Petertards REKT

Petertards REKT

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Peterson immunizing kids against indoctrination

Peterson's attack on post-modernism is a huge success. He is not Jow Forums, but I still wish him the best.

>are out to literally destroy western civilization
That is exactly what they are out to.

Holy shit! I'm back on the Peterson train.

WTF I like Bederson now :DDD


wtf I make my bed now

Checked. This prof's a cuck who needs to learn how to do his job better.

i feel sorry for anyone getting a degree in philosophy in 2018

imagine signing up to learn about interesting shit because you took too much mushrooms one day, only to get some liberal faggot who wants to virtue signal about how hip and tolerant he is because he's old and pathetic, desperately trying to fuck all his college female students even though he cant get laid at all

theres so many of those faggots in (((academia))) now, they need to be dealt with before they tarnish the reputation of their field even more and we go back to burning books

>analytical philosophy
>studies Simone de Beauvoir
This post is bullshit.

Lmao teacher literally oy veying because the students arent just taking his bullshit at face value

>not wanting to study Baudrillard

> "merchants"
Oy vey shut it down

Once again: post is fake. If the guy is working in a philosophy department, he is not teaching analytical philosophy at all. Other than Frege and Russell, which seem to get token mentions, the whole post is about "philosophers" outside the "analytical tradition".

Peterson doesnt even know what marxism is how am I supposed to take his critiques seriously?

to be fair his job is to corrupt the youth and he was pretty good at it until Peterson took a huge shit on him

A friend of mine who is a girl is in some bullshit philosophy class and told me she learned she was a Marxist one day because she wanted to fix inequalities and her professor said that made her a Marxist. I asked if she thought communist countries were doing well. She didn't even realize being Marxist ment you strived for a communist society. She realized it and soon decided that she was not a Marxist. These professors are brainwashing retards. Fuck (((them))) and fuck (((their))) games.

>liberal (((professor))) cant push propaganda unopposed anymore.
>cries out in pain while he strikes you

I welcome this development. Kermit did well

The fire rises

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>I'm a prof
>take my word for it
>even though it would be much more effective to just publically state all of this under my real name
>but I'm not going to do that because of reasons I won't reveal
>just trust me

Haha about time lefty cucks started feeling the pain they're inflicting upon society deep inside in their ivory poop chutes.

>my students are engaged in critical thinking and questioning ideas instead of swallowing what I tell them REEEEEEE

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>Commie Teacher now has to work
Imagine my shock

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Nailed it

>reddit posting
>throwaway account
>self admitted teacher of marxism and feminism
wew lad
rekt indeed

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Tldr for someone who didn't have time for that shit in college?

Anyone who has got the thinkpiece-industrial complex so riled up is alright by me

>boo hoo it's getting harder to brainwash students with cultural marxist doctrine ! wahhhhh !

You faggots are absolutely hilarious. Absolutely proving the point of his post. The guy says he has to teach Foucault and friends in a History of Philosophy course because they are part of the history of philosophy. Guy says there used to be actual discussion, usually critical, of their ideas but now there's a bunch of kissless virgins that can't stop autistically screeching when these ideas are brought up and don't even fucking understand them. And what can you guys do but start rubbing eachother off and screeching? Fuck you people are so stupid

l3ddit has arrived to defend this biased and skewed account

>t. posturing reddit refugee

just fucking kill yourself already kid


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>Oy gevalt, somebody taught goyim to disregard kosher mental AIDS on sight! Its like another shoah!
Seriously, what did they expected? Those students see end results of marxist conditioning daily, it is only natural that they will despise its roots too.

>inb4 shillery

Well that's a whole lot of text just to make a bunch of non-arguments.
He literally could've just said:
>mad cuz my Marxists indoctrination is getting harder.

>"stupid goyim, stop trying to oppose my marxist brainwashing"

What a fucking slimy kike.

I don't know who this Peterson guy is but this philosophy professor is a real piece of shit degenerate

Why is it always THIS, user?
Seriously guys, I'm speaking to all of you.
Why is it always someone is either 100% /ourguy/ or they need to be burned at the stake?
Why can't we cherry pick what we like from certain philosophies, groups, e-celebs, even each other and dispose of what we know is wrong or bad?
I honestly believe the amount of energy that actively goes into trying to divide us and make us constantly bicker about who's getting thrown overboard as non /ouruguy/ next is the work of shills.

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Because thats too reasonable you kike


>It's not the disagreement. No, it's the anger, hostility and complete fabrications.
that's pretty rich

Agreed. Society was progressing, Petereson has simply tapped into a demographic that wasn't capable of keeping up. Unfortunately this is now creeping into university courses and might set us back. He's making a killing though, like the exploitative capitalist he is. At least someone here gets it. Now let's wait and see if any of his disciples actually get off their asses and accomplish anything...I'll be waiting.

Well I guess Petermeme is doing some good after all

/leftpol/ trying really really hard

wtf I clean my room now !

Academia for all schools and subjects is completely tarnished. It would need a Stalin level purge to become fit for purpose again.


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Sounds pretty much like these ideas are not being bought in the free marketplace of ideas anymore?

These young students are the first generation to have grown up with the internet as a part of their lives. Whenever they want to know something, to turn to google first. They are no longer just taking the professor at the pulpit preaching to them, but instead are able to seek out other opinions, ones that contradict and contest what they are being told.

I literally read this as a dictator in his war room barking at his generals that the peasants are fools and don't know what's best for them. Meanwhile, the revolution is pounding at the door to get in, seize control and oust the old guard.

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I like you. No more brother wars.

> Russel and Frege
> Aknowledge all the vague intersectionnality horseshit based on shallow concepts of "structural oppression"
> "Why the goyim don't believe me ?" .jpeg

Colour me surprised.

>i feel sorry for anyone getting a degree in philosophy in 2018

Depends. If you get a philosophy degree, it trains you in logic, reasoning and arguments. These are not bad things. People think philosophy is not a bunch of airy fairy faggotry, though a lot of the people who study it are.

What one can "do" with a philosophy degree is apply it to something else, like a law degree. You want to be a good lawyer? You need to be able to make good arguments using reason and logic, supported with research from previous legal cases.

That being said, if I was a young buck looking forward in life asking what am i gonna do.... I'd be looking at a trades school and offering coke and hookers to the administration to get in to being an electrician.

really makes you think

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well said

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>I didn't used to have to defend these nonsensical ideas but I do now

Wow, this poor man.

t. 90 IQ

>can't attack his ideas
>can't assassinate his character
>b-b-b-but his fans are bad

900 years in mspaint btw

> Guy says there used to be actual discussion, usually critical, of their ideas

Oh yeah I would love to see that because none of the intersectional horseshit, foucaldian postmodernism and prejudice studies could resist one round of conceptual clarification. All that "power structures" and "systemic oppression" ramblings are shit-tier liberal concepts and they know it perfectly well.

So much this.

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personal story
>we in good terms with next door neighbors
>thye have a younger kid
>he like 16 im 21
>we used to play videya and shit
>kid takes me as a second paternal figure
>4 years ago started to red pill him slowly
>we still make bbq or make dinner night with them from time to time
>dude tells me how his class mates now use the "we wuz" meme
>and how the whole "did you just asume my" meme is rampant around the school
>tfw im porud of you boy.
i also know he lurks.
yo J. if you reading this, keep up the good work.

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Typical shill post.

How does this supposed professor know these students were „brainwashed“ by Peterson? Can‘t these students object to (((post modernism))) without having ever heard of JP?

Typical marxist character assassination tactic. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>oh no i cant indoctrinate useful idiots anymore


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this smear campaign is weak, they should hire better writers

It's not just philosophy; I weep at the state of history right now

Based college kids


>tfw I've been recruiting youngfags like this through vidya for years
>tfw my friend who just graduated last year had redpilled his orange county school
>everyone using Jow Forums memes in the heart of shitlib fuckery

He and his class are all going to college now and the memes will continue to spread like a virus. Fags like in OP's pic are in for a whole new the kids we've influenced come to their classes.

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this place can be glorious sometimes

you're right, someone would never lie on the internet to make themselves look good

Fucking hilarious pic.

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you might be autistic, user
people joke a lot here, it's kinda what we do

Thanks, it's a shitty shoop I did in response to some shill/troll thread with that as the OP pic lul

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>waaaaahhh I have to do actual work now and cant just coast off of my plush government job until I retire and get my pension

Lmao the absolute state of American education

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One of the problem is marxists professors got into admins decades ago, and once they were in, took advantage of the fact most departments have close connections internally to secure themselves. After all, no one wants to shit on their colleagues and risk their secure job they wrote countless papers for.
Throw in a couple decades of this plus the idea of the spiral of silence and that is how you get to toady.

>Society was progressing,
If enabling children to take hormones and do irreversible damage to their body and adults acting like children is progress you're goddamn right I want nothing to do with it.

>He says Women and Marxists are out to literally destroy western civilization
>I have to explain that no, they're my friends, I'm frustrated
Based JBP

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How can one possibly argue that Marxism isn’t fundamentally aimed at subverting western society? That’s the whole point of it

>People in the USA have to take "Humanities" classes to graduate even if they're doing STEM or something utterly unrelated.
>These classes are 99% cucked and their schools only survive funding becuase of these mandatory classes which waste entire semesters of peoples lives.
>Peterson makes videos about how shitty and useless half their "research" and "publications" are and students decide to shitpost in their exams about it because they can't fucking stand being preached at for a semester.

And now some faggot on Reddit is crying about how Peterson's content is more potent and students actually believe it at the expense of theirs. And the comments are almost all "I can't believe that people don't spend hours arguing about historical events until they come to our conclusions!"

Probably used a Throwaway account because their regular account is full of disagreements and attacks on people who don't agree with them.

Jow Forums is tumblr 2.0 now, great job guys

absolutely true

I only have a problem when they disregard, signal against and misrepresent our arguments. Peterson goes out of his way to do this. It makes it hard to hold him in high esteem, he does some good though.

Final proof that vacines cause autism!

I work at a uni and it’s reallg gross how many of the youngish profs fuck their students.

well done

Based gen z telling a leftie prof what they really think of him.

Meant more the philosophers and reference to analytical philosophy or w/e. I got to skip humanities due to my AP US history credits. Thankfully that class was taught by a non-marxist.

Thanks for the rundown though.

>professor mad that he can’t just restate the things he’s learned, but has to qualify everything he says.

You should be doing that already. Half of these fucking classes run on a discussion based and argumentative essay based structure. Believing that you shouldn’t qualify any assertion you make, particularly ones that aren’t self-evident (gender vs sex) is naive. I’m not even disagreeing, I can understand where profs come from in making this distinction. However, you cannot really expect your job to be so simple as “here are the structures and ideas I’ve adopted from my readings, now you adopt them”. At least give them particular excerpts to read, it isn’t like these arguments haven’t been had before.

Also, as far as I know JP doesn’t even deny that you can make that distinction, he seems to talk more about identity arising from these structures rather than the nature of these structures.

At the same time, if you spend every class period regurgitating YouTube videos you should kill yourself.

On the contrary, he IS the indoctrination.

Hahahha TAS of liberal art “professors”.

Also, checked

Why does Jordan Peterson always talk about jung and the archetypes, yet he completely ignored the Odin archetype? Is he too stupid to realize that his current actions are what caused hitler I the first place, or is he in denial?

He also like Solzhenitsyn or whatever, but he tries really hard to pretend like 200 years together doesn’t exist. It doesn’t fit his narrative

And most of all, he’s a Christian preacher who constantly references nietzsche, but how does he reconcile the fact that nietzsche irrevocably decimated Christianity from every angle in the will to power?

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So he's angry that people are arguing against his ideas
Why? I renember Philosophy Class being dull and boring, with most people being too cowardly to express their opinions. Shouldn't he be happy about being able to start a dialog?

No he's angry that they simply dismiss the concepts and ideas without proper discussion or open mindset, see his 'entitled liberal bullshit' example. There is a big difference.

So having a strong stance against something is being close minded?

He’s angry that people don’t want to entertain completely Jewish notions. Implying that people should at least taste lethal poison before deciding that they don’t like it

Jung and Nietzsche didn't cause the 3rd Reich or "decimate Christianity."(completely retarded supposition btw) They were both simply products of the same culture that created the both of these things and articulated them before it was undeniable.

Dismissing something as 'entitled liberal bullshit' is not a valid argumentation or discussion. The real world has different standards about that than Jow Forums.

What do you mean I can't brainwash whites into hating each-other and wanting to tear down everything their ancestors built in the name of equality? This is practically anodah shoah! You'll be hearing from my lawyer, goy!

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>the real world
Oh you mean the one that identifies anything that isn't directly Marxist as "fascist brainwashing" in Universities?