Attached: 31ECAABB-2C50-44B3-B0C9-0D92571B3890.jpg (1916x1152, 970K)
Isaiah Moore
Luis Hughes
A Swedish feminist is on another level than your average feminist. It's the most wicked, self hating human known to man. The eternal enemy is the "white angry male" and the patriarchy must be destroyed at all cost.
Landon Rivera
Reminder that this talentless faggot is Sweden's greatest achievement.
Gabriel Smith
Ryder Gonzalez
at this point I'm blaming white swedish nationalists because they haven't gone full turner diaries yet. by now you thoroughly deserve everything that's happening to your country and your people
Bentley Adams
shot her alredy user
Jonathan Bennett
L.O.L., didn't even know that "Gudrun" was a female name, T.B.H., lad.
Aiden Young
Brayden Thompson
>peaceful muslims
Brandon Anderson
How about no
Alexander Nguyen
> *Piss full Muslims
Adam Turner
Why are they so arrogant? The only reason they're here is because (((they))) made it so and they can just as easily be removed at any time and their ideology will never convert anyone native to western countries in any non-negligible number
Christian Rodriguez
Sauce? Because I can't find it on search
Jaxson Turner
The Texas floods happened in Houston and good riddance to them.
Aaron Reed
I can’t wait to take my kids on safari in Sweden in 20 years when nature reclaims the land.
Luis Russell
How far away are from feminists literally calling for a caliphate? This transcends Poe's Law.
Levi Gonzalez
I remember seeing a terrified Swede stuck in Florida with Irma hours away. By offering reassurance and advice I was probably raping her, unbeknownst to me
Oliver Roberts
I thought nazis were white
Asher Sanchez
I can't wait until the invaders kill her.
Jaxon Long
Breivik is the answer
Brayden Bailey
bra källa, bögjävel
Jonathan Torres
Eli Barnes
>Dried up old hag
>Hell bent on destroying the swedish people
Oh surprise
Easton Roberts
>Women in politics
Only if you are ready for your country/planet to die.
Christopher Parker
he is cute
Easton Rogers
Sweden is what happens when you refuse to kill disobedient women.
Brayden Reyes
Did he really do that? Well, he is a comedian. In my country, the leader of the Proud Boys has himself stuck things into his own anus in one of his published videos. The explicit racialists, ie. not Proud Boys, are some of the few who really make an effort to stay properly clean-cut.
Carson Garcia
Xavier Ortiz
Sweden, how did this happen? where did it all go so wrong?
David Thompson
Hell is for ever!
Angel Morales
Probably after following Spain's example in accepting open sodomy.
Carson Allen
That frightening feel when Texan.
I seriously want to come back now.
They're going to kill me here.
Aaron Reed
Im a christian i just like boys
if you think murderers can go to heaven but lgbt people can’t you’re a dumb
Anthony Mitchell
Hell is for ever!
Ian Wood
David King
>Her party isn't in parlament
Why is she even relevant?
Jeremiah Cooper
Don’t worry it’d take 1000 germs to kill 1 texan boi
Owen White
I want him to play video games with me
Angel Phillips
It is fake, but will be real in a couple of years
Tyler Hall
are you the one that used to post on KC and bitch about Texas constantly
Asher Nelson
>self hating
No, shes not selfhating. She just hates you, and all men.
Plus she's a women, aka a se erely underevolvef brain in comparison to men, so she cant see any consequences, is delusional, arrogant to no ende.... like a chimpanse with a gun. Thats just what women are: Retarded. It's just the truth.
Owen Johnson
Fake News until you provide an archive, cuck.
Oliver Russell
Nice source
Logan Hall
Most anti-Scandi posters on this website are crypto-papists who like taking aim at protestant nations. That's why I often take a moment to remind them from whence the degeneracy actually comes. Like so:
Grayson Perez
Can't wait for SHTF to go full Myanmar on the muzzies.
John King
Beautiful countryside desu
Wyatt Torres
I dont understand why no ody has slaughtered her yet.
Can't be that hard.
She lives somewhere.
Also: there sure are literally thousands of men who wanna see her dead.
Some dozen would be enough, or just some based sneaky hero.
Jackson Roberts
This is fake. But I seriously had to look for it, because Gudrun is unironically stupid enough to say shit like that. Decades of feminism rotting her brain. Sad!
Anthony Ward
I bet you 100 euros her hyman is still intact
Grayson Torres
Sweden is what happens when you refuse to kill disobedient women.
Hudson Powell
ill pray to god to drown sweden
Jace Allen
Haha naw man muslims are our friends haha
Levi Carter
You should just channel your other 44% and show her the might of the KARA BOGA.
Brody Morgan
we don't kill disobedient women anywhere in the US. hell, even Slavs don't. yet we're not doing as badly as Sweden.
Jayden Turner
Swedes are pretty cool to be honest. I wish I were a swede.
Landon Hernandez
when I first saw that image on social media I thought it was a fake quote like the rest of the quotes on social media. It's not.
Xavier Robinson
it isn't fake. but it's not like Islam is a monolithic religion. they're more divided theologically than Christians are.
Aiden Williams
Not that hard probably.
Dye your hair blond,and introduce your sister and girlfriend to some gipsy's
Should make you 90% Swen.
Aaron Bailey
If Swedes don't start a civil war, it will never happen.
Nolan Clark
>we don't kill disobedient women anywhere in the US. hell, even Slavs don't. yet we're not doing as badly as Sweden.
I mean u must be quite delusional not so see where your heading to with exponentially increasing velocity....
And btw you're almost there, very quickly cathing up.
I mean they are right now n still trying to overthrow your president, thus democracy and the ONLY reson they havend succeeded is, because Trump happens to have a shitload of wits. If all those precious coincidents werent there, yes you unironically would have neocommunism by now, and i wanna mind u, that those happenings arent over yet, that struggle is still ongoing...
Michael Gray
Murderers will go to heaven if they repent.
Whether you repent is between you and Christ. If you meet Jesus still lusting after dick, because you think nothing is wrong with that and you should be accepted no matter what because you're a special snowflake, He will know. I'm not saying this because I'm a homophobe out to condemn you because of your sexual preference. I'm straight and I lust after tits and pussy too. This is just as much of a problem in the eyes of Jesus. He loves us but he wants us to get right. More importantly he wants us to help each other get right which is why I'm telling you this.
This is also true for heteros fapping to pornography. This will keep you out of heaven. The same thing is true for racial hatred, love of money, and millions of other sins. You have to repent of all of your sins in order to be saved. You are also not a Christian unless you pray every day and 1) repent of your sins, 2) express thanks to God for what you have, 3) ask Him into your life so that you can walk the right way, etc. You have to read your Bible regularly and get right with the doctrine, you have to get taught and find a good community who will lead you in the right direction. Above all you must want to be saved.
Otherwise, yes, you are going to hell. The same thing is true for me by the way. I'm not excepting myself. I'm a sinner as much as you are, but this doesn't make the sin okay. We must love each other as sinners because Jesus commanded us to and we have to help each other find the was back to Jesus.
Gabriel Robinson
> KC
What's that?
Jose Torres
>floods killing Floridians
Hurricanes are a social event here.
Nathan Jackson
Aren't Swedes athiests?
They certainly are hypocrites.
Jacob Roberts
be glad you've never heard of it. anyway, being a Texan on the Germany must be suffering.
Jason Russell
I'd take that bet. This uppeclass slut has probably had more cock than Lauren Southern and Laura Loomer combined.
Dominic Diaz
>I dont understand why no ody has slaughtered her yet.
She's an upper class skank who turned to leftist politics to get her free meal ticket. Then she got kicked out of the leftist party for being a total shithead so she started the feminist party. Which never took off and is extremely unpopular in Sweden. She's a washed up politician, a has been, a nobody. The only people who care about her are women studies majors and Jow Forumsacks.
I wonder why certain Jow Forumsacks care so much about her hmmm.. who could be so interested in digging up an alcoholic washed up politician and use her to try to undermine white people and turn us against each other in a way that weakens Europe as a whole.
Leo Murphy
>hahaha I'm an unironic edgy nazi and like watching pewdiepie
>12 btw
Lucas Ward
I want to go back. I hate it here.
Connor Moore
pewds is ok
Jason King
Zachary Robinson
>undermine white people and turn us against each other in a way that weakens Europe as a whole.
That's what happens when you refuse to kill disobedient women.
And that's what western men HAVE to get into their heads....before it's too late
Benjamin Butler
Thanks for the tip, Ahmed
Noah Lewis
Yeah, I'm gonna need a link.
Adrian Reed
Help them, Sven. Convert to Islam, and start marrying young girls who are perfectly obedient. Four wives is allowed. You cna make like 20-30 white-ish kids and demand gibs from the feminists.
Brayden Lee
He's not talentless though. He has some talent and works hard. You don't have to like him or his content, but facts be facts, Kiwi.
Brayden Morales
They have a state church and I wish my country had one, too.
Camden Clark
>muh dik
Austin Bell
Im not mMudsile u bluepilled, gynoslave.
Absolutely every nation that bows to female bullshit will inevitably destroy itself.
Bowing to female retardation means removing iq from your society.
The result of a nation basically removinng it's brain, is collapse. Inevitably.
Bluepilled gynoslaves like you are the problem.
Keeping politics and control over society fem-free, IS the solution.
( btw it's not my fault, that it is that way and that females are basically born without a functioning brain )
Luis Miller
it’s wrong as much as all sex is wrong. Flesh is inherently sinful. God took pity on us and through christ we can be forgiven for our sins as long as we’re proeprly ashamed of them and regretful.
Austin Cooper
That old man really seems to be into giving that young girl shoulder rubs. Who is he?
Mason Moore
Some faggot swede is gonna just decide that my country belongs to the British? Fuck that
Landon Perez
>>>(((Gudrun Schyman)))
Not a Swedish name. Seems she has taken the land already and now wants it to open for her heathen brothers and sisters.
A grim reminder to hang all traitors before they can do major damage.
Cooper Rodriguez
>A grim reminder to hang all traitors before they can do major damage.
Sweden is what happens when you refuse to kill disobedient women.
Liam Reed
This. A feminist country is an Islamic country.
Feminism + time = Islam.
Landon Barnes
That was fast even for hues, we should get a boatload of murder hungry favela hues and put them in no-go zones, the savagery would drive all shitskins out then we fly the hues back and pay them handsomely for their services to the community
Owen Walker
Can the people not simply vote this cow out of office? What the fuck is wrong with Sweden?
Blake Richardson
>not a swedish name
hell, its an icelandic name even
are you daft
Noah Thomas
Reminder that people can change and dragging up dumb shit they did back in the day to discredit them is one of the cheapest, laziest substanceless things you can do.
Austin Bennett
fake and gay, stop getting your news from fake sources like breightbart and infowars. baka.
Jonathan Ortiz
What is Guthrum Schumann's problem?
Juan King
her "office" as such is so incredibly minor (local government councilwoman in what is essentially a holiday town), and the party she represents is as other people have stated in the thread utterly reviled and does not have any seats in parliament
Angel Gutierrez
1. She's not in office.
2. It's a fake article.