Who will drain the swamp faster: Trump or Putin?

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That guy looks tough as shit. All American billionaires look like beta cucks.


Magomed is a rendering of Mohammed (Russians also say “Gitler”)

>Worth billions
>Throws his life away for millions

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Looks like someone didn't pay their tribute.

Putin is Shrek in this situation lmao

where do you think the billion comes from? lots and lots of little millions.

Ziyavudin Gadzhievich Magomedov is an Avar Dagestani - Russian business tycoon

why do East Slavs let Caucasus creatures and Turks style on them economically?

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How delusion do you have to be to still think Trump is draining the swamp? Wew, lad.

thats why you need to take the neck pill

Well, he is Muslim, so...

>t. bump stock baby

i.e. son of Ahmed

forgot pic

you can't possibly believe putin is trying to drain the swamp

Putin is awesome!! He's not fucking around anymore.. he was serious when he said everyone at top levels will be responsible for fire that happened the other day and killed 65 people (mostly kids) and stated that your high profile will not save you and you will face the law if you were responsible in any way and next day all top officials of that center are behind bars facing jail! Same message was sent few weeks ago to anyone who is stealing money from gov't or scamming common folks. I hope Trump follows example and start jailing cucks like Zuckerberg

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If thats true, putin is based af.




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Just nuke DC.

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putin is getting rid of all the right wingers. notice how he arrests all conservatives and nationalists. putin is a commie and you arent redpilled if youre tricked by a commie.
pic related shows how easily alt light is fooled by commies


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True, but it’s only for old words we replace the H with Г (g), modern spelling of Muhammad is Myхaммeд

bump for putin is a commie and thats why threads die after antiputin things get posted cause this board is full of russian shill paid trolls

they do. they're this subverted. they never read yuri or even watched a yuri vid for that matter, or they did and are so deep in cognitive dissonance that they cant understand him

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Trump hasn't drained shit. Thanks you dumb suburban and rural retards.

and putin has? suburban areas dislike trump? retard, thats where he did the best, plus he can drain the swamp if he wants, no one is stopping him. putin has drained the swamp of russian nationalists and helped left-wingers and joos. think any different and you are a useful idiot

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You have the reading capacity of a third grader.

you think putin is based?
tricked by a commie.
pic related shows how easily alt light is fooled by commies


Because an American billionare is a businessman when a Russian billionaire is a bandit.

Literally everyone who is rich in Russia got rich by killing people for their stocks when Yeltsin ran privatisation program basically giving the stocks of state property to the workers.

>a factory is getting privatised
>all workers get a share of stocks
>a ang of thugs start robbing them of stock
>rob most of the workersa and become a factory owner

That's why/

You realize that all these oligarch are Putin henchmen right? Usually those who end up in jail or punished usually did something that personally upset putin.

so, gib me your stock or I gib you bullet?


Lets not forget that Putin's control over the oligarch and basically requiring a piece of their cut is why he is currently thought to be one of the richest person in the world at the moment.

You like his culture wars and focus on white western christian values. That's fine. But don't be retarded that outside of populist rhetoric in that regard, this guy isn't a crook otherwise.

Nowhere in my posts do I see the word "Putin". Perhaps you need some bifocals?

Basically yes.

Everybody got some stocks evenly distributed and then the bandits started collecting them and became the capitalists.

Have you seen trump's sons? Fucking horrendous.

Putin is the Swamp

yeah well many just traded their stocks for a bottle of vodka since these people had no education whatsoever in basic economics.

And they were better off with a bottle of vodka than with a clothing iron on their chest.

too bad when a society is made up of gangsters or bootlickers and the KGB has the only leadership programs in the nation.

Funny how that nation was all about the Organization of the Worker didn't have any workers who could organize.

well, but as the russian joke goes.

kill my neighbors cow.

Trip of truth.

Saudi Arabia

I agree Germany. Russia is doing a good job!

>Trump hasn't drained shit
that implies that putin has, you autist. see how you refuse to speak ill of your commie dictator? u r a shilly cock holster

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