>LOG INTO Jow Forums

>entire site
>derailed by

Attached: art.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

It’s a shill attack coordinated by mods that are on the soros payroll

woah there, based user, where did you get that confidential information? Was there a leak?

>this again
Peep wins.

How do you do it, britbro peep user bro!!?

They’ve done shit to derail the trump movement dozens of times before. It’s no coincidence that the second trumps support on Jow Forums surges that they’d pull off a slide operation like this to derail the board.

Oreo marketing.

>Jow Forums
>log in

but if they wanted to derail trump, why didn't they just shut down Jow Forums?
is it all part of their mutli-step master plan?
I need to see the based leak confirming this!

Attached: 1521322572628.png (500x500, 195K)

>We must secure an existence
>for our /peep/ol
>and a comfy
>for our /peep/lings

Attached: pan-de-peace-sakura-noa-bread-loli-sick1.png (648x360, 181K)

Shutting down Jow Forums would be an obvious rallying cry for the movement. Derailing and diluting our platform is far more feasible without a backlash.

>trips_and_names disabled

I wish it was permanent.






Your litteraly are mad at this. Jow Forums is not always on Trump. They only like him because he address the sjw pandering problem and the lieing media. That’s all

>LOG INTO Jow Forums
>log into

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Some of you chocs are alright

We're haveing fun user

holy shit! of course! why are they doing this? have we checked out the actual owners of Jow Forums? have we put an investigation into staff members?! holy shit, i bet they're also the ones moving /SIG/ into Jow Forums! But why and who?

Wasn't it lucky for them that's it's April 1st.

April Fools you dumbass shit

>inb4 1 post by this ID

What are you talking about? Google plus account is required to shitpost here since 2013

We need the fucking purge.
Also where are my peeps at?

Stfu and just enjoy the day you insufferable faggot.

>he hasn't linked his kikebook account yet
don't you want your normie friends to like all your shitposts?

April fool's numale shit
4chins is plebbit now

You smell a lot like the typical Q fag boomer.

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