This is extremely dangerous to our democracy
Other urls found in this thread:
>don't trust the local channels goyim trust globalist news networks like (((CNN))) and (((MSNBC)))
oh no. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
Dangerous for chocolate, maybe.
Cream is above such things.
>this is extremely dangerous to our democracy
good thing those journos live in a fascist trumpian nightmare right?
>This is
>*dramatic pause*
>extremely dangerous to our democracy.
This doesn't send the message the shills thinks it sends to the normies, no matter how they will try to spin it. It's just going to reinforce "MSM=bad".
>this is egschtremely dangerous to our democracy
I liked this one (pic. related) best. What about you guys? :)
This video really makes me think.
Well sheeeit
how come these people don't proceed to kill themself?
Bump fuck the slide threads. This is extremely dangerous to (((our))) democracy.
Are news anchors even human?
I swear they are robots or something, everything they do just feel so forced and fake.
Should have been first post.
And Jow Forums says Fox News isn't fake news.
no I did not
Puppets with corporate hands so far up their asses their mouths are being moved.
if it was real shit corporate cuckboys like john oliver and leddit would not be shilling it
How long has this level of blatant social scripting been going on? Since the 60s?
I dont even trust local news stations senpai. If its not about weather I don't want to hear about it
Q predicted this
I used to think that the news would report things that they developed. They got a lead, followed up on the lead, checked alternative sources, then reported what they discovered. Now I know they are just fed from some Jewish Master. Sad.
They even made the weather political with “””global warming”””
Liberals can’t even look out the window without seeing “””evidence””” of their unfalsifiable hypothesis justification to tax whitey for carbon emissions
>when the police kicks in
[spoiler]since jfk took a bullet to his head[/spoiler]
This video is extremely dangerous for our democracy.
I would argue even during WW2. I told my lefty dad that the federal reserve was privately owned and not part of the government and he goes on a rant about how I'm wrong before I show the google search telling him I'm right. These people are immune to researching shit on their own.
>literally state propaganda
Apparently the message had been wrote by sinclair's group which owns these media and is pro-trump and republican.
Why would republican do this ? To discredit fake msm ? But all of this has done really is to make all the libtards think this is all a right wing fox news conspiracy.
>Accuse others of what you are doing
The only country this could not backfire is in burgerland.
fuck my creme up senpai
Obviously this is how all MSM operates, quit picking and choosing your favorite regurgitated narrative
Posting in epic bread, this is huuuuuge meme potential, doesn’t even have 1m views yet
>tfw even fox news is fake (we knew this)
>tfw I will never watch the news again
these teams are extremely dangerous to our shitocracy
I was thinking the exact same thing.
>implying any given news station isn’t a puppet of their governing company
Only boomers watch news on tv anyways
sinclair broadcasting group usually put out right wing propaganda?
What I don't understand is how can Trump supporters say that when Trump was himself against fake MSM.
"fake news on social media are dangerous for our democracy"
Really? Why would republican/conservatives do this? What I know is that Fox news wasn't much on Trump''s side in the election.
Nice to see the confession that (((they))) own democracy.
1 bump
wtf i love it when ABC/CBS/NBC forces affiliates to read a script now
It's hilarious when libniggers are literally on our side and don't even realize it because of their clouded ideology. Jews are extremely dangerous to our democracy and we need to break their stranglehold on the media.
Just so that everybody knows, the narrative is controlled by a few puppet master houses (house of Saud, Rothschild, and George Soros)
Just google qanon posts and read them all from the beginning to understand the amplitude of "The Company" and its branches
That me too jr. tier creepy crap needs to be shut down, with fire.
This should be reposted everyday on all socialnormiedia
Because they're creating a false conflict between liberals and conservatives. There is no liberal media or conservative media. There is only Jewish media.
>Those shills going on about how its all republican news or some shit, as if it invalidate anything
Are they the kind of faggots who claim fox news is right wing when they are nothing more than a bunch of sell outs and scarecrows? I mean they had a fucking Saudi Prince as owner if I remember well, hard to be more of a sell out. They are part of the band, and literally no one but the MSM itself care about these kind of label. Also I wonder where the fuck these accusation comes from, came out of thin air with no source, probably just opinionated bullshit.
Also it doesn't invalidate the true reason why peoples are fucking enraged at this: The fact that the conglomerate owning these medias just used them as mouth piece for their own personal gains, which regardless of political affiliation (also let me remind you it doesn't mean shit either, don't you remember all those republican who put stick in Trump wheels? A corrupt politician is corrupt, whatever the side his coat is turned to) is an utterly despicable behavior that goes in total disrespect of their foremost duty: being objective propagator of the truth while at the same time being just as disrespectful toward their clientele, whom pay to be given factual news, not executive written drivel.
These people are extremely dangerous to our REPUBLIC..
The only teams with libtards in them are the losing teams.
I don't get it.
tucker carlson is the only news show ill watch but still he has limits on what he can do and omit
The groundwork has been laid to amend/abolish the 1st amendment.