Meme War #3

Thread #1 Thread #2 >In a sparsely-furnished office in an “undisclosed” strip mall, the #NeverAgain students and ShareBlue, a progressive liberal media group, have teamed up to declare a meme war.

>Realizing their movement’s success was largely built on social media, Hogg & friends have dedicated themselves to dominating the discussion on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Their strategy? Out-memeing the right.

>Dylan Baierlein, a recent graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas says, “I came out the womb memeing.” Baierlein, 18, is still finishing psychology classes at Florida Atlantic University, but working full-time for the #NeverAgain movement. Baierlein noted that the NRA, the Alt-Right and users on Jow Forums have been his biggest inspiration for using memes to promote the group’s message. Pepe must be flattered.

>The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter, according to #NeverAgain co-founder Jaclyn Corin, and its location is a carefully-guarded secret. Meanwhile, a more public agency, P.R. firm 42 West, has volunteered its services for free, which gives the group access to big names in music, media and Hollywood.

Archive link:

Original article: Forums-after-shareblue-and-correct-the-record-failed-to-infiltrate-the-site/

Here is a video of the actual room:

Attached: pizza.jpg (1920x1080, 623K)

Other urls found in this thread:[Open][Open][Open]

Watch that same faggot post all his Schneider stuff like its a breakthrough.

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Don’t reply to shills

__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (

__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ([Open] )
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters (mossad) goes into the school and kills kids in freshman building with Cruz on campus. ([Open] )
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ([Open] )
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (

__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.

__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (

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might print this out

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Doing Gods work.
Here is the original plan with the anti bullying meme

Attached: MEmeHQ-1.jpg (1500x312, 59K)

best goblinacan so far

othing but the shills are left insee

this is high-grounding this doesnt work

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Stick to this plan + the rejection letter memes.

These shills are such newfags

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wow. this board has matured over the last few years. they've gone from tumblr raids to electing Trump to HWNDU, and now tracking down the meme hq of the hoggster himself.
what a fucking timeline to be alive in.

Reminder that anyone advocating for any sort of violence, threat or message related to guns is a shill and shall be called on spot to prevent newfags of falling for it.
Also recently they developed a new tactic, shift the thread to another problem, people implying another problem instead of making their own threads about it are confirmed shills.

I second this motion.

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I'd use a different image if I were you. I backed down because I wanted to give you guys some space, not back down for good.

IOTBW is here to stay, and so is SDIAHR.

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We need a Florida bro to put this on the door and take a photo of it. Maybe add a Jow Forums logo

Attached: StopBullying.png (500x500, 38K)

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this exactly

Omit the Jow Forums references. They'll know it's us regardless.

poo pls go

Attached: meme-hq.jpg (1899x1810, 1.59M)

This, just write #expect us

Okay, there is a clear and coordinated group shilling against IOTDY/SDIAHR. I stepped back in good faith to give you guys some space and you take advantage of it.

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You need to learn to speak without gaps, otherwise they will fill them for you.

SImpler is better. The bullying poster is good, but that’s just the seed. They see the poster and laugh and look around nervously, and see what, maybe one person across the street standing and watching? And that person just turns and walks away. Plant the seed of terror, they’ve heard stories about what they’re up against- let reputations precede with just a little nudging.

That's as cringy as it was when it first started circulating. It's old and stale.

Since then we know:
>There was a lag/delay on security cameras.
>Officers stayed outside, did not intervene during the shooting, most likely waiting for their cue by someone who was monitoring the cameras. Cue never came, because of delay.
>Shooter wore "full metal gear" with a weapon the teacher had never seen before.
>Media misrepresented stories about coward teachers, propping them up as heroes.
>Fake witnesses that graduated years ago (pic)

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If anybody knows any Fl anons tell them this is their chance to make fucking Jow Forums history again


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Here you go, if you want to take that route.

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Do any of you florida autist have a alligator?

no that's cringy

fucking kek YOU were the shill in this case trying to push your movement in the wrong thread. nobody gives a fuck if you wanna start your bullshit.
also you said younwere going away like 3 threads ago and yet here you still are. jesus christ faggot give it a break


Member that one time someone used chlorine gas on some furries?

Just saying

Attached: shock-troops-advance-under-gas-sturmtruppe-geht-unter-gas-vor-from-the-war-der-krieg.jpg (510x348, 73K)

Here's another.

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this, send assault alligators

Who cares... it is okay to defend yourself. Shills won't change a thing.

print out rejection letters from the top 50 universities and address them to David Hogg


print memes depicting la goblina cucking Hogg, being more successful than Hogg, making more money than Hogg, etc. Plant the seeds of division between them by making them compete for attention. If it works, they will both start to make the movement about themselves and about their own fame and will do or say more and more outrageous things to keep it going. The entire group will self destruct

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Fuck off, the guy you screen capped has said multiple times that the IOTDY stuff was never intended for Meme-lab IRL flyers.

Someone said they lived 29 minutes away and would go. Still waiting for confirmation

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i just came to wish you good luck bros

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Nobody else waste bumps replying to these

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FBI, pls go

ignore shills that think its a good idea to send pics of guns to highschool kids

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i think a pepe/trump pic put as inside their place as possible would make more paranoia

IOTDY was here first, and then a bunch of shills came in and are trying to snuff it out.

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didn't make this; harry potter is for faggots

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Make your own thread nigger, pushing your thing here is why you're being called a shill.

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Stop engaging with the shills and focus

I didn't say I'd go. wouldn't it be better to go in the daytime?

cremed my pants

someone shop hoggs sad face, uni logos, and "rejected" stamp in the nearest letters


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I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

Last night before heading to bed, I posted this comment in one of the prior threads:


This is the same plaza. The picture is of a unit just west of where their unit is.

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Unironically, this is the best tactic. This is what made "it's ok to be white" so successful. It's the physical manifestation of the memes, jump scares essentially for the normies. All done legally of course. Memes will render these asshole sociopathic toxic and their 15 minutes will be over.

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Beautiful work and contribution user. So glad this thread chain kept going.

I have no problem with starting my own thread when April Fools dies down. I agreed to stop posting in these threads, but while you think I've ducked out, you decide you're going to keep shilling against IOTDY/SDIAHR. Just change your image, keep the meme, and carry on, but if you're going to be an asshole about it, don't expect anyone to be nice.

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this entire shit is scuffed
good luck and I hope you find out where they are


The rejection letter stuff could be really good, since we already know he's butthurt about that.


bullshit, youve been shilling your idea in every thread even though nobody but one leaf agreed with you. seriously make your own thread retard, do you think suddenly everyone is gonna jump in board with you? trying to keep the idea around and implanted in these threads to leech off their traffic? your fucking pathetic, lurking these threads all day contributing nothing, just waiting til the next one starts to ctrl-v your fucking retarded idea. FUCK OFF SHILL

Always the possibility they would be there in the morning. At least at night you could guarantee you wouldn't get caught. If I were you and had the time I would do both and stalk the fuck out of that place for Jow Forums



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Don't send gun-related things
Send sex-related things.
They may get retarded when they see a boob or a dick.
Remember, humans desire 4 things:

Guns would only strengthen their false beliefs


what makes it good is the outrage around it redpilling passive onlookers, the crown ones are shit cause they are uncomprehensible for everyone, they don't mention what you are talking about, but the one you quoted is good cause it brings the full point


Forgot to put this in the OP:

We need to confirm the correct room/office number and we are all set.

Someone do this... Samuel needs the bump.


Oh yeah that will save America, good job Pede!
You know what must be done, faggot.

