Could someone please make her ass 15-20% bigger whilst keeping it as round and symmetrical as possible? I've seen it done for "white Nicki" but I prefer this skin tone. I would try it myself but I lack the skills and there are no tutorials out there...
Photoshop Request
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Dude dtop no one is fucking interested
hey, i'm interestedbut don't know how to do it either
Almost done, my edit. It's turning out pretty nice. I've gotta get ready for work, but its only got a handful of little details that I wanna change. I'll be posting it tomorrow night hopefully.
Thanks again mate, I'll stop spamming here and look for it on the morphs subreddit, can't wait to see it!
>I would try it myself but I lack the skills and there are no tutorials out there...
There are tons of photo manipulation tutorials out there, but I'll make a quick one for the benefit of Jow Forums users.
In OP's example you can't simply enlarge the ass as requested, because there is an obstacle (her arm) in front of her ass. So first you need to isolate the obstacle and put it in a foreground layer.
Once you've separated the obstacle, you can proceed with editing her booty in the background layer.
here is the unobstructed ass, ready for manipulation.
Okay, so I now can manipulate the ass and then reattach the arm?
Is that the warp tool in photoshop?
Not that poster, but I believe that is a "cage morph tool."
In this gif, the arm is not moving at all, how do you isolate the obstacle and put it in a foreground layer? I tried manipulating the pic you posted with no arm and then putting the arm back on but it didn't quite work...
How do I use the cage morph tool?
it's not cage morph, it's just transform warp
but the ass is in a layer above the background
you can also use the liquify filter as in this pic
I am familiar with the liquify tool but still don't know how to accurately remove the arm to another layer. I've tried quick select tool, lasso tool, pen tool etc and I can never get a selection I am happy with. How do I move the arm to another layer or only select the ass?
Not that poster again, but I usually use the "curves tools," and then "select from curve."
Maybe I'm blind but the closest thing I see to the "curves tool" is the "curvature pen tool"
Aight... It ain't perfect, but I like it in general. Still learning the shadows, and I don't think the angle is quite right on her tit, but better luck next time I suppose.
Tried for something that hung a little more natural this time. Hopefully that's what it looks like.
Thanks! Would you be able to post a version without the changes to the tits and the original resolution of 5334x3000