Immediately bumping own thread to counteract the FlavorSlide 2018 (Courtesy of NSA controlled Mods)
Matthew Howard
What flavor are the Ayy's anyway?
Evan Hughes
So what is that exactly?
Elijah Collins
No one is interested in this because the PsyOp works, any time people on here get too close to something important, the mods help break up discussion.
This time we have the flavors. What will the next massive slide be?
Did anyone ever uncover what the real reason for the sliding is?
John Miller
>166256910 >team chocolate color me surprised
Christopher Long
Images were posted to Jow Forums a while ago. The day the images were posted, thousands of similar looking images flooded the boards, as if to try and dilute and prevent people from seeing the originals. Thread deleted, people banned, things die down
Later on people repost the images again. They appear to show several different Ayy's recovered alive at sea
Aaron Turner
Jacob Stewart
Lucas Green
Why isn’t the guy wearing gloves?
Jason Young
Please post the other images of aliens from THIS particular species
I know they exist, I had them on my phone, and then google deleted them from both SD and memory.
Xavier Long
Dunno, could mean this is a fake though right?
Parker Baker
It's not sliding it's easter
Liam Diaz
Jace Russell
Everyone is too busy searching for sweet treats when they need to be providing hard evidence
I am totally willing to accept that this was just another fake, or that it was from X-Files, you gotta understand I don't watch TV shows, so I wouldn't know if this was an X-files alien
But lets say it is an X-Files alien. What part of the episode did they take these still frames from?
Jacob Jenkins
Anyone seen a link for this episode on the web? I wanna watch it and see
Stop answering newfags you stupid newfaggot go the fuck away
Thomas Mitchell
Any image or text or document (literally anything) transmitted electronically is made up of data. This data has a pattern to form those pictures etc etc. the powers that be apparently have the ability to track that data anywhere it goes and control it - since practically all PCs are by design backdoor'd (except for those army laptops that they accidently auctioned some years ago that were purpose built for encryption and have since been rounded up and destroyed).
William King
looks better before cgi desu
Zachary Fisher
true, cgi makes him look very generic but I understand why they didnt wanna give the impression that this was X-Files in Dublin.
Connor Cooper
Real pics of ... your mom ?
Christian Lopez
Its from xfiles you big ole tiddy.
Christopher Diaz
i have no idea where its from since i also hardly watch anything on tv these days.
indeed it does look really freaky but i think it is because its some on in a suit thats why it looks so real.
i think i had another one of this picture set where that thing photographed from the side and you can see around its ears that the rubber gets wrinkled. but hey just take the thread pic or the one i uploaded and make a reverse picture search and see what you can find.
Colton Hall
Watch, you'll have this thread in another week or so and this will conveniently be forgotten
/diy/ here, what's the average age of this faggot ass board anyway?
Even if such a thing were possible, all you'd have to do is alter it by compressing it or encrypting it and then whatever automated mechanism is "detecting" the image would be tricked.