China Plans To Pay For Oil Imports With Yuan Instead Of Dollars

China is reportedly taking the first steps to pay for oil in yuan instead of US dollars this year.

> A pilot program for yuan payment could be launched as soon as the second half of the year and regulators have already asked some financial institutions to "prepare for pricing crude imports in the yuan", Reuters sourcesreveal.

> According to the proposed plan, Beijing would start with purchases from Russia and Angola, two nations which, like China, are keen to break the dollar’s global dominance. They are also two of the top suppliers of crude oil to China, along with Saudi Arabia.

> Shifting just part of global oil trade into the yuan is potentially huge. Oil is the world's most traded commodity, with an annual trade value of around $14 trillion, roughly equivalent to China's gross domestic product last year.

> "Being the biggest buyer of oil, it's only natural for China to push for the usage of yuan for payment settlement. This will also improve the yuan liquidity in the global market," said one of the people briefed on the matter by Chinese authorities.

Well, It's been nice knowing you, USA. Paco will thank you for building the wall 'cause it will prevent you from emigrating to mehicó when you realize the peso is worth more than the dollar.

>BASED chinks BTFO Shartpercenters eternally. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA

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Ok Ahmed

Get ready for recession

Don't worry, Paco Niggerstein, just get my truck full of gravel and I'll give you a hamburger.

t. your future ching chong master

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urk, mud swedes are so unoriginal

This is now an official Sweden hate thread.

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I'm currently converting all my savings into Yuan. I really think this is going to happen and now is the time to get in to profit on this.


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This user gets it. Will probably do the same.

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Your media told you about that now? xD

Price of yuan is controlled by commie government you retard.

And I just thought I was in a bad luck cuz born in era of no great wars. Splendid.

Cheeky! I've got polish women in the family (intermarried ofc, i'm not subhuman myself) so I'll disregard that, just don't do it again, wojtek.

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Don't they control the value of their currency. Isn't a more stable currency better in this situation.

I heard China is developing barrelbombnukes

Our media told us about that over a week ago. No joke.
Someone tricked you into buying expensive metals xD

What, Marek, does China itself control the exchange rate of their own currency? That's incredible, tell us more.

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It fucking is fixed and tied to a Dollar. Use a search engine once in your lifetime..

Leaf in disguise, this shitposter.

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I just want to live a comfy life

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You probably are desu

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Can we just go to war with china? Of all the fucking countries on earth China would be in top 3 that deserves getting punished.

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