Earth is flat
deal with it
Earth is flat
Other urls found in this thread:
How do the other planets get sunlight?
Dumb ass chocolates
Its helical
Creme Power
Explain the night.
They're flat too.
>earth is flat
>chink space station ORBITING earth is gunna fall watch out
Fucking retards.
Look at the picture
False. The Flat Earth Society stated it is only Earth that is flat. The other celestial bodies are round. That's why it's the flat EARTH theory and not the flat solar system theory. Faggot.
So stop watching fake news.
>chink space station
Bet you a thousand dollars it lands somewhere without cell phone cameras.
Creme Power, fucking wifi is nut to butt
Citation needed.
Fuck you jew
> believing in other planets
But I have seen the moon in the sky during the day. I swear you flat earth fags have never been outside of your moms basement.
Flat earth = CIA psyop
Hollow earth is the real redpill
You can find it in the cummies I left in your mom, you 6 piece McFaggot
Actually the earth is concave kinda like an asshole
no..i gotta steer 271.2 to get 270. suk a dik.
How come the sun doesn't light the whole disc? You can see it from every point of the disc. Not to mention this system doesn't explain the seasons.
What about the sun
The light is pointed downwards.
see for seasons
What about it
Shut the fuck up choconigger
You hate me because I speak the truth
>calling people choconiggers
The irony.
earth is mostly rounded but flat in some spots
any evidence? at all?
i raffed
fuck you
But you can still see the sun from every point of the disc. Unless it's some sort of projector and in this case you should edit your picture because funily enough you claim the Earth is flat but the sun and the moon are still globes.
The Bible
I didn't make the picture, but I'll let the next photo wizard I see know