Frank Stallone Calls David Hogg ‘Pussy’ and ‘Little Bitch'

Frank Stallone Calls David Hogg ‘Pussy’ and ‘Little Bitch'

The tweet has since been taken down and his Twitter account locked, but we grabbed a screen shot below....

Your turn cunt!~

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Other urls found in this thread:

>grown men insulting teenagers on the internet

how embarrassing


Wtf I love Frank Stallone now?

>frank stallone

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war of the living punchlines

>supports sending armed government thugs to raid your house and take your firearm because he's too weak to do it
>somehow NOT a little pussy bitch

If he wants to take my rifle how about he does it man-to-man, little weak cuntling.

>teens pushing to disarm the public
>pushing for a possible government take over or civil unrest resulting in the deaths of millions
Calling this lil faggot and his group out for this is actually a good thing and they better be thankful no one has tried to assassinate them


Stop trying to get people to search your name and by your meatballs Slyck

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damn he is so fucking fat, he looks so bloated. cocaine?

Twitter just like FB has run its course and it's time for both to disappear into oblivion

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Who the actual fuck is Frank Stallone

Shooting survivor? Hogg was never shot.

Frank doesn't mess around with kids.

Who is Frank Stallone?

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FRANK STALLONW is a goof though. Everytime hes in normans, he just hass to be centre of attention

>child survivor of an unprovoked mass shooting
>call him a bitch
Fucking disgraceful on frank’s part. Making conservatives look really bad.

>phone posting

Nobody died fag

some literal who rightfully insults a little pussy bitch on the internet? like everyone here does
wow happening

It's time for the CIA to find a new platform?


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Hogg is a pussy bitch, look at his reddit acount

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Frank was always the superior Stalone.

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Someone made the Far From Over joke.

This is the end.

this is hogg's alternate reddit acct lol

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>Just because we're kids, doesn't mean you can ignore us!
>Stop being mean to us, we're just kids!

May as well call him stupid, too; since Hogg keeps getting rejected from schools.

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Good shit.

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Red Letter Media having bants.

he's was losing his mind 7 months ago

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>fav comedian
>john oliver

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The bully will just continue until someone stops him. This is the only way to handle a bully.

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>take these teenagers seriously!
>they can go fuck themselves
>Noooo they are just kids!
People who put them up to this are shit, people who defend them are idiots

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Lmao is this real?

David Hogg has found a new target for his impotent rage, that target?
You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

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Hogg is a cry bully, fuck him.

>22 year old teenager

holy shit this dudes based

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If this reads like any of his college essays, it’s no wonder he can’t get in anywhere

4.25 gpa
> can't spell "base off"
> can't spell "cozy clothes"
> can't spell "it's"
I see why he bombed the SATs, teachers must've made school a cakewalk for women/minorities, given As to everyone. GPA inflation is a bitch when you find out you're actually pretty retarded the first time you took at a real test. Nobody has had the balls to challenge these kids their entire academic careers.



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is he really one of us?

Hogg (or whatever his name is) is like 24 or 25. He’s just an actor and somebody should fucking shoot him with an AR-15 for the irony factor alone

What am absolute shit writer.

>4.25 GPA
This sums up everything wrong with his generation. Every whiner gets extra credit.

"wander" also

Maybe someone should tell him he can't get into those colleges because all the spots are reserved for Jews.

he's the one who wanted to play with the big boys. if you want someone to be given special status because of their age, okay fair enough - but that implies they need protection because they are weaker and should obviously not be taken seriously.

Amazing. I knew he was a dumbass but I didn't think he was an actual autist

it's like a parody. sadly, i was probably just as dumb at his age.

wtf I still love Frank Stallone, his debut album is easily one of the best AOR offerings of the 80s.

I don’t get it

Sylvester Stallone's brother. Has a small music career.

>Put children up to make our point for us.
Call them survivors, princes & princess of hearts. Sickening little shits though aren't they really?

he's so touchy about his failure to get into a good college, we should just bombard his twitter with false flag SWJ-ish stuff designed to redpill him while simultaneously forcing to pretend he agrees.

> David I know you really wanted to go to UCLA and they rejected you but you have to understand it's for the greater good because they recently accepted my neighbor. She's a somali refugee and she's worked very hard to learn the english language these past 19 months, she says thank you for using your privilege to fight for her even if it means sacrificing yourself! KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT DAVID!

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from chad bod to dad bob to cancer bod
hope he gets some better years ahead

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when your right, your right.

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Even better, force to him to like a reply where he promises to give up his spot to a minority if a college DOES offer him a place

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Powerful image

I disagree. I think you should be smacking these children.
>sucker punching
Is a little OTT.
Mummy and daddy should spank that look of Davids face and put him on the naughty step. They should stop him playing out on his bike, and they should stop him talking to strangers.
Then they should apologise.

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just more clickbait garbage about he said she said.

The gossip media industry needs to go too

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You guessed it...


>Eagles of Death Metal

If immigrant Islamists shot up my concert then I'd be against the traitors who are insisting on flooding your country with Islamists as well. Weird, huh?

>when some cunt decides to put herself in a man's shoes by striking you, you should turn your cheek because she is inferior
Worked out great for that guy didn't it?

Btw, Hogg is the cunt in this situation

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>graduated in 2006
>SAT scores fell 20 points since then.

I'm 31 now, it's scary to think it's really that bad. I couldn't afford college, and my mom wouldn't sign. Lucky I landed a job that put me in college classes (mechanic). Really feel like I dodged a bullet by not having it easy, and getting brainwashed. It's bad leafpai.

i could picture Hogg promoting reptilians and their eating of children, "we eat other living things too guys"

Autism so strong we're effecting everything. Zukerberg has been asked about being a reptilian before. He plays it off as a joke, but he is kinda creepy.

He wasn't even there, fucks sake I'm just as much of a survivor if he counts

Unless he dodged a bullet, he's not a survivor. It's a big campus and most of the kids were a block away.

He wasn't even on campus by his own fucking admission. Hopped on a bike upon hearing that it happened to try and get some sweet interviews. Guys a faggot and anyone standing by his side is spitting in the face of the people that died.

I hope you're false flagging because your violent lunacy gives leftists their fuel for this particular agenda.

>Being an agist shitlord

Its 2018 and you still think age is more than just a number when its been scientifically proven


So what does that translate into for those of use who graduated high school before they dumbed everything down so Juan and Tyrone could maybe pass?

I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed.

Good for him, he’s right tho