>tfw your team has no fun rivalries
Tfw your team has no fun rivalries
You entire team is a safe space for lolis and manlets.
>Team mini
More like team retard
minifags btfo
what is a mini anyway?
Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't love you.
Gahahahaha minilets btfo
Peeps = Pepe
It's a typo of mint
Lol you faggot little cuck boi, where is my money?
Your enemy is lanklets, team Manlet
We're going to fly under the radar while everyone else takes each other out, then we rule the world.
Goy holidays suck uncut dick
mini is the keyword for lolis in some circles.
It is estimated that in Holywood and jew circles, thousands of lolis are eaten(figuratively and literally) every year in easter. So they mention it as 'minis', just like pineapple on pizza!
fuck up cunt
We're up on the chart Lads
We're constantly in flux against the peanut bitches
Chin up mini, you’re an honorary creme
Go build your sukot pergola and shit it up in there.
we mini now
Your team will help the Cremes over throw the jewpeeps and shitskin Peanutebutter, the choclate are niggers and will destroy themselves then blame the cremes
Peep pussies were made for creme cock
>Destiny fag
Checks out.
Friendly reminder that only Team Creme is white.
You mean Judens.
Peeps are Jews
Minis are Japs
Peanut Butter is spics
Creme is White
Chocolate is nigger
Kys poonigger
tfw the creme team is supreme
There is a Jewish holiday called Sukkot or Sukot, it is typically in the fall. It is kind of a harvest festival, but to observe it some jews will build a simple hut in their yard and eat there, some even sleeping there.
A Pergola is a shitty little architectural addon to some houses, that for some reason became popular here about ten years ago. All it is an incomplete lattice work roof resting on poles. So it is in effect a shitty hut with out a roof.
"Peeps are sometimes jokingly described as "indestructible". In 1999 scientists at Emory University jokingly performed experiments on batches of Peeps to see how easily they could be dissolved, burned or otherwise disintegrated, using such agents as cigarette smoke, boiling water and liquid nitrogen. In addition to discussing whether Peeps migrate or evolve, they claimed that the eyes of the confectionery "wouldn't dissolve in anything".
>eyeballs wouldn't dissolve in anything
>Company is called JustBorn
>located in Bethlehem
I think we all know where this is going.
What am i
At least team peep are contenders.
You guys are just middle of the road nobodies.
What team am i
Peep heil!
Link chart pls
Can I get a quick rundown on these team flavours? Something to do with Easter? I was gone for a day and this happens.
Also, posting to see what team I belong to
Well, this is cancer.
Mfw team nogger
I'm here for you friend