Well. Now I have Zero friends

Well. Now I have Zero friends.

Thanks a lot Jow Forumstards.

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Serves you right (((peep)))

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Friends are useless anyway.

The only reason to have friends is to have an entourage at the bar to pick up chicks, but solo pick up game is a thing and you can still utilize it (although it takes some work and luck and doesn't always get you laid).

Context plox

Give us a /quickrundown/ you faggot peep

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you don't need friends, you have TEAM PEEP

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the only reason I haven't an hero'd

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Heck, all my friends are either married, work all the time, or are kinda hickish with bad teeth. That doesn't help with bar sluts.

Tell us why you don't have friends anymore faggot

Everyone is a fuckin liberal. progressivism is the social norm among city-normies. You don't start finding conservatives until you start hanging out with either country bumpkins who are dumb as fuck, or people who have greatly benefited from the capitalist system

as a poor white, intellectual conservative, i'm fuckin alone

Who needs fake friends, learn to be happy in you’re own company.

i ran a fuckin red pill thread to my detriment.

that means theyre all normans

Care to tell us more about the red pill and how it went?

Do you go to school?
Do you have a job?
If either of the above you will have enough social interaction to stay sane. Neet life is appealing but ultimately devastating.

Check online for alt rite groups in your area or go to churches if you are OK with that, there's more of us than you think.

Then you need better friends
The first you need to do when meeting new people is ask them what they think about Hitler. Weeds out 99% of all undesirable

>Now I have Zero friends.
At least they're not fake friends who just need a ride. I'm the only one of my friends who has a good car.

Power level man! Hide it! Damn.

/pol is the only friend you need.

come home white man, Europe

>what are suburbs
That's where all the conservatives move user

what does that mean? power level?

No one forced you to come here burger

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I'm 21 and had a mix of city and country growing up so neither stuck to really take too much form on me. Parents have always been poor, total drunks at one point too. Luck has never run in my family and the "system" has never been kind to my white family. On the outside I probably look like some pot-smoking lefty with long hair, but really I want nothing more than for the 50s to bloom back into life. Women shutting up, minorities not having misplaced confidence. Nobody would expect it.

I hate hicks and lefties as much as the next guy while probably being indistinguishable from lefties to some Jow Forumstard

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You were just shedding the loose waste from your life. Improvement demands sacrifice.

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I share that feel.
It's OK to be alone user, if they only see you as a free uber.

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you don't know the half of it. I was an SJW

Also, if your friends actually ditch you for political beliefs......idk what to say man. They were shitty friends in the first place.

I've gone from 4th International style socialism to /traditionalism/ while knowing a few of my friends. They disagree but that's about it.

I'm mini. But I'm here for you

Instead of deleting my Facebook I'm sharing James woods tweets and Murdoch Murdoch vids on it


Reference to Dragon ball.
Refers to your conservative beliefs and how far developed they are.
Starts as libertarian, moves to tepid conservative, and finally to Natsoc.
Jow Forums is always right. And you're here forever.

>long hair on male
Get the Dick Spencer haircut. Best fashy haircut out there.

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Come home to outside Boise fellow non bu!pkin. We fight the Cali hordes these days, we need help

He's implying you should not speak about your values around normals because you might upset them. Aka, he is a soyboy that can't defend his position and caves to the pressure of others. We're alone, user. We're alone forever.

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Actually I have friends and I onlye browse pol ironically.

Fucktard doesn't know know to hide his powerlevel.
Here's a tip, being rightwing in the current year is like being a cock sucking fag back in the 50's. You have to know how to subtly signal to know who's down and who's going to flip their shit.
Truth, people don't give a damn about that or they'd already be here, no it's about ingroup signalling and beating on the outgroup.

You know the only male who can grow healthy, good-looking long hair is a WHITE male right? Nobody else has this fucking shit dude. We OWN it. You have every reason to have long hair, your fucking ancestors did and I bet niggers would kill to have long hair that doesn't rip their fucking scalp off. Spanish would kill for it too if they didn't slip on their own grease mullets under their feet

Explain the value of friends. I don't see any.


both have thicker, healthier hair

Right-wing is the new counter culture, stop cucking out. Wife, 2 kids and all my family (who mostly live on the OR coast) are all against the bullshit.

Fuck hiding. Fuck the soystream. Go get ab9mm for 270 and let's take our country back.

Upnotches to the left!

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So was I.

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Only a weakling hides his powerlevel. Have some pride in your Sayain heritage!

Same. I lost all my friends from high school.


Also helps if you go far enough right that you start networking together with other shitlords and form Mannerbunds irl. Regarding what far enough right means, if your ideology was popular in the 20th century you're not far enough right.

you run threads IRL?

lmao nigger I went out and said that Hitler was my rolemodel and I still managed to make friends.

Some people just don't give a shit. Those are the kinds of people you should hang out with. Great fun.

dumbest mistake

in time, you won't need them

one of us
one of us

>or people who have greatly benefited from the capitalist system
these are the people who you should befriend.

When I'm out converting elite men, I ingroup signal while giving them subtle redpills that don't trip their radar. I don't wear my red RWDS hat for that, sends the wrong signals. Jews were good at subverting because they know how to signal white. Now we Jew the Jews.


any tips on the methodology of ingroup signalling?

Team Prediction: based on Jow Forums's model.
(87+33) % 5 = 0
So if G is correct I should be team Peep

Well waddaya know?

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realizing this lately.

the rabbit hole goes deeper.

Lolbertarian ---> conservative ---> Fash ----> (I'm here) Bonapartist ----> Monarchist

If you don't know how to hide your power level then oyu don't belong on Jow Forums

do you know how many times I've politely smiled and nodded as I've listened to some dumb cunt friends of mine bitch about rape culture or systemic racism? It's just not worth it to correct them, just let them say whatever stupid horseshit you want and learn how to subtlety redpill people. Talk about culture rather than race, even though they're basically the same thing. Talk about how shitty modern feminism is, most people agree

>how to subtlety redpill people

you have to show, not tell.

Values, culture, morality are all tied to ethnicity and race.

You pull sleight of hand in any conversation interchanging the concepts.

Graduate from an elite school.
If your just some bumpkin then read the Atlantic, Slate, and New York Times for their basic marching orders. Also really helps if you've read up on books by commies (know your enemy).

What's nice about National Socialism is that it's a pretty broad category that takes into account the characteristics of each nation. It's completely possible to have a National Socialist state with a Monarchy.

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Hadn't considered that, as I haven't ascended to monarchist yet.

You can have blood and soil at the same time as divine right of leadership?

In function I can see them being similar but in concept they don't appear to be the same ballpark

>----> Global Monarchist

Q predicted this.

how do i signal that i like to suck cocks?


No, NatSoc (along with it's cousins neoliberalism and communism) evolved out of oldschool whigs, go read some old books about why monarchists hate whigs and everything to do with them.


Thats what you get for hanging out with nazi larpers all day. Now these ostracized losers can be your friend.

you're here too. I'm not as far right as them, but I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater

Youre also a europoor

Nigger I live in burgerland.

you got what you deserved

also wait until you know an issue they're extremely passionate about, and work on them from that angle

I'm about where John Locke is. And Rousseau is WAY too fuckin right on that chart, that's very inaccurate. that French fag is one of the roots of marxism

>being this big of a peepfag

Im here to literally kick sand in there face. For the lulz. I already have a gf.

You might not be as welcome to pol, kill niggers, far right as them. But you enable them. Youre guilty by association.

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immigration is a gem for that one.

Everyone wants to proselytize their humanistic neo religious view. Its full of holes from a historic and economic perspective. You don't even have to touch the culture and ethnicity angle at the outset.

in the boonies

lol, tell me what you are and I'll tell you why you're no better morally.

Actually I live near a major city.
Not sure where you're going with this

im just here to checkkem

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Im a bipedal great ape. a flawed simian creature. Cmon bro, of course Im better morally. I have the highground anakin. Your peers in this place are pretty much the dumbest of the dumb, muh race war. fking retarded.

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Yeah, it's definitely distinct from typical Monarchism in that sense. Instead of endorsing the Monarch since it's always in power, it endorses the Monarch because it's the best way to run a nation... kind of like how Monarchs started to begin with.

Instead of keeping the old dying flame alive, it seeks to light it anew.

Found you. youtube.com/watch?v=U4yxAJ1AdeM

Chosen undead, I...

Why the fuck would I ever use public transit? Only niggers and chinks use public transit.

If you're going to shitpost do it properly baka

lmao, okay you lonely fucking losers. Lets pretend like you made some great life for yourself. That youre not some completely sexually frustrated loner.

For a leaf and a peep, you still have a point. Solo game is just much more stressful at the beginning (while you're still at home getting ready) but once you're there, it's far more easier because you are way more approachable than when you have a 5x multiplier of oozing cum when you're with your friends. Too much testosterone is actually a turn off. One guy delivers just the right amount.
Look at it this way, you'll be gaining confidence after a few times of solo hunting, and will feel way better... Even after the day of the microwave which is coming for you you peep faggot.
If your friends left you because you spoke your mind, then you actually saved yourself from a lifetime of fake pseudo friends who most likely talk shit behind your back.
Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Face the world and be a man (woman)

trolling trolls is probably the lowest place you can be. you're obviously projecting.

Youre a faggot peep. What do you expect?

"P-projection!! Stop beating the fuck out of us!"

Yeah okay buddy. Remember when you came to Jow Forums to blogpost because youre fucking lonely? Sad af. But typical.

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are you a democrat or something? an sjw? a progressive? what?

I'm a right leaning centrist classic liberal individualist. that's enough to get called a nazi these days

Left leaning centrist. Bro. Pol isnt some front line for WN. Its literally a hurtbox where sociopaths go to revel in verbal and visual sadism.

I mean youre on pol. The left isnt perfect dude. We have our problems too. But we do have the moral highground.


moral high ground my ass.

you're pro-theft. racist against whites. sexist against men. etc

hate is hate is hate is hate is hate