Just a reminder that y'all are fucking soys who can't reserve the right to call anyone that ever again. 80% pol guaranteed underage after today's circle jerk. This is litterely Reddit tier shit.
>inb4 not allowed to have fun
If this is fun to you, then your absolutely a faggot who's easily amused due to autism.
seconded although i find it funny how hiroshima nagasaki started this little april fools shit and pol is going batshit about jidf, psyops, shills and whatnot... btw, fuckgookmoot, bring back snacks
Leo Gomez
Hiroshima Nagasaki? I have no idea how this started, just opened up pol and closed it. Every fucking thread is this stupid shit.
Carson Bell
its an april fools chanwide, not only pol, here is the only place people go insane about it tho and if you dont know what hiroshima nagasaki is, lurk moar fag
Jackson Kelly
Luk moar faggot
James Jenkins
I've been here since before pol was created, suck my ass
>le too school for cool nupol Yes because your paranoid rantings and low-effort shitposting are really so important not a single day can go by without it.
Get a fucking life.
Tyler Walker
If you don't like dumb shit like this, why are you shitting Jow Forums even more with your cancerous autism?