What do you think her ethnicity/race is?

What do you think her ethnicity/race is?

Attached: Screenshot_20180402-120656_01.jpg (991x1342, 267K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Moorish rape baby

4th world subhuman disgusting mud blood womyn trash

Turk mutt

Med, Balkanite or Arab


Looks middle eastern. Possibly castiza.


I'm going to guess American horndog.


can be spanish, can be a lebanese, can be a moroccan

Caucasian, some country of the eastern Mediterranean. Probably Arab or Turkish

Balkan mixed with turk or roma

Pic related

Attached: 1522550877791.jpg (1024x762, 263K)

Not my gf

Attached: 1504584346846.gif (696x478, 826K)

Mixed bag of nuts.

white british

Green Eyes?
Spread thighs!

Attached: 1513836261760.jpg (657x527, 54K)

She's cute, I wanna see her feets.

Attached: literally just lole my dude.png (500x484, 233K)


shes a gypo (arab white multi generational mutt) but in america she would be white

Something like Kurd, Syrian, Khazikstan or one of the -Stan's, and portugese

Mulatto since it seems like a trick question. Looks kinda like Michael Jackson’s daughter as well.

middle eastern


out of Jow Forums's league


It's hilarious to see you pathetic cunts drool and grovel at the sight of an Aryan woman you can never have.

She's Indian. So am I. She's my new gf. Hahahahahaha look at all you pathetic virgins. Yeah, she could pass for white easily but she's actually much better and more beautiful than a disgusting white whore.

She looks dirty and niggerish, like a Turk.

>She looks white
>She looks niggerish
>She looks Arab
Only goes to prove that you basement dwelling, perma virgin, socially inept fucks know nothing about anything and are just memeing your life away on this gay board.
You aren't racist based on facts, but because you're trying to project your inner hatred of life towards anything you can.

nice larp pajeet. get back to fixing my modem

Reminder that you jack your tiny dicklet off to disgusting albino sluts all day long. Your "existence" is nothing but hope that the next day will be better.
Meanwhile I make love to pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_20180402-122720_01.jpg (1080x1165, 164K)

>racist based off facts
No one is racist based off facts, they're racist based off experience. Race is about appearance, if a person looks white, then that's what they are, if they look indian, then that's what they are.

My honest guess was Turk because she has a sort of niggery dirty caste to her complexion. Okay, so I was wrong, she is a street shitter instead. Turks and pajeets are not that different.

She doesn't look Indian, therefore she is not Indian. Appearances are all that matter when discerning race, nothing else matters.


So she's white? I have similar skin tone and Caucasian features so I'm white as well? Awesome, I'm moving to USA next year :)

Iran, greek, duno middeleast mediteranian.




why are you moving to a non-white country?


yeah, but i said by appearances. Nobody would mistake her for a scandinavian. They might think she's mediterranean or middle eastern.

I prefer my white gf than third world poo

what the fuck did I do to you, buddy? All I implied was that she was pretty. Which she is. Good for you

>"what's her ethnicity, Jow Forums?"
Team Peanut Butter


Absolutely disgusting.


Yeah, she is clearly on team peanut butter. Just because she is not on team chocolate the 3rd world boyfriend guy wants to take some kind of victory lap.

India is pretty diverse when it comes to looks. The ones in the north look closer to middle eastern or Caucasian from what I've seen so far. Look at pic relate for example. She goes to my uni but is pure Indian from India.

Attached: Screenshot_20180402-123818_01.jpg (560x1074, 118K)


Isn't that necklace a purity ring though? Lmao.

>tfw italian
>tfw see all these ameriniggers here lumping in my ethnicity with shitskins from the middle east



She's Greek, Iranian, or half-half West European/Arab

bitch lasagne

No, it is 0% Hispanic.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-21-23-40-23.png (720x1280, 1.08M)

>Peanut butter
She's pure indian at least until 5 -6 generations back, though. Lmao. You fags just want to claim she's white because you can't accept that white as a race isn't a concept and that the Caucasian race is very large and actually includes north Indians as well.

So when you call an Indian a subhuman, you might want to remember he's a caucasian white like yourself.

looks Lebanese or something

>getting a highly visible tat that could easily be shopped into "Poo"
why would you even do that?

Attached: peanut butter question.png (696x282, 233K)

And me ethnic spanish.

Stop putting mut shitskins as ethnic spanish african and mena shitskins are not spanish.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-02-23-18-23-37.png (720x1280, 797K)

stupid cunt group or SCG
noticed it right away



Stick to just memeing around, cuck. You fail at facts and your IQ is definitely lower than the average black african you loathe so much. Accept it, you aren't a masterrace or beautiful as a race at all. You just can't face the fact that Indians have beauty as well and that we are Caucasians as well. So you go around claiming we're white in someway.

Pic related is her parents. Either of them look white to you? LOL fucking losers thanks for proving this shit to me

Attached: Screenshot_20180402-124513_01.jpg (1080x1203, 275K)

Part Iranian

but are you closer to Whites or to Mutts? that's the real question

Indian/Arab, so probably Paki

nice pic
now take one where you aren't squinting and disguising your lack of chin

Fucking retard

Creatura 30% face, I respond because Im bored not because you are affecting me at all.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-20-03-46.png (720x1280, 159K)

I can only speak for myself but my standard for "white" is people of European ancestry. That standard excludes middle easterners and everyone from the Stans and India. I dont think Indians are subhuman, I just dont think they are white.

Fat fucking face, looks likes some beaner

Do you realize that white people colonized india and brought high culture to the place? The only reason light skinned indians exist is because of they are less mixed, and it's why they are in the north of india.

So yeah, your girl has "disgusting white whore" genetics.

Closest populations to me

Blue is native land, Green is nearest, red is 3rd, orange is fourth, cyan fifth, purple sixth.

Attached: Untitled48.jpg (720x1280, 243K)

>this fat indio mutt is posting his zit-filled face again

Lol nice reaction sperg

But we clearly have white ancestry. Those traits present phenotypically with light skin and Caucasian features. So Europe is our ancestral land and you have no right to call for deportation of anyone of middle eastern/North Indian descent. Now if the person looks clearly non-caucasian then yes, they have no ancestral rights.

>Creatura 30% face
well I kinda look like you, very close but minus the facial hair (I do shave everyday), same face profile, same eye shape, same nose shape, forehead, hair color etc but tanned instead. In fact, now I can see where I got my brown shit colored eyes(spanish)

where's your family from Spain exactly? Southern Spain maybe? You don't look very gypsy to me

La creatura Turkika

Attached: 1521062726475.jpg (340x341, 25K)

These. Med of some descripsh but probably an Arab.

Lel she's browned lmao@ ur lyfe

Idgaf she looks like waifu material. If she's arabic hope her relatives won't behead me.

Arab or
Southern european

You and your family are going to need to go back to shit-in-the-street-a-stan. No hard feelings but its best for everyone involved.

actually, India is a warning (like Brazil) against miscegenation -except it was with the Australoid types instead of Ameri-Indians and Negroids. It might also show that you eventually can't even have different races co-exist with even some sort of stratified class system without it eventually ruining your society's chances at progress. Also shows how much Christianity infused Romanization did for the Northern European Caucasians and why remaining pagan like the those in India would have been a death knell.

tl;dr: Keeping inferior races out and the Christian/Roman mindset is what made the white race (eg: northern euro ethnic groups) is what made them superior

It's funny because he really thinks she looks white and thought we wouldn't see she's some brown person.
I bet he's black as a boot but new money rich and wanted to get higher in the caste system. Too bad, Poodoo.

>or southern european
What do you mean by this?

Attached: 1521325072085.png (720x1145, 632K)

Spainish etc

OP got rejected by this girl.
This thread just bait to get tbis girl doxxed and abused


Arab baby

Attached: Baby-With-Hood.jpg (600x800, 133K)

You realize the caucuses are in west Asia, right?

is her dad a GI?

Shut up finnigger.

Accept it cunt, we (high cast north Indian)
are your brothers and sisters.
I still have white ancestry. So does my gf. We will fight you for our right to live and have kids in Europe. Our forefathers we're from Europe.
She looks white lmao I didn't even say that your Jow Forumsfag friends said she looks white.

Attached: Screenshot_20180402-130501_01.jpg (735x1069, 178K)

This is a pic of the OP. He thinks he is white.

Attached: JeetThePajeet.jpg (419x344, 36K)

she's clearly jewish

Did her father got cucked?

Do you know what is ethnic Spanish?
Or do you think everyone who lives in Spain is ethnic spanish?.

Attached: male-harrijasotzaileak-stone-lifting-competitor-lifting-195-kilo-weight-A4B8EG.jpg (866x1390, 132K)

Picture is taken in Starbucks in the US or Mexico
She's Mexican. Her hands give it away as well. Most Mexican have stubby hands and little smushed up feet.

begone poo boys

Attached: aaf.jpg (680x752, 80K)

IDK what you mean by GI but her parents are pic related
I would never do that, you bitter virgin. Just because you're a sad, lonely misogynistic cunt doesn't mean everyone is. I took all appropriate cautions and all these pictures are undoxxable.

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