OY VEY, we israelites are just defending ourselves silly goy we only shoot agressors such as this lethal unarmed 18 year old boy
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We need to wipe israel off the map
Jesus Christ they are subhumans
>Oy vey! Those Hamas terrorists were armed with assault tyres and high capacity slings.
Bumping for another shoah.
Nightmare fuel
>Although for the most part Netanyahu has in the past ignored these types of statements from Erdogan, this time he opted to respond, saying on Sunday morning that Erdogan’s remarks were apparently an April Fools’ joke.
>“The most moral army in the world,” Netanyahu tweeted about the IDF, “will not be lectured to by someone who for years has indiscriminately bombed civilian populations. Apparently, this is the way they mark April Fools’ Day in Ankara.”
you americunts need to spread this shit. god knows your media wont show you this
Thanks man
>no one called out this kike puppet yet
how do we end the nuneocons?
we need a fucking discord or something
pakis being destroyed always warms my heart
The middle east have to and will wipe itself out eventually. Killing innocent palestinians just fuels the iranians into wanting to drop bombs on Israel
Oh noooo, they killed a brown!!!
Who gives a fuck?
fuck off paki we want muzzos to die
jewry will fuck up your country aussieman. fight against that then you get to fight the towelheads and the dune coons
Funny how this vid is monetized
>Funny how this vid is monetized
Could you really expect any less from (((YouTube)))?
OK, so any of you retards going to explain the tire?
>"hurrrr durrrrr all palestinians are brown mudslimes!!1"
spoken like a true brainlet
>The Hamas agent was planning on burning the tire, its fumes so deadly they could have gasssed the entire jewish population of neighboring Beer Sheva.
Seriously, what else do you think they are going to do with large tires at a protest, hurl them over the fence at Israeli snipers?
>18 year old
Sage this bullshit
Every Arab dying would objectively make the world a better place.
>No pls dont kill me we dindu nuffin we are peaceful
Based,I hope they kill eachother
Are you guys fucking retarded?
Israel has a fucking right to defend itself against islamic invaders dumb fucks
Did you guys know that Palestine terrorist FUCKING SHOOTS MISSILES AT INNOCENT ISRAELI CIVILIANS??
of course this shitty biased site never report crime against Israel
Your country is pure evil
it is our duty as Americans to help Israel.
Same. It sucks that the Palestinians don't have the proper equipment to kill more Jews. It's too one-sided at the moment.
Lol those kikes actually are evil eh?
why is it always like 50 young men in a field being shits? Where the fuck does this shit even happen and why? Seems like a big waste of time and propaganda.
You guys are BLIND!!
Look at this
And now tell me what side is evil
The jews. Jews are evil by default. They are Jewish
because its all staged and organized by Hamas
they literally bus civilians (women and children etc) from all over Gaza to this "protest" and then hide their own militants within the crowd to take shots at nearby israeli soldiers, with the hopes that israel will fire back and hurt some children for """"good press""""
you soak it in gasoline and use a molotov for a quick burn as it hurdles towards fences and whatnot. that's what protesters did in Bahrain at least
Cool both sides should die.
>Too bad you goys be busy being angry at muslims for infesting EU so us chosen people can do the most inhumane acts to these muslims and you won't protest
some sources say they are lined with explosives/fuel before being rolled towards the border fence
some say they are burned to crease a smokescreen for their rock slingers
>atonal yammering
>istant dislike!
>guy steals stuff, drops
Meh. He probably wasn't even dead. They just pose as dead so they can hold a massive celebration. The "dead" then pops up again with a different name. Normies can't read the squiggly lines anyway, and they forget whether Fathima had 17 or 16 children.
Fucking sandniggers.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>Lol, you dumb goatfuckers are living in the middle age and don't have any weapons or technology.
"Hey Israel, maybe cool it with the killing civilians. Just a little bit?"
Fucking Jews need to be sent to the ovens.
>the most moral army
I hate mudslimes far more than Jews. But I wouldn’t have to deal with mudslimes if not for Jews. We need to clean up the Middle East, ideally with nuclear energy.
Also: I can’t seem to,post comments without images since yesterday’s April Fools gag. Wtf is going on?
Yes, because Palestinians really need to warn the block when they're throwing rocks at your tanks.
Looks like these mudslimes were in a no go zone. Its a military conflict, of course you will get shot if you run through a restricted area. Also after he gets shot all his shitskin brothers are running to his help. A wonder they didnt get shot.
Always the same shit with those cunts
>Provoking the shit out of israelis
>Film it
What's it like knowing that Brown AND WHITE people now hate you? Who you gonna piss off next?
One less Muslim ape! Based Israel!
holy shit, what's with the mudslime shills on Jow Forums recently
it's only making me hate those negroids even more. I've never been more supportive of Israel in my life for killing these subhumans
Why go for the tire in the first place?
Why is the crowd cheering him on?
Juts another example of muslims killing themselves to garner sympathy.
>links about propaganda
Yeah, well, Arabs lie when they talk and they pose whenever there's a camera or a smartphone out. Literally. There's tons of videos on YouTube BEFORE they were cut, showing them to get into position as a "victim" and everything.
The one with the tyre looks pretty fake. They didn't even have the sound of a shot in that video. Amateurs.
the fuck do i care? just because i hate kikes doesn't mean i like sandniggers. that enemy of my enemy is my friend bullshit is just bullshit. desu i'd probably support israel if their tribe left my fucking country alone
go shill somewhere else. Fucking nobody is falling for your shitskin tactics
Nothing to do with Jews. Here is what happened what the world news agreed on:
Palestinians march to the border. Cause riots.
Palestinians got shot. Israel did not invade the Gaza strip.
It's pretty clear who is the aggressor this time, who started the trouble.
We have shitskins in my country, we know how they are and how they behave.
fuck off
This is not youtube, do not expect any sympathy here
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for jewish children.
We're defending ourselves just like everyone else would from hoards of wild primitives.
Why should you even feel bad about dead muslims in general? Pathetic.
>what the world news agreed on:
unfortunately there a lot of muslims shills in Jow Forums now. They're just buttblasted trump won, they will go when they realize nobody here believes their bullshit
Hurr everybody agianst israel is a muslim durr
I will ignore everything else
You are not defending yourself, this is not your soil. You are an occupant of another man lands
could say the same about the jews but they actually like trump
No they don't
they hate him
OH NOES trump gave jersusalem to us
OH NOES trump vists muh wall
fuck off
Why? All the Juden do is well our military secrets to China, demand endless tax dollars, subvert the democratic process in Congress, and they use their desert sandbox as a refuge from the laws of the countries in which they commit crimes. ( Michael Kadar).
Palestinian parents send their own kids to the front lines knowing full well what could happen to them, just so they might some footage like this for propaganda purposes. Fucking animals
Innocent Muslim doesn't exist
What is going on? I don't get what happened.