The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

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imagine thinking this is a proof of anything

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Now go look at our imprisonment rate and who the ones getting imprisoned are.

What a misleading pile of horse shit. To be fair its mostly inner city black doing the violent crimes.

>people against illegal immigration are against all immigration
Why do they always do this?

Now post the gun ownership vs homicide rate graph...

Now do white vs. non-white.

El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley have more illegal mexican immigration than anywhere else, maybe aside from some company/factory towns scattered around

They're perfectly safe places to raise an American family, they're just poor

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The drop would be far stronger if it wasn't for immigrants you fucking faggot.

normal immigrants get backgroundchecked and must prove they have a job
of course they are not criminal or at least not more than others

99% of us ebil islamophobe nadsis are complaining about illegals

OF the problem not the imigration the problem is islam imigration


We can't even be allowed to have a consensus in how many illegals there are and you trust stats about this? Fucking rope for you.

Here you absolute tremendous fucking lala homo faggot man.

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>comparing a minority population statistic to the total violent crime statistic.

>Anna Flagg
honestly I'm not convinced it's just jews anymore. All anglo scum need to hang

Did you know?
While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 41.6 percent of federal sentences in 2014 according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data.
In June 2010, undocumented immigrants represented 14.8 percent of Arizona state prisoners, but accounted for only 7 percent of the state's overall population according to the Department of Homeland Security.
In the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2,000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes.

>it's perfectly safe to raise a family around poor illegals
are you from a Bizarro World reality or are you literally this retarded?

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Peeps are criminals and mini's abide the law whats new?

Fuck the invaders...

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Hello Rebbit

>El Paso

Crime in the nation has bren going down for years. The only possible measure for "Criminal Immigrant" hypothesis is to count the crimes by ethnicity and years lived in the country.

>correlation = causation

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Kill beaners

And when there is not even correlation, then what do you have?
>A nice juicy Aprils fool
this is kinda fun, but /mlpol/ was way better

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Nice try JEW crime is down in general but not in the illegal alien population with CARTELS expanding nationwide . Try again faggot !

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Wow those sure are convincing graphs

open the borders now

Spoken like a true peanut butter skin.

This chart is a lie. Team peep is a team of peace and tolerance.

Now check our incarceration rate and then kill yourself.

Who in the actual fuck came up with this? That """study""" is the most blatant bullshit I've ever seen. Apparently correlation is causation now. Also, I guarantee that "immigrant" measure is only legal immigrants. Fuck, statistical kikery of this magnitude genuinely upsets me.

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Now tell me what constitutes a violent crime and demonstrate to me what data they picked just before the down trend. Fuck off cunt, we know how statistics work

Absolute brainlet peanut butter

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>Native majority crime rate drops
> OMG immigrants of peace

Thankfully we can identify illegal immigrant crime rates and don't have to generalize them into the whole population

>El Paso safe

Immigrant population is small enough that overall trends in the majority population could overcome any issues, you'd want to look at representation in incarceration for non-legal immigrants for non-immigration offenses, which shows over representation of illegal immigrants.

>Now post the gun ownership vs homicide rate graph...
I'll post an even better one:
>Negative binomial regression is used to test the effects of homicide rates, suicide rates, firearm ownership rates, and several control variables on public mass shooters per country from 1966 to 2012.
>The global distribution of public mass shooters appears partially attributable to cross-national differences in firearms availability but not associated with cross-national homicide or suicide rates.
>The United States and other nations with high firearm ownership rates may be particularly susceptible to future public mass shootings, even if they are relatively peaceful or mentally healthy according to other national indicators.
Time to give up your silly murder toys, deer.

anna doesn't stat

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