

Attached: 70.png (480x488, 39K)

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Korea (both nord and south and Japan as well to end little rocket boi, Kpop and Anime)
America (so we can end retardation in general)
and the Middle east so we can solve that conflict once and for all

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or just blow up the bottom of the marina trench to end all of humanity at once

Australia. All three. Even then I'm not sure it would stop the Emu Overlords.

All in the Middle east

The only right answer.

Fuck you south korea is fine. Insanly low crime rates, very honorable culture, and awesome architecture.

Hollywood Tel Aviv London

I'd say drop them on Detroit, Joburg and Tel Aviv
Latter because you know whos, First 2 to make centuries of progress overnight

Glows must go

those aren't nukes, those are fucking yellowstone volcanos

the correct answer is mexico, the middle east, and sub saharan africa

Or possibly antartica/the north pole to melt some water and drown the entire third world.

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Fuckin CIA bogblocked my pic

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all on chocolate HQ

Nah fuck you both. Most of Florida is fine. Request non-nuclear option for south Florida. Make a deal with the Emu Overlords and sent in the 153 Emu Ninjaneering Brigade to put up a wall and a trench between us and Miami(and especially Parkland. Fuck those guys)


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Explosions of that size would make the Earth uninhabitable.

You wish creme boi

Lol, who's gonna buy the 50% of your GDP that comes from exports hans? And who's gonna protect them if you do find a buyer?

Nuke america and every other country in the world immediately goes back to the stone age. Have fun.

Israel, Mecca, Bejing

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I drop all three on england

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Please do not destroy any ancient megalithic stone sites, i wish to study them after all the enemies of the 88 are dispersed. So, no Mecca, no fucking Vatican, no exploding the old temples, are you bloody jihadist or what ? Remember this or you will all be serving eternity in the Arctic for destroying valuable Reich technology !

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raspail was right


This, just look up the population trends and drop all on Africa.

5/4 world population erased.

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Most of the world's wars are currently here and we get to kill the Jews, meaning future wars will be averted.

All correct answers must include the destruction of Israel.

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Nukes aren't real.

Drop 2 on Creme and Peep
Drop the third on Isreal
Peanut Butters are bros and Mini doesn't even exist

on cr*moid subhumans

If they were so powerful they could not be destroyed!

Taking care of business

you want to kill as many as possible but nuke USA/mexico and leave china?

this would solve a lot of problems. maybe more to the left to get more of africa

MEDIna Mecca and Jerusalem
Let them fight over ashes

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I wouldn't nuke anybody, because I'm not a psychopath

All of them on Israel.

>drop them all on Antarctica
>ice melts
>floods all the right places

Implying you can stop the emus.


not even my country is THAT cucked AHAHHAHAHA
God save the queen!!

All 3 on the UK, just to be sure

Hitler sends his regards

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All 3 on Peking. We should have nuked that shithole instead of Hiroshima. Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose, but it's never too late.

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New York, LA, and Berlin.

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>Hold a worldwide Jewish Holocaust memorial in Israel.

>Offer free tickets and accommodation to all Jews that wish to attend

>Inform that all Jews that attend will receive $1 million each in reperations for the Holocaust from all white people

>Have them all gather in the town square for the arrival of reperations by airdrops.

>Paint 3 planes with a smiling Hitler and a worried merchant

>Load all three nukes on the planes

>mfw pic related.

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Maximize non-White casualties.

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DC, LA, and New York City



west africa is worse than the soutehrn half of africa btw

All of them on Israel.

all on the usa

All three on Israel

10/10 would read again

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