The Ontario liberals are proposing massive new deficit spending for programs that won't happen until years from now. Interest rates are at historic lows and are going up according to economists. When the 312 billion debt hits 325, 350, and more under the useless Liberals and Ontario is paying 20+ billion in interest, this province is fucked. Doug Ford better get his fucking shit together and win this election. Ontario cannot afford the stupidity of Liberal voters who think all this shit is free and has no consequences
Ontario is fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
cry more
shut up faggot.
Liberals will win, and continue to win. Long Live Liberals.
Even at 300 billion were fucked. Liberals have now made electricity here too expensive to manufacture shit(green contracts, carbon tax), nevermind the regulation and taxes around running a business. The direction is down baring some sort of paradigm shift in tech.
PSA on the Femin Virus:
basic gesalt:
>its a retrovirus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks
>a cdc official was murdered for exposing it
>the who calls it disease x
>all feminists have it
>there is no cure
Further reading:
>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus
>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”
>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions
>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak
>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages
>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)
can you elaborate on what you love about the liberals?
It is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.
This is what they do. They get low approval ratings then just promise more FREE SHIT and they win.
>Francho "Frank" Bradley, while facing weapons charges said he was on classified government mission "dealing with a virus"
>Bradley was conducting surveillance on Sanofi Genzyme in Cambridge, MA
Doug will win and purge the government
GDP shrank in January you fuck wit. Also, if you live in Ontario, good luck when the interest rates go up.
m8 there won't be a Canadian currency soon. There will be a north american union, and we will be using the Amero. Don't worry about the spending. Invest to protect yourself from inflation.
I love how completely assblasted fatposters got over this. Go be mutthurt somewhere else.
Lou Dobbs thinks thats a terrible idea
1 fucking month? You absolute fucking retard. Ontario had the highest GDP growth in 2017.
And I'm pretty sure GDP didn't shrink in Ontario in Jan. Alberta got btfo hard
Wynne is a disgusting animal.
Good luck with the interest payments going up. Where do you think the government will find another 3.25 billion or 6.5 if the interest goes up 1 or two percent? Oh yeah, they'll sell Hydro One or tax your stupid Liberal ass more.
This area is more important than all of the rest of Canada
the economy of that area is larger than the entire province of alberta
true story
If you look deeper into the nunbers its all shit part time low wage jobs.
A shadow of its former self
I bought smokes today in Ontario for 20$ WTF. It's getting so no-one can live here.
Everything went up 5 dollars so my ice cream is like 8.99. What's the point of 14$ a hour if shit gets raised 5 bucks. Where's everyone else's subways I think Burlington and Hamilton should get something. Seeing as they're the ones that voted in the liberals.
Fucking Teacher trashlets
and i looked into it and it was alberta that got btfo hard in january
They don't know, all they know is it's their "team" because TV school, and gov tells them.
I unironically rode the subway in Toronto today. Was lovely. Btw it's windy af right now.
>I bought smokes today in Ontario for 20$ WTF. It's getting so no-one can live here.
>Everything went up 5 dollars so my ice cream is like 8.99. What's the point of 14$ a hour if shit gets raised 5 bucks. Where's everyone else's subways I think Burlington and Hamilton should get something. Seeing as they're the ones that voted in the liberals.
>Fucking Teacher trashlets
With the Libs now promising child care, everyone is shitting their pants over it, despite the fact it won't come into fruition until 2020 (which we know the Libs won't have ready by the time)
Presidential fine Christian husband
Why are rural and suburban retards so mad? Eat my shit poorfags
Rob Ford for the win !!
Trudeau just fucked up liberals for the next 50 years , gave 10millions of our money to the fucking Clinton foundation/contract killer .. we know witch side he's on now
Peterborough needs a via rail
>Rob Ford for the win !!
yes retard. please vote rob ford
If we are gullible enough to vote them in again, then we deserve what we will get, the usual lies, broken promises and corruption.
Hows that legal weed eh?
Mve out to BC
>rob ford
lol poor basement dwellers more worried about the debt then the rich.
what do you propose. cuts to the poor while we maintain give aways to the rich?
are the rich giving up tax cuts?
Congrats?? Still gonna get raped by future interest payments.
Fucking idiot, when the Pot gets legalized the budget deficit will turn into a surplus after one fiscal year. Mark my words.
Yeah for minority kids. A gf of mine wanted a break on her daycare and she was asked to leave because she wasn't diverse enough cause she's white. It's only for the sand niggers Coming in. I don't even remember the last time I saw a white guy in Burlington. So who am I supposed to date?
:( user your breaking my heart. I've waited for subways here my entire life.
LOL the fuck you on about? We need to cut back on this monstrous government.
Join my ON discord user
Hey man RBC only made $9 billion in profits last year
they need another tax cut!
I heard they were going to buy back ontario hydro (the goose that lats the golden eggs) does that piss you off?
never voted b4 and wanna help doug ford. I got something in the mail about voting. Am I too late to register or whatever?
Did you see how much they are thinking of selling for user. I pretty sure everyone is sticking with there dealers. 40$ for two ounces yeah... Nope. Plus they put you on a druggie hitlist.
maybe you should stop stuffing your fat face.
Hamilton is getting one going down King St.
Another BS Liberal lie.
Move to Hamilton, we're one of the more white cities in southern ON
my electric bills are thankfully low due to my disdain for bright lighting. I like my room dark and I only turn on the single light in the hallway when I'm using the bathroom.
are you retarded? they are projecting $2 billion in income, minus costs, that'll be a 1/3 of that at best. Do you know what the deficit is this year? 8 billion.
Go do some basic math annon.
Unemployment rate in Ontario drops to lowest in 16 years
There will be a paradigm shift in tech alright. The dotcom 2.0 bubble will blow up soon.
budget is balanced this year fuckhead
Isn't it only for steel workers though. I don't have any experience and I doubt I could handle working in the mill.
And when Interest rates go up, that deficit will grow. This province is so fucked.
Are you a fucking idiot? The Liberals are promising an 8 billion deficit that will run a 6 year deficit. Look it up, holy shit.
wingnuts wanna follow the neoliberal model where everything is privatized and everyone is at the mercy of the rich. look how that's worked out for the 3rd world
Not too late
You can register to vote in election.
June 7, 2018 is election day.
Why are whites not having kids in Ontario but having them everywhere else. Esp. In Quebec and Nova scotia
Toronto votes liberal. Hamilton votes NDP.
lmao because quebec has massively subsidized public daycare
Burlington is still middle class whites south of the highway. Stay out of the newer townhouse developments that are migrant breeding centers, and you will be fine.
t. Burlingtonian
$40 for 2 ounces would be the deal of a lifetime. You should probably slow down on the marijuanas
Here's your sauce retard
Doug Ford will finish the job that Mike Harris and Doug Ford Sr. started in the 90s and privatize the rest of the 400 series highways
Ontario is so fucked
they gave away a public away to a foreign conglomerate for 100 fucking years
>Spend to make shit artificial jobs which just makes people bitch more about minimum wage
Guess what happens when you run out of other people's money to spend fag.
Good. Soon the US will start buying Canadian debt. It's what I would do. Once you but enough debt from someone else you can trade it to your debters. us growth can be used to buy Canadian debt and then use that as leverage to pay of US debt for less on the dollar of actual debt
the budget we're in right now is balanced dumbshit
I biched a wynne about privatizing government revenue streams and when the schools roads need repair the gov has no money so they have to privatize even more. it's a downward sprial
maybe she got it
lmao r u fucking retarded?
U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts
public *highway
No there's lots of gay soyboy hipster jobs in Hamilton to accommodate your soft useless hands.
You mean last years budget.
Last year is another matter, they call it a balanced budget while the debt is climbing 10 billion a year.
Again, sauce.
Wynne is SO glad people like you are around. Yeah, they 'balanced the budget' BUT that balance won't matter because they are going into deficit during good economic times. 6 years of projected deficiet and when the interest rates go up this province will run deep deficits. IE. we're fucked.
What kind of Jewish money magic is that?
the right says california is going under because they were moving because taxes were too high. I'd like to wait and see
Refer to
I don't smoke weed I know someone who does though. Gets it for 20$ for 4 ounces.
Not what happened last time everywhere was red.
I'm in north Burlington and across from me the sub division was remolded for section 8 loud as shit cops every night everything about my house went down. Niggers in every single unit.
learn what a fiscal year is
>shitting their pants over paying more taxes to have the government raise their children
Conservatives always run even bigger deficits, and give away public highways ffs
Trump is running $1 trillion annual budget deficits and u retards love him
U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts
Just like California.
the right isn't trying to buy up government revenue streams because they wanna carry the burden for us. stop buying into wingnut bs
It's a pretty big city I'm sure you could find something else to do. West end has lots of chinks, downtown is niggers but East end/stoney Creek is full of white people. Plenty of hot white girls as well
Implying I'm a faggot. I'm a woman. Jesus.
California is booming. They're the 6th largest economy in the world. It's failed red states that are dying.
Jerry Brown’s Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California
The whole 2016 election, rural and suburban were crying that their shithole towns were dying
it literally ends today
So I've been right all along.
I can tell you don't smoke weed. You can't tell an ounce from a gram.
yeah and yet all you hear from the right is it's going under
>Trump is running $1 trillion annual budget deficits and u retards love him
Yep. "TRUMP"
they're just jealous
Because Ontario is full of Marxist colleges/universities which spawns nigger lovers, and the Eastern provinces barely even have any niggers, they get a lot of snow out there which is a natural nigger repellent
>California is booming.