What the fuck is wrong with this board?
No /mlpol/?
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You Barneyfags don't deserve anything nice.
I'd really like to slit your fucking throat
Fucking die in pain you human waste
You will be the first to get hung from a tree like the coon you are, nigger.
I just want you to know that you're the number 1 reason why /qa/ asked for the merge. Thank you Lee.
Fucking die in pain you human waste
hang yourself already
Im fine with it. Nobody will fight harder for free expression, freedom of thought and privacity than cartoon horse fuckers. Its in their own interest.
I find it degenerate but ponyfags are the patrician degenerates seems.
reply to this post and all the furries bronies homos and trannies die
fucking die
reminder that /mlpol/ was the best Jow Forums had been in a long time since it scared off the shills, T_D fags, and people who took themselves too seriously.
This guy gets it.
sure. Let's do it.
God, that is degenerate.
You realize there's a site for /mlpol/ right?
They do, but these faggots still think they deserve any ounce of respite.
Fucking get hanged
Last three panels give me a giggle every time.
bleed out
based tyrone back at it again
get hanged
fucking die
>Look at that guy going to the mens restroom, that's right next to the women's one.
>Does he think he's a girl or something? What a faggot.
Fucking die
Fucking die
Hang yourself and dir
Hang yourself and die