Why do they have to culturally enrich everything.. The white girl is obviously sexier than the ape
Meet Miss Helsinki, 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
>4th place
>fake blonde
I thought you faggots had the highest number of natural blondes.
Post the 2017 (or 2018)
it will all come full circle. it always does.
maybe there are more standards for beauty
hmm.......... really caused me to ponder
Might not be fake. I have had Finnish friends with that hair color naturally.
Higher than you Mohammed.
Get stabbed and raped by a refugee, C U C K.
Who were 2nd and 3rd place?
There's no need for that aggressive tone, lad. Be civil.
Excellent bait
This is her natural look.
Plz no bully,
hair is lighter on birth, she dyed it blonde later in life, your point?
You don't see the irony posting that with your flag?
She is a blond even though she dyed her hair.
4th place looks like a quadroon
what's her insta and insta of other white miss Helsinki contenders? I will try text her and ask what she thinks about losing to that monkey, you Jow Forums help me out if you want.
maybe it was a contest for apes and the 4 place joined for the lols
don't misuse the parenthesis please
>Meet Miss Helsinki, 2016
We've met her. This is old as fuck. Find something new to bitch about.
Finland is a small country, there is not much to bitch about. All you can do there is have sex with cousins in the sauna or go on a alcohol trip to Estonia
>All you can do there is have sex with cousins in the sauna
>small country
no can do, she will shoot my balls of with a soumi submachinegun and i could never have sex again with my cousin
I'm very blonde. Like blonde enough that when someone with obviously light brown hair calls themselves blonde (this is a thing that happens all the time in the US) I have to roll my eyes. Then I went on vacation in Mexico and met a Northern European with hair so blonde it was nearly white and I've been more humble since.
>white girl
You meant mongol
I hope that your tolerance and even attitude are appreciated by your subjugators.
Looks exactly like my sister AND NO AND FUCK YOU AND FUCK OFF
Yeah, I prefer the one on the right too user. Wait, no I'm not a nigger.
she's whiter than the entire white genetic results of every amerimutt combined
once a mutt always a mutt
Fuck racemixing. Let's research quantum engineering and spread into space so there is enough room for everyone.
A desert planet for niggers is out there somewhere.
we should create a union between argentina and Finland, white country in the north, white country in the south. Perfect balance
yes greatest white ally
together we will conquer the globe and assert glorious and pure white genetic dominance into everyone's genetic information
Placing first in these retarded beauty competitions is more than comparing photos, maybe the nignog has better grace and agility when walking or something.
Monkeys are not pretty.
>bleach the world
nigger tier tactics, you trying to give the world to brazil?
Miss Stockholm 2020
>that flag
Solid bait, guaranted replies.
Anyway I agree, however, a beauty contest from Finland should look for the finnish beauty, not the uruk-hai one.
bleach or be blacked
it's up to you, mutt
Miss Helsinki 2018.
Must I do all the work you lazy faggots.
Some of the runners-up look hideous. What the fuck is this thing?
Yes, you must
Why the man body?
Man I miss the 90s.
Please stop, I'm on NoFap.
It's like a fish body. One huge muscle.
thats not even one of the better looking nigresses
ewww VERY unEuropean of you Finland...
helsinki? more like helSTINKY
Exactly, so like most men.
>america is 1% muzzies
>germany closing in almost 6%
Logic will reign soon, and women will go back to fulfilling their best purpose as nurturers, to prevent usually logical men from damaging each other too much in the Vulcan style fights to the death.
what do you find attractive about the one on the right in specific?
Quite the opposite, that's 10/10 for nigger standards.
"Black" women like Jessica Lucas or Rashida Jones aren't representative, they're mixed.