feel threatened by Africans
Niggers scare me, to be honest, famalam. I can deal with roaming packs of shitskins, no problem, they are all pussies. But those jungle monkeys, ugh...

No more foreign aid programs. Let them take care of themselves, or starve to death.

stop feeding them...

- Stop sending money
- Stop sending vaccines
- Stop sending anti-biotics
- Stop sending clean water technology
- No more help when ebola outbreaks occur


Forcefully steralize them all.

Go to Africa and offer 1 years salary or 30 years worth of food/2,400 usd for every African who undergoes the procedure to vasectemy or tube ties thus way they will retain all their money and wouldn't be help back by pesky kids, they will also be solving global warming and overpopulation.

1) Cut all AID
2) Let the chinks exterminate them in a decade.
3) ....
4) Profit.

No! We must breed more Africans and exponentially grow the number of people suffering in squallid conditions! Otherwise there will not be enough suffering to power our spells!

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Sub Saharan Africa is experiencing civilization in areas where the populations were barbaric tribes for the first time. So of course the population is exploding rapidly there.

>The African population is set to grow to 6 billion and thus be more than 50 pecent of the Earth’s population

Start some full contact material arts or (kick) boxing to get the fear out.
These guys are easy targets in most cases.

The South Africans were actually researching what it would take to create such a disease with Project Coast. Their ultimate goal being a disease that selectively caused sterility in blacks. There's a distinct possibility that this research was transferred to Israel at the end of Apartheid since they collaborated on WMD R&D.

We can't allow them to be breeding like rats, 1 child maximum, this way they will be developed.

We pay the African governments millions to do sterilization campaigns to fix overpopulation and global warming.

stop feeding niggers.

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Those kids should be hear kissing my cock right now, but they're not.

I never understood aid
>If you teach me how to fish, I will be able to have as many kids as I can feed
Giving aid is retarded. "Sustain me". Stupid westerners

No way to control it other than wiping out the niggers permanently or sterilizing them with something airborne. And both things should be done. As well as to all niggers worldwide. Sand niggers too

>If you teach me how to...
Black IQ is too low for that.

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don't worry a major outbreak is on its way
and where do all major outbreaks most likely happen?that's right africa

Stop giving them food handouts and instead encourage/foster local farming.
>This stops an endemic issues of drive-by humanitarianism fucking up local economies. Why should Mtumbu farm when Sven, Helga, Jessica Smith and [insert soyboy name] will play white savior, roll over and throw lots of food for free at locals.

Stop allowing anti-contraceptive Muslim and Christian Charity groups to have unchallenged run of the continent. Start offering aid in the form of contraceptives and family planning.

I'm the opposite but that comes with the territory of being a burger. Spooks are quarantined, you avoid the bad part of town and are generally safe. Koranimals get real nasty when they reach critical mass, which is related to population size rather than percentage. The USA is at 0.9% but that's critical mass because it's a few million.

Blacks are Malaria. Very deadly if you are in the bad environment, safe if you aren't. Arabs are the Flu - short of going bubble boy hermit you are going to be at risk of death.

Zimbabwe wasn't taught how to farm. They just seized the farms and then improvised like socialist niggers that they are

Honestly I wish someone would nuke these useless apes

>be German
>ask how to curb population growth
I thought we mastered his already, user?

Honestly I am surprised we haven't seen it yet. It is surely possible, or will be soon, I think they are just reluctant because of how easily it could spiral out of control. Or if it kills any one-drop-rulers then a lot more people will get hit as collateral.

Let me rephrase. Blacks are malaria - very bad for you if you are in a climate that fosters it, safe otherwise. Arabs are the flu - you aren't going to be safe wherever you go. Someone feel free to correct me with a more accurate disease.

The crazy part is that most of the aid from the U.S. is specifically oriented toward population control methods. Too bad it's not working very well.

Very easy solution, give 540USD or 1 yearly gross salary of an ethiopian worker for vasectemy procedures and tube tying, this will solve the overpopulation and global warming threats, immigration of africa to elsewhere solves nothing.

I'm not sure how it's possible. There's just going to be tons of starvation if there's that many people there. Plus, with global warming, that leads to more desert and less food. So I can't see their population growing that much, even with international aid

Really? I heard Trump banned the aid meant for educating about birth control and stuff because muh christian lobby.

>Honestly I am surprised we haven't seen it yet.
If it was currently feasible I'm sure the Chinese would have no problem using it to pacify whatever region they want to extract resources from. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to use it at some point in my lifetime. There's no conflict like ethnic conflict after all.

They can only support their growth rates because they are reliant on charity. They can't grow their own food or form working governments. They are their own solution. It's going to be a mass starvation shit show.

Stop giving them free shit.

There is one who can help us if we meme her into existence

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Any geneticfag here who can tell us if we can insert gene drives on niggers so they only produce male offspring?

You can just pay them for sterilization.

Usually a progress in life standard leads to less children but in Africa it's often a cultural thing.
So every economic progress gets swallowed by the growing number of people.
No economy could grow big and quick enough.
1 Child policy like in China or something But very very difficult to practice in Africa because Africans aren't like communist chinks.
So something that makes them much less fertile would be "better".
Maybe paying them for getting sterelized or somethig.

Border control. Overpopulation has mechanism for self regulation. Stop giving free shit and expect people to work

Obvious typo/mistake. I believe you meant : "This and fucking send more aids to them."

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world govts need to ensure a viral breakout so we can justify locking down our boarders to them,while pulling the funding

if the left squak we accuse them of being madmen who wish to bring in infected so we all die just so they can fet a pat on the back on fb

africa needs its population culling its supported by the white man and its time we let nature run its course,they would not do this for us,remember SA

Popular theory is that breeding like rabbits is not a black thing but a poverty thing, that once a society has good health and economic prosperity, the birth rate drops no like white, non-replacement levels.

>Gives free gibs
>Gives free travel
>OMG how do we control population growth??
>Cut off reproduction
Wtf just stop giving free shit away and you wouldn't be coming up with eugenic solutions.

>the birth rate drops no like white, non-replacement levels.
*drops more like white
Not sure what happened there.

It's a poverty thing when giving them a ton of free shit without expecting them to work. They eat and have sex in their spare time.

Or we could just sterilize them and solve global warming and overpopulation.

Every population is declining except for africans

If we stop giving them free shit they will slowly adapt into more intelligent beings and probably fix their shit up.
We have to salt the earth first.

You simply cut off all flow of (((foreign aid))) to africa. The niggers are already lazy, doing this only makes it worse. There was a japanese comic that summed it up perfectly of how all foreign aid does it just have them fuck more to the point were the population cant sustain on the amount of food they get so they have to kep increasing the shit they get. Thin out their population and if the niggers had any ounce of survivability in them they will learn to actually start cultivating the land and grow food for themselves.

As it is now they literally have no reason to start as they get everything they need from other countries so they can continue being lazy pieces of shit and just eat and fuck with no recourse (except for more starvation to to the growing population but no one dares to make that connection).

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Overpopulation is a myth like global warming and gender spectrums.

African fertility is dropping like a rock, just like everywhere else, as they are beginning to adopt Western degeneracy.

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true but we are a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way away from that point

rich nations base family size around a 5 seater car,nigs base them around the more you have the more beggars on street corners for the family.

We destroyed to world trying to recreate it in our image. We deserve this for playing God and failing.

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Ban foreign aid, both government and private. If you stop feeding them, they can't breed as much. Private aid agencies do not have a right to provide aid to foreign nationals. This is a national security issue and within the government's judgment, not for private actors to decide.

they are all ugly
why are nigger kids so ugly

I know I'm going to be called a faggot jew shill, but do we gave any hope left? Our numbers are so thin in comparison and there is no universal bastion that whites cab hold out at other the the northwest, money has most of us by the balls and prevents us from moving. Hell it scares me to move northwest. What do young white men do other than drink ourselves to death and wait for it to hit the fan?


this is the equivalent to trying to sustain a rabbit population even though it is in their nature to fuck like crazy cause of all the natural predators keeping things in balance and it only makes it harder on ourselves.

the white man makes up 6.7% of the global population,he has always been outnumbered

primo victoria

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Condoms and sterilization. As the population grows so does the aids and other viruses and diseases.

We could easily see a pandemic kick off at any moment there.

Once Africa climbs past a couple billion they'll be susceptible to disease even worse than before. Poor public health and overcrowding in cities/villages would make an ebola resurgence completely devastating

>Statement that is stupid
If you are worried about high population rates then what need to happen is to allow natural scarcity and border control. You've seen the rat Utopia test correct?

Raise high IQ children William James Sidis style. Train them to be chemists and geneticists. Create the genophage that only works on blacks. Problem solved.

idiot.poverty is a thing of idiots that believe having 10 children will make life better. Modern society needs quality not quantity.

Take the DNA code from AIDS and do a genetic crossover with ZIKA.

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Wow man, one man does a good thing, everyone else comes to pile garbage around him.

Does anyone even have any sympathy left for africans?

Growing up I used to see those stupid ads "for just $1 a day you can give this african child education". I don't see any of that anymore. You don't hear about the starving children in africa.

Does anyone even care at this point?

End aid, let them starve

A smart man builds a wall, to keep the garbage out?

Africa should receive unlimited chemtrails, flouridated water, GMO meat & dairy, and RF enhanced devices that fit in their pockets. Problem solved.

Both are likely artificial , I wonder how many times the scientist will use the "it came from the rain forest of mystery" excuse.

We tried that already. A bunch of Anons fucked up and stopped once their rituals starting giving them IRL mysterious and varied diseases.

All that aid does without proper societal development is create more starving children.

"western degeneracy, the only way to save Africa"

Do you realize that the west did not invent fagets and faget shit?

>How can we stop population growth in Africa?
send them massive quantities of genius sperm and pay them to use it. This super sperm will make them smarter and they will be more like us and have fewer children.

Attached: supersperm.jpg (990x726, 580K)

Start with propaganda in the west
Easily done, easily achieved, the only thing holding it back are the jews and their puppets
Stop funding anything down there
Invest more in green energy, and step away from oil as much as possible
We also could start wars down there easily if we would focus for once
Dont buy anything from africa, like spices and so on
Keep on working to complicate todays society, so the difference in order for a society to function and achieve a up to date living standart gets increasingly difficult and complicated, which would result in africa falling back even more, because of their lacking IQ, which would result in them, with the mix of our propaganda, to basically give up

There are several things we could do. but its a side problem
The biggest problem are the jews and their tactics
If we get rid of them, we will regain the power over our society, therefore being able to target the direction we are going, the africa problem will resolve itself from alone, just because we change the direction where we are going
The muslim problem will resolve itself
Every problem will resolve itself

If you stand up for yourself, and distance yourself from the mainstream agenda, the mainstream morals and ways to spend your time and money, and just do what you know is right, and being strong, and honest, and brave, you will drop your way of existing onto others peoples head, and it will create a great society really fast, but you have to start with yourself
Go on pol, read, learn, philosophy, skills, learn how to fight, learn to talk, learn how to stand up and act

The only thing is, we need to hurry up, that is also why i love every habbening, no matter if right of left, because it accelerates the changes for change

And where did you find this?

Don't tell me this is on your Favorite play list1

Stop fucking feeding them.
Problem solves itself

Monkey demon?

no it would pose a threat down the line

the truth is we must keep them this way

you know what happens when you get a nigger teach them about slavery and then educate them? they grow up to be a menace to society using our laws to undermine us.

we need to keep them dumb poor and on the breadline so we can starve their population down when we need to.

if africa ever got on its own feet it would start pumping out a shit ton of co2 as it starts to industrialize,it would also become a economic rival europe does not need

you would also have 50% of the planet with a chip on their shoulder over slavery also

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Stop artificially sustaining them with gibs and food packages

So, you won't listen to people like me, and you refuse to hire me, you buy into credit and debt and now, you whine about it?

Have you not read, reap what you sow?