Hey Jow Forums, what's your opinion on the immigrant march coming to America?
Pic related.
Hey Jow Forums, what's your opinion on the immigrant march coming to America?
Pic related.
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Use the other fucking threads already on this topic you fucking new piece of shit
i LIKE pie
these have happened regularly since the election, the fact that this particular one is making the news means that the left is planning on making them an issue.
Is there a source for this anywhere?
> this
Learn the difference between immigrant and refugee.
This is how the Soros War will start
They where 100's of tahitianis stranded con México bc Obama nobody said a thing
>BuzzFeed article:
>Organization's website: pueblosinfronteras.org
>Organization's twitter: twitter.com
>Legal organization's twitter:
>Main organizer's twitter:
>They aren't very smart: pueblosinfronteras.org
Better organized. Fucked up on the copy paste
>BuzzFeed article:
>Organization's website: pueblosinfronteras.org
>Organization's twitter:
>Legal organization's twitter:
>Main organizer's twitter:
>They aren't very smart: pueblosinfronteras.org
These people’s numbers work.. atleast text them for fucks sake
Learn that there are billions of poor as fuck people that could be considered refugees and that by letting them in we are lowing our standard of living to that of where they come from. They are uneducated, likely don't speak English, and are almost completely worthless to our society.
Team link is dead. :( I submitted a report to ICE about the org at least
I didn't say we were morally obligated to host refugees, but I do think if enough of them seek to come in, we should declare war on mexico on behalf of them.
its amerikan problem now, we dont care.
C'mon, man, can't you decapitate some of these guys? That's Mexico's national pastime right?
Remember when the USA was "suprised" by the pearl harbor attack after sanctioning the fuck out of japan ?
Remember when the USA wasn't planning to enter ww2 while expansion of the Panama Canal took place prior to the war ?
For just war theory = public acceptance= their must be a victim for the cry of justice or vengeance to occur .
Given the USA is the most powerful military, navy , airforce and "law" provider to the world it becomes extremely hard to play the victim card hence enemies must be created, invited and in some cases covered by confusion and lack of media coverage. .
this march of human influence can be found to have its origins in Venezuela to the chinese influence of the Panama Canal and south America's 1 belt 1 road project. .
Within this narrative the usual (((suspects))) wait patiently to link hezbolah and russia into the threat.
Media is providing cover for now but not for much longer.
As long as they're in Mexico it's your problem.
And guess who isn't coming across the US border.
When Trump is done with you you'll be begging for that wall.
Let it happen
They are going to need some delousing amirite boys?
What are m1 Abrams
typical lazy nigger as always paco
Our opinion is that Jews are going to pay for this with their lives. They conceived, funded, and probably organized this.
They tried out the flowing river of People in Europe and it worked
Now they letting America enjoy the diversity
If we carpet bombed the mexican border with nukes it would solve the problem of drug cartels and refugees. 300 years of nuclear desert makes a pretty good wall.
Also, BP already fucked the gulf. It's dead due to oil spill shit. The fallout would all hit the gulf ocean and wouldnt hurt anything at all, except maybe the trillions of jellyfish that live there now that everything else is dead.
This is a pay-pal link for the refugee caravan organized by Al Otro Lado. If we know ways for Pay pal to close this account, the better we are at closing these guys down.
When they get to mexico an earthquake will occur that will kill half of them. Digits confirm.
Damn it.
Kek isn't going to earthquake them to death. He might send alien attack forces against mexico city though.
Shoot on site
>guns lost steam, time to revamp the crying wetbacks again
Fuck me, if they are attempting to switch gears to this and not stay with guns they're totally fucked. DEMS FUCKED DACA. Remember that, Trump made a strong point about this!
>"Immigrants don't assimilate!"
>90% of the immigrants in the picture are wearing blue jeans before they even reach our border
Immigrants these days assimilate faster than ever, but Jow Forums retards are still convinced they're a threat to the native culture.
Why is this thread being push everyday and every hour, is something being slid?
absolutely turn them all away or detain them and deport
It's not the first one. The difference is that this one was reported by the media.
Refer to eternal dinduus Israel if any kike or commie complains.
ok bud
>That's Mexico's national pastime right?
just like getting fat its amerika's national pastime.
There was another thread with 92 replies the last last hour. It is probably due to the night coming up. Unless Anons aren't usually out for the night life, there might be more coming out for that.... at least if we are basing most of this on the US side of Poling.
Is Alex Mensing jewish?
The March to Re-Elect Trump.
> this is how you get more Trump
Except Mexico is actually Fatter then the US. If not, is is right next to it in the obesity records last I checked.
Based let them all in fuck borders and laws and shiet
>yeah ese press 2 for Spanish
That truck should swerve into the crowd.
No worries, just don’t fuck up my lawn again. Not the only landscaper in San Bernardino, esse.
Let them in. Give them 2 years to learn to English and pay taxes. if they don't comply, helecopter ride.
Report these paypal for funding illegal activities
Useful contact information:
Governor Greg Abbott:
Texas Senators:
John Cornyn: cornyn.senate.gov
Ted Cruz: cruz.senate.gov
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller:
(Note: Active on social media and generally responsive, important he takes notice.)
US Customs and Border Protection; How to report illegal aliens:
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tip Form:
NOTE: Even if some of these people are aware of the situation, they should be messaged any ways to press a statement on social media as a way to inform the masses.
I think this organized paid-for activism shit is starting to get pretty annoying
To be fair somebody should gas the fucking migrants. Cut their flow and my country will recover.
If they dont manage to cross to América they are going to stay in México like those goddamn niggers from Haití...
You better not ship them to Canada.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That was written during the days of beneficial European migration.
A country is allowed to adjust it's stance for modern situations. Otherwise it would be locked into a dogma that is no longer in it's best interest.
Exactly, If I'm full I don't keep stuffing my face. Talk about abusing good will from a generous host.
ANYONE who doesnt let UNDOCUMENTED refugees live indefinitely for free AND vote in their elections is a racist bigot nazi...
>and THAT'S a GOOD thing.
>Give me your tired, your poor,
>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
Emma Lazarus was a Jew.
I was on the fence about getting a night vision scope for my rifle. Now I can't think of a better way to spend my money. Especially considering how close I live to the AZ Mehico border. Even if this horde doesn't make landfall near me, a different horde, in the future, could.
>Ǝ∩˥qƎɹ∀HS ʞƆ∩Ⅎ
weak bait is weak
What do mean "immigrant"? They're reclaiming their land for Spanish Empire, Anglo cucks must leave.
I'm sure our faggot politicians will welcome them all in with open arms and then give them $10 million of our hard earned tax dollars to get them all comfortably settled into our country.
But our faggot ass liberal politicians LOVE them because these shitskins are automatic Democrat votes.
you think these shitskins will set a single toe in american soil? your own cuckolded border guards abandoned their posts in fear when they saw this. american border guards will stand fast and gun down anyone that tries to cross without hesitation. enjoy your own "undocumented people" sanchez
They need to be
Kill em all
>That was back in the day when we didn’t have any gibs.
No, this shit needs to be at the top all the time until they arrive.
It's so easy to distract the fuckheads on this board.
They already look whiter than the average mutt
Bumping for cocaine and mounted .50s on the wall.
I am fine with Asians and Indians coming to the USA. Beaners on the other hand are a cancer that must be removed.
Sounds pretty awesome if you ask me!