Andrew Anglin cucks out

That's right. He is now a CivNat and pro-Israel. This is the end of the US, press S to spit on grave

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Hahaha thats fucking gay. These guys are no different from FOX and T_D now then if they're doing civic cuckery. Why the fuck would anyone read the stormer now if they're pulling LE BASED SHITSKINS

LOL what a fag he is. Even posting IDF roasties

Nevermind checked the date

Every fucking time!
All of the white nationalist crap were astroturf movements, fake from the start.

team creme, cool
ID: pOo, not so cool

>not knowing the date

>ID: poo
Beats me man, new style is boring as fuck

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Are you guys playing along or just retarded?

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I actually fell for it for a second then remembered the day

Lol thanks for the yous. Everything for team Peep

he says unironically as the board he is on is in the middle of an april fools gag.

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There is nothing wrong with being pro-Israel. We need to deport all the Jews to Israel before Iran turns Israel into a moonscape. By the way, Anglin, as a racial Jew, needs to go to Israel ASAP. He needs to bring Enoch with him.

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What day is it?

Don't deny him his moment of triumph

April 2nd

He's not lying. He wants to breed out the White race. Oh wait, he might have said that bit about breeding out the White race on April fools day. My bad....

Here, have another one. Fuck this team bullshit. Wasn't is rng anyway?

The joke is prolly that the numbers are already set and there is no competition. But fun to play the game nonetheless


> Ben Shapiro was a powerful influence on my conversion to civic nationalism. He was there at the meeting I had with the Rabbis, Gavin McInnes and Jonathan Greenblatt.

However, an even bigger influence was his sister’s rack.

Attached: Abigail-Shapiro-kinky-nude-leaks-28.jpg (625x469, 58K)

On shitposting days like these you can find out which board has the most faggots.

It's /v/. Fags have completely taken over that hobby/time waster.