Not A Easter Thread

So all boards are basically spammed with bots/shills that coincided with this "Easter Prank" I'm guessing? There's no way this many random anons are on board with this weird shit

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I'm sorry my fellow peep but you have autism

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I just want atleast second place

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Great posts. So the board's basically nuked

God forbid people have fun on April Fool's day

They are hiding something.. world war will happen soon...

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>There's no way this many random anons are on board with this weird shit

You have just confirmed your newfaggotry. GTFO.

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it's a day to shitpost without consequences of course everyone was going to get in on it

You are correct good sir, recognise the deception for what it is, adapt and carry on with business as usual.

you must be fun at parties....

Just stay off Jow Forums for april 1st. Just stay off the internet on april 1st desu.

How retarded do you have to be to find this fun?

what the fuck is happening? please give me a quick rundown on this?

Sounds like something a peep shill would say

typical disgusting team peep behavior. try to have some class and respect easter traditions you brat

April's fool with easter theme (the bunny kind)

>no way this many random anons are on board with this weird shit
>being this new

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thanks man,
fuck you there isn't a staler shit than creme

jesus christ, this was simply genious

Easter plus April fool faggotry

Will be over by tomorrow

April 25 is pedo pride day

Gather all Intel on the pedo rings and shit

Let the catalog be full of anti pedo breads

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>Newfag who doesn’t know the spirit of Jow Forums.

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im so confused

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It's a shill divide and conquer operation disguised as an April Fools prank but is really most likely about collecting data to use for future attacks on freedom. I've been on Jow Forums for a long time and it's pretty obvious to me that a lot of the content surrounding this theme was already created before hand due to how quickly and such a diverse amount of content was posted and I'd say many of the posters are bots.

It really is striking what a little division among groups did to stop objective goals.

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Way too coordinated to have this all pop up out of simple boredom and autism. It’s not even impressive, it’s sad.

>Being this out of touch with reality or this new.
Fuck off, this shit is amusing. Even autists can get a day of fun after trekking through shit all year. Think of all the fucked shit around here. Pedo's, suicides, shootings, Jews. Fuck off and enjoy the day of pointless shit posting faggot.

What the hell is going on?

No you fuck off shill. Go shit post irl you faggot so you get your ass kicked for once and maybe you'll learn some respect.

More like cringe posting than shitposting. This is why you should shitpost every day and not just once a year.

pure shit posting Will we devolpe a immunity?

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I'm an oldfag from 2017 and I peep

Here's a thread that's actually about something, and is related to Easter.

I just said fuck it last year and chilled offline

You think we could have trolled really hard on this day but it's full faggotry

Awhh internet tough guy a little mad? Maybe take the dildo out from your ass and start sucking on it to stop that shit from flowing out of your mouth faggot.

i've seen your meme a few times too often today