How to trigger enviromentalists AND make ourselves stupid rich at the same time

Simply abolish all income tax, destroy the Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue Service, and move all of our money to the Oil-Standard. All oil, gas, and other things currently used would also used for massive deflation along the lines.

Would make libtards' heads all collectively explode.

Attached: OilDerrick.jpg (1200x799, 113K)

You Jow Forumstards should get behind this insane idea.

Better than having our green paper rectangles being supported on by nothing but debt on absolutely nothing.

We need to abolish all environmental regulations, why can't I open a factory in Toronto? I want to, but I can't because it costs too much because of these darn regulations and taxes

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Fuck them both.

What's a little pollution compared to economic security and prosperity?

Never happen, sorry.

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Exactly! Our grandfathers were breathing in soot from the coal, and they lived to be 90, we need to bring back industry to our countries

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We should meme it to reality.

We memed a businessman into the Presidency.

We need to bring industry back home, give ourselves jobs instead of foreigners

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And gave power to Islamic shitholes by importing THEIR oil.

It's fucking 24 degrees out right now.all I see is snow It's almost April. I just want to see some green

The world should buy oil from Canada and America instead
Why are we helping paki camel jockey terrorists? We should nuke their oil reserves so nobody can use it

The easiest way to trigger an environmentalist is to do one of two things. Point out the various aspects of their lives that have a negative impact on the environment (many live very wasteful lives) or bring to light legitimate environmental issues.

they are almost out of oil is the trick. may as well burn up other people's resources before tapping our own

>What's a little pollution compared to economic security and prosperity?
I'm pretty sure that's what the Chinese government said 40 years ago.

So why don't we colonize them, enslave them, export all their oil, then slaughter them and replace them with Anglos when the wells dry up?
It's just common sense, I don't know why no politician hasn't thought of this yet.

Ask Al Gore to make the planet hotter with his hot air then. And then force him to pay you royalties for that.

You'll see a ton of green then!

>environmentalism is bad
>environmentalism is leftism
t. absolute brainlet

Before Al Gore included it in his platform to get more votes, environmentalism (preservation of your homeland, of your traditions, etc) had been a right wing thing for literal hundreds of years. Of course, subsequent leftists kept it because of the added votes (and the green party is just a big joke), and as a result conservacucks became fiercely anti-environmentalist.
As weird as it may sound, this is yet another part of jewish subversion.

I'm not joking, look it up

And China practically owns us now.

PLUS, they have a massive wall, and nobody bitched about that either.

>Before Al Gore included it in his platform to get more votes, environmentalism (preservation of your homeland, of your traditions, etc) had been a right wing thing for literal hundreds of years. Of course, subsequent leftists kept it because of the added votes (and the green party is just a big joke), and as a result conservacucks became fiercely anti-environmentalist.

It's CONSERVATIONISM which is a right-wing value, you fucktard. Which is completely different than Environmental-Nazis who want to regulate us out of our money and freedoms.

>Simply abolish all income tax, destroy the Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue Service, and move all of our money to the Oil-Standard. All oil, gas, and other things currently used would also used for massive deflation along the lines.
>Would make libtards' heads all collectively explode.

100% backed by me.
BTW : The FED is one of THE core implementations of communism
BTW2 : Imcome tax is also a core principle to transform a state into socialism
BTW3 : Both entities are - amongst other reasons - central to buying politicians who in turn buy constituents. Since especially leftists have no concept of econimy and are always OK with spending money of others, even of future children of others, to enrich themselves with goodies, it concludes :

Abolishing Income Tax and the FED KILLS LEFTISM !

amen and hail kek

But how do we get this into action?

How do we get Donald Trump to make a shitpost tweet about it?

>Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment, and may be referred to as a movement to controlpollutionor protect plant and animal diversity.
>Theconservation movement, also known asnature conservation, is a political, environmental, and social movement that seeks to protectnatural resourcesincluding animal and plant species as well as their habitat for the future.
>Chiefly in the United States, conservation is seen as differing fromenvironmentalismin that it aims to preserve natural resources expressly for their continuedsustainableuse by humans.
There isn't really a "regulate money and freedoms" aspect that's present in one and absent in the other. It's jew subversion, and you fell for it.

Look it up.


We don't want to lock anybody in prison for using a plastic bag, nor will force the National Park service to deny any drilling for oil.

That's the key difference.

Sure one important part of it is to educate people.
there are MANY videos that explain the FED / Central Banking scam on YT.

Educate friends n ppl u know, OR if u really wanna go full effective, create social presences, accumulate followers, and red pill them.

also always use comment sections on the normie media to spread the word.

Simply spoken : Always spread redpills everywhere, as much as possible.

thats what i do.

If only one person respreds info, that's a win already.
the more, the more effective.


trump would have won without of 4chin

4chin just made it all more funny

You still don't get it, do you?

>trump would have won without of 4chin
Who knows?

Shillary was supposed to be the next in line. But Jow Forums more or less destroyed the Fake News narrative that was planted in order to give the Dims an advantage.


YOU don't get it.

I would love to stop the state and federal government from stealing 25%of my paycheck


Too bad.

Globalists would gladly take 100% of your income, AND charge you 20% interest on top of it if they had the chance to.