Kek i paid (((them))) to cert my pedigree

Kek i paid (((them))) to cert my pedigree.

Attached: bcebc180-4a36-468a-8af0-f395cc651a29.jpg (450x306, 19K)

Ok I’ll start. Can pol beat me?

Attached: BAEEA5E1-57D3-40D5-814E-BE86FABAD2F3.png (1242x2208, 546K)

Let's see that R1b that every western bastard has.

>americans aren't whi-

Attached: memecestry2.png (1261x895, 251K)

I'm 0.9% sub saharan african.
Am I a negro?


is this

No your fit for service on the eastern front.

I guess we are easter eggs now too.

>I literally paid google to tell me im white.

Biggest (((scam))) ever

t. jamal


Attached: Brian-composition.png (1110x668, 112K)


Lol, you paid them to archive your DNA, ID, and personal information. Way to go OP!

might want to blot out your name next time brian

t. jamal

Hi, Brian Killoran

Attached: brian.png (1219x828, 192K)

>t. 1% sub-saharan african

I'm black for not giving the Jews all the critical genetic data they crave while paying them to do so?

Team Mini is the worst.

t. jamal

50% african genes is a team chocolate reequirement

At least I voted for trump.

Attached: Screenshot_20180401-001329.png (666x915, 185K)

no. you paid them to put you into a data base that every 3-letter agency in the world has access to. dumbass.

the fuck

t. jamal

7/10 fit for service on the eastern front

>We must secure the existance-

But first, let me literally fund my own demise

t. jamal

>2.5% Iberian
t. Alberto Barbossa

It's worse than that user
You didn't just give them your DNA
You gave them the DNA of your family
You ratted out your uncles, cousins, and kids

Like how you fuck over other people when you upload your photos of them to Facebook.

t. jamal

I keep seeing you people whinge over this but what do you think they're going to do with abstract dna? Do you really think they're creating Uruk-Hai Jew hybrids with your cheek swab/hair? Do you think they will be sending kill whitey squads after your family from your cheek swab/hair? Sincerely reply to me or I will treat you like the dumbasses you are


A lot of paranoid anons. You know you leave dna everywhere right?

Sounds like pol has a meth problem.

It's what they have to tell themselves instead of facing the fact that they aren't white.

>shedding hair is totally the same as paying for your dna to be sequenced and sent to the FBI voluntarily

Gee, I never thought of it that way user
Glad it's nothing new

Honestly hoping they find a little bit of Asian or something in me so I can put "mixed" if the USA ever goes full racial-marxist. Go ahead and hate me. Idc.

Attached: Kim_Il_Sung.jpg (400x468, 55K)

My results and I'm a native German

Attached: myhdna.png (2560x1305, 995K)

Attached: 36487536487563487.png (1154x1814, 1015K)

Your as dumb as the day is long.

6/10 fit for service on the eastern front.

>(native German)
