In this thread we respect the nation of France
Thank you for the independence. Couldn't have done it without you.
France respect thread
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And you but this is a French respect thread. Please no bully
fuck off france
>Meme flag
Thank you France I will never forget the sacrifice you made for my family.
Fuck France
I have no respect for France
fuck France and USA
at least it's not a french flag
You were a major historical and cultural power, France, and helped shape Britain into the goliath it became. I thank you for this.
Too bad it all went down the shitter when Louis XVI was murdered.
Rest in peace.
french girls have the smelliest feet because cheese
stop bully
fuck off
France is a hopelessly cucked commie shithole
pretty much nothing respectable here, merry mutt
gibs us green cards instead
I thought I didn't like you but when islamics attacked you I wanted to kill them all.
Give back our land and free our Germanic brothers
>wants to get lazy pedophile inbred ch'tis northerners back
take them, please
we may even pay you, for such a deal!
Thank you france
you're welcome, son
It is true. I wish that American aid could have been sent to defend the French Crown during the french revolution.
Yes let's get involved in affairs that don't concern us. The French Revolution was going to happen eventually, the amount of taxes they were burdened with was enormous and Washington and Adams made the right choice never being involved.
Don't get me wrong, I like the French, but we had no business being there, mainly because the friendship treaty we signed was with King Louis XVI and not the Revolutionaries. Personally maybe Britain should have involved itself somehow, but the past is the past
Please don't thell me you are the huh poster at /ck/
it was hopeless anyway
communism and blind trust in a dimwitted state at least dates back to the 100 years war, here...
the anglos then chose to let people do their business, as a way to maximize taxes income, through freedom of enterprise
we instead already chose to pressure the people beyond reason, through autistic interventionism
as said by the other user, there are things that are gonna happen eventually, whatever you do or don't
You will pay in blood
Respect for France for being the first Islamic country in Europe and for human rights too.
I have respect for France, great respect. They were instrumental in America becoming its own nation. One of our oldest allies.They are the artists of the world, and the high culture producers and represent civilization for many of us in the west.
But I don't like they are turning their country into a immigrant haven, and changing it from a white country to brown and black and Islamic migrants..
can it be ch'tis' blood?
That'd be Sweden
france's flag was solid white for a white.
>amount of taxes they were burdened with was enormous
tell us what that tax rate was you ignoramus, I'll wait while you google it.
>But I don't like they are turning their country into a immigrant haven, and changing it from a white country to brown and black and Islamic migrants..
We shouldn't be talking when the exact same thing is happening over here
Democratie participative is based ^^
Thanks I guess...
Is this april fools or do you genuinely like France?
i can tell you're an anglo american from that stupid comment alone. White flag being the sign of surrender that happened after the french had their flag as white means something. Anglo begone.
Same. These fuckers are uniting people they don't want united.
It wasn't so much the tax rate but the amount of taxes they had to pay.
>Taxes for leaving and entering Paris
>Property taxes
>Different regions had salt taxes
>Income tax
Not to mention most was paid by peasants and workers. Regardless of how small each tax was eventually it accumulates to major shortages in income. Taxation wasn't the only cause either
When is Macron going to reveal his power level?
I like France. It's not April 1st in the states yet
by experience, we're still much, much, much Whiter than you
not even meming: outside of cities (particularly the suburbs where we parked most our former colonies shitskins) and the few caribbean colonies we still have, you can at least go months without seeing a shitskin, here
but we have a much, much, much bigger problem: communism
an absolute majority of the population is passionately communist
sum up the hardline communist votes on the first turn of our last presidential election (that includes le pen, who is communist to the marrow), and you get 49.7% of the votes
even our so-called conservative party now has hardline commie creed, such as being pro-wealth tax...
that's our biggest problem, and by fucking far
you know nothing about the tax rate pre revolution. It was far far lower than anything that is paid today in France. It's not even comparable.
He already has but all the women vote for his person and not his politics
This. is one of the few nice things about France currently.
kill yourself, gogolène piece of retarded shit
Rare flag
Post a real link I can't access that on phone
That'd be the Islamics in Spain, probably. And the Ottomans, way later. And Albania, today.
Thanks Burgerbro. I've always loved your country.
You were great in Tai Pan
The average standard of living was way worse anyway and that's far more important.
If you sit in a warm apartment with a fridge full of food you are ready to give >30%, if you're struggling to feed your kids 3% are unacceptable.
they have been pretty shit since the libertè egalitè fraternitè stuff, sorry
The main reason was the bad harvests, recently, which Louis XVI had no control over, and you know he would've done anything to help if he could have, as well as rabblerousing bastards drawing the people into a frenzy.
the French were actually the baddest motherfuckers in the world until the french revolution and napolean fucking up literally everything invading russia
but their history should be respected until then.
Most of Americas history was to stay out of European affairs
A perfect world would have been a Constitutional Monarchy. Even the US thought murdering the monarchs was going too far and were polarized to the Revolution
Thanks for your help against Britain too bad both of our countries are run by shitty and corrupt politicians.
>bunch of pencil necked retards constantly saying nègres, bougnoules, youtres like fucking kids discovering curse words for the first time
>one of the few nice things about France
Only Conversano is more ridiculous than those faggots
Enlightened Americans all love France. But there is huge anti-French conditioning here, and it's harder to break it because of the language barrier
Also we allowed all French citizens who lived in Louisiana be citizens. Note how we only allowed WHITE citizens
The economic ease of life increased from that time until now, and it is true that the peasants didn't have much and what would be considered today to be extremely low taxes increasing by a percent or two would have been more significant during that time it's not to the point that you can call it high taxes in pre-revolutionary France. People didn't have bills to pay like they do today, they lived simply and quite simply had the food to pay with their income. A working father with working kids could handle that no problem generally. The stupid myths that monarchic times were bad for the peasants were just that - myths.
Non-White opinions don't matter.
There are very interesting detailed and well-written articles on a daily basis, and the weekly podcast has a large variety of topics sometimes deeply discussed in a way that is unique in the French-speaking media currently for obvious legal reasons.
The comments are also pretty nice to read.
It infuriates all the trashy kikes, niggers, mudshits, faggots at the same time, so it's basically doing God's work.
What does this mean? I'm not good with vernacular French.
unironically our greatest ally
I carry a French middle and last name thanks to my freemasonic French great grandfather. God bless the frogs.
Should have been "Liberté individuelle, Égalité civique, Fraternité raciale" tbqh famalam
"individual freedom, civil equality, racial fraternity" for non frog speakers
And what is it ?
>Travail, famille, patrie
...or death
>Taking Boris Le Lay seriously
"démocratie participative" was the motto of our clinton cunt equivalent, ségolène royal, often nicknamed gogolène ("gogol" means tard, comes from "mongolien")
the socialist candidate, she lost to sarkozy in 2007, used to be married to françois hollande, and then became hollande's eco-terrorism minister (she organized the conference ending with the treaty Trump wiped his ass with)
to get rid of her, ie to keep her quiet, macron named her ambassador to both the north and south poles (not even kidding; earned her a new nickname: "the bipolar ambassador")
actually prbly less corrupt than the clinton cunt, but for every bit less corruption, picture tenfold increase in pure retardation
it's her in the bottom of pic related there:
Petain was a larper and planned on betraying Hitler, fuck that old retard
>"individual freedom, civil equality, racial fraternity" for non frog speakers
Lesquiniste spotted
France is a great country, but Paris and Marseille should be nuked.
I remember her. Thanks for the explanation. Also, that ambassador move is pretty fucking hilarious.
His ideas are nice but he will never be taken seriously
>Even the US
The founding fathers were never rabid republicans, and never anti-monarchists. No shit they thought murder was too far, many likely thought forcing him out without killing him would've been too far, and some probably thought even a constitution wasn't an amazing idea.
They are alright. IDK. Kinda dawns on me now that I have no real opinion of the general frenchmen.
The french posters on this board are absolutely based though. I have faith that Le Pen will see her party take first base next elections and AfD take second in our country. Then, considering that current France and Germany are already closely allied, we can make things better for both our people with a different leadership.
>Belgium becoming part of the Netherlands
No u
He's a good lad.
DP's audiences are growing, and so is racism. He redpilled a lot of people about the kikes as well. The strategy used is pretty efficient. Some people prefer to listen to the podcast, some like to read the articles, either way anyone can find a place where his thoughts can be fully expressed.
There's hardly any other website or organization with such a potential in France nowadays.
and even more importantly, these monkeys should have listened to Mirabeau when he wanted to include an equivalent to the merry second amendment in the Human rights declaration...
they thought it was so obvious it was not even needed, but may any who opposed to such a thing burn in the worst hell
I trust the French whites more than any other EU state to chimp out and burn it all down when your commie politician push you that last inch too far. You guys have rioted and guillotined people over a lot less than having your race replaced.
You just haven't reached your breaking point because its mostly been contained in the shithole that is Paris.
>Le Pen
No please not her she's so fucking bad and also has a borderline commie economic program
>C'eeeeeeest très bieeen qu'il existe des Françaaaais jaaunes....
mercantile/protectionist policy meant to protect your people's interest rather than sell out to the Jewish New World order is not "commie". Stop reading political discourse invented by Jews and think for yourself.
Why are you quoting De Gaulle you sperg ?
Will white Sadiq Khan save France?
If only you didn't fuck for the North.
If the French had more gun rights and less immigrants, their bad attitudes would make them the uppity Americans of Europe. You frogs are alright, please just kick the terrorists out
But she's a friend of the jews tho even though they dislike her to push their agenda, most of what she proposes wouldn't be applied as she would lack the majority at the parliament
Still a good motto.
i hate france as i hate germany
how is this washing machines factory doing? it was moved to poland or is it still in france?
So did Hitler.
saying we're neck deep in communism would be a fucking understatement
we're way, way, way past being tyrannised by commies
an absolute and vast majority of the French (Whites first and foremost) are hardline communists (whether they realize it or not)
we're not even hopeless: we're way beyond that
t. born in a communist ruled city, grew up among them, lost last sliver of hope for France long ago