Chinese space station point of impact prediction is getting more accurate

predicted time of reentry is around 22:00 UTC on the 1st of April

pic related is the most up to date prediction
most likely point of impact is around 43°N and 43°S

as you can see the US seems to have been spared

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What? The Chinese space station is de-orbiting? Didn't they just fucking launch it like 6 years ago? Fucking Christ, even Mir lasted for like 20 years or some shit, chinks are so fucking terrible at manufacturing.

They keep making new threads because I keep exposing the fact that these dates get pushed back and the location has now become anywhere on the planet. The Jews need a cover story for their nuke attempt.

where have you been

>What? The Chinese space station is de-orbiting?
No. There is no satellite falling from the sky. It was supposed to crash last tuesday and then thursday and now it's saturday and nothing. It's because this is a cover story for a Jew nuke.

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Russia is much farther north than 43 N, m8

how does something land 43 degrees north of something while also at the same time fucking landing excatly and also 43 stupid mother fucking God damned degrees to the south which is also the exact fucking opposite of what is "north"?

I've been on a boat for the past week, I haven't had internet

? these are predictions, the station is dead in orbit

Please fall on the latin american caravan. Please fall on the latin american caravan. Please buddha plant your space station on their fucking heads.

as time goes on the number of bands will reduce, meaning that the station has fewer and fewer orbits left before the drag dramatically increases and deorbits it

>these are predictions
>the most accurate one is 43 north and 43 south
like, separately? cuz usually coordinates dont use opposites together. but coordinates can be used together. like, 10 degs west and 10 degs south. that would make sense. not cardinal opposites. you couldnt have 10 west and 10 east for example. i just dont know what youre saying and i hate science in general

For the yin and the yang buddha. Please.

Fuck, I really wanna play KSP now. But I haven't played in like a year and all my mods are probably fucked to hell and I'm too lazy to reinstall them all

Dude, it's a prediction on the range of latitude that it will fall in. As the satellite de-orbits, the drag of the Earth's atmosphere slows it down and changes where it will land. It's hard to predict.

Fugg me im directly in the path in AZ

its over boys ill see you on the other side

It wasn't intended to last very long anyways. It had an intended life span of about a year or so, but was extended two more years. I think It was abandoned in early 2016. I think the one they're lauching in 2020 is supposed to be permanent, assuming shoddy engineering doesn't make it disintegrate first.

it makes that distance in 45 minutes and right now the window of prediction is like 9 hours, it could land anywhere that has a band on it
as you can see on the image the band is consistently hitting 43° North and South while it's moving along the surface because of the earth rotation between 43N and S
so technically it has a higher chance of falling where there are more bands

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you could have just said that he meant "it'll most likely be 43 north OR 43 south". which he didnt. and you didnt. and ill settle on that or not care. coordinates go in pairs. i guess not here. because two complete opposites like that together make no sense. kinda like men and women

>what is a test drive before building the actual thing
fucking christ why do I know you are a nigger just talking shit

Has smoking cocks made you braindead? They aren't "coordinates" you fucking dolt, they're saying the satellite will fall between 43N and 43S in latitude, that's it. They don't know the longitude and they won't until they know precisely what latitude it will fall at.

How big of a crater will this thing make?

youre trying to paste time onto locations because earth is flat and your models cant show this all too good when it fakes it into ball mode. i dont even believe in satellites. somebody said jews are going to blow up shit. cuz i dont believe in nukes. and they need an excuse. im going with that one if anything

ah i see, thanks

if you reversed lat and long just there you would make sense. you didnt. think about this for a bit now

If magic numbers it moves to the right and bashes into africa.

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and like. if im brain dead for smoking cocks. why do you even have one?

Come on Sacramento. We wuz space stations n sheit.

Answer me faggots

not very big, it has a low terminal velocity but won't slow down enough before hitting the ground
i think it will be slightly subsonic so about 100 kgs of TNT

It's going to be FUCKING NOTHING

It's break up and fall an ocean or an empty waste that's uninhabited.


on april fool's day. which is Easter this year. youre thinking more stupid numbers shit and not about the times of noah in which we are living. it's not a rinky dink fake space marble if anything

Not very big. Could #rekt a building.

best for viewing

kill any hookers

Please hit Israel

>not melbourne
>not joeburg
Not relevant anymore.

yeah but that thing probably still carries hydrazine which is a very toxic compound
if it breaks up over a town it could endanger a good amount of people

>Symptoms of acute (short-term) exposure to high levels of hydrazine may include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, dizziness, headache, nausea, pulmonary edema, seizures, coma in humans. Acute exposure can also damage the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. The liquid is corrosive and may produce dermatitis from skin contact in humans and animals. Effects to the lungs, liver, spleen, and thyroid have been reported in animals chronically exposed to hydrazine via inhalation. Increased incidences of lung, nasal cavity, and liver tumors have been observed in rodents exposed to hydrazine.[31]

Boy howdy, I hope this is true
I'm bored as hell and we haven't had a good old fashioned happening in a long time

but their president says hookers remind him of his own daughter when he is making adulteries and whoredoms with them. he's a sodomite. an epstein lover. and loves incest. is it a sin? will he do the abomination of desolation soon? probably

Wouldn’t it be funny if it hit China?

They hit themselves with rocket boosters quite frequently, with toxic fumes pouring out of them on the ground.

>cover story for jew nuke
Line that tge sattelite travels throgh is headed for the middke east.

It got delayed so probably something between a 1cm water splash and 0 because nothing is getting trough, sorry to disappoint Pajeet.

i got a six there i think because is it a sin doesnt line too good with probably. fix that sin part to the following: is it a sin? he'll do it and more and all the worst ones. and then read the rest again that i said
this. your ID is liiiiittle extreme. but. i wouldnt really care

I know where it's going to land.

Attached: satilite.jpg (640x480, 235K)

not ID but tripcode

Why don't we blow that shit up instead of letting it tumble whole?

>all those gross eyes on there
with the satellite on there it speaks to more importance to this than just the satellite

Silly chinks.

because it doesnt exist and how could you even do it. all space shit is lies and demons

Because that would scatter space junk all over the place. Space junk is an increasing problem.

tokyo will get wreck by it

never reply to me again you schizo faggot

Azores Islands ?

agencies are probably confident that it won't do damage
also this is the kind of weapon you don't want to use unless you really have to, otherwise enemies might gather intelligence on your ability to stop ballistic nukes

come on meme power!!!

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if it threatens a critical point i'm sure it will be shot down during reentry

please land on mecca

h-heh we only meant to sent a piece of shit into space \_/

>good amount of people
>what is atmospheric friction
>what is concentration
They arent dropping a full tank from a crane retard.

>kill prostitutes for no reason
>makes connection to the antichrist
>dont talk to me biblical rainbows freud guy
freud invented faggoty type words. we're all at least bisexual. except for me or the 144,000; i cant stand women. read the bible. did Christ even get born in a vagina? no. we think Eve is so life giving and ignore she sinned first and sexually and we call it book smarts. she came from adam. there's no women in this form in heaven. all spiritual things are male. they can get there in belief in Christ. no male nor female in Him. but they become masculine in their spiritual bodies. no marriages in heaven. and you need to marry Christ like anybody else. or is that gay?

gucking fooks

Thats what I was thinking as well.. What a way to explain an emp blast...

>my best fun was just stolen
I got some luck

Fuckin' Chinks are hilarious. Here's their space propaganda in a nutshell.

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you need to be 18

i didn't say that but i get that some people get defensive about stuff they know nothing about

Right when shit is getting heated more than ever

I wish.

how do you know it's getting more accurate/

>that id
>no its a tripcode

wrong, and then wrong again. you faggots cant blend in for shit

rolling for albania

youre not even who i was talking to. go eat some cancerous super gabagool gonorrhea aids clams

Don't get on your high NASA horse. Skylab wiped out at least 16 distinct species of Koala when it decimated Australia.

april fools, it was a nuke made by israel.

>a faggot with no middle school education
imagine my shock
kill all sodomists

funny hearing that come from an std-ridden sodomite

if its a nuke in disguise, a pretty big one.

sadly this is just a simulation of where the satellite is, when it starts reentering in real life this site won't show it, we will only know it went down when it stops showing up when t's supposed to show up

Nukes are a lie.

there was a pic posted of skylab in orbit earlier allegedly anyways. was all fake. seems kinda random that only one species of animal would get wiped with that happening no? why not koalas and lizards or like a laundry list of animals. was it ONLY koalas or are those all you care about? or. what is it? i dont think that skylab shit happened or it was more lies of various forms. if 16 koala species really did get wiped around that time then what happened was that's a lie probably. or they bombed something. and then killed shit. and then lied. or killed more shit. or nothing happened. or it "did". and focussing on anything nasa related is always a mistake

Do your own math, nigger. You have to go back.

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>I didnt say that
Shhh. When your parent said you are special they where just being nice.

Fuck! Now one of those impact zones goes right through my city. I'm keeping my eyes on the skies tonight.

as nature intended.

this is true, both my parents were killed when they were just 6 years old in labacaust

Breaking news: it’s predicted to hit land within 50 miles of Washington dc

this is columbia when it got destroyed during reentry
columbia weighed about 100 tons, tiangong weighs 8.5 tons, so basically this vid but less intense

75% of aids you made in a lab went to "heteros". and now there is truvada which doesnt work on you. yeast infections cause all cancers. i dont get them. you eat piss and periods and have anal too. you just hate the male gender like a stupid kike animal killer of God
>no rebuttals about what i said
>Hi im lot
>please have sex with my daughters you faggots
>this sort of shit was invented 1880 years later by a cocaine addicted fake jew called freud
become a tranny like peterson. and then explain to me how grabbems which is the only definition of sodomy is ok. go back to epstein's. and moore's. and pence's. and putin's.

you are a lie.

What a shocker.

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One of those impact zones goes through Melbourne, I'm very excited.

Super Hot Modern Day Finnish Chick

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he was right. remember the test footage? let's watch these popsicle stick houses get nooked while my special camera is just fine for no explanable reason. 911 was cold fusion

Obviously pre the Skylab false flag Koala was Australia's apex predator.

"It doesn't cure HIV or AIDS, but combinations of drugs that treat HIV infection may slow the disease progress and prolong life." -Google
good for you.

fuck you gook