Okay I was browsing Jow Forums since January 2016, i always read some posts that intrested me but i never felt like trully redpilled. Redpill me on anything, any movies, documents (just not books plz, too lazy to read)

also pic related, list of things i like i guess.

Attached: AnonCzechia.jpg (1303x1247, 990K)

Other urls found in this thread:

also requesting a redpill on Trump Generals, dont you have anything better to talk about than Trump? I like him but why do you talk about him 24/7 and cum your pants whenever he does something

This is the non bs way to truly know you have Eternal Life,don't be a cuck and reject

Attached: JesusChristisGODoryougoingtoHellforever.gif (320x240, 1.92M)

>Rick and Morty

You have to go back.

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I dont watch it that often, watch it whenever a new season comes out, im not one of those 200 iq morons who post Rick memes on facebook allday

bump, pls dont let this slide
This video made me truly believe that the jews hate white people. It's about a US military boat that was attacked by Israel after WW2 and the US covered it up.

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going to watch it now

>drives an anime car
>doesn't watch anime


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i like the car ok, anime is gay

maybe he read the manga?
This is a video about child sex trafficking and satanic cults.



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the only manga i ever read was about someone dying in an metro accident and then he met up with some other people who also killed themselves and had to solve some shit, one gay ran off and exploded because he had something on his neck. Dont know the name but thats the only manga i ever read and Im happy that i dont read manga or watch anime
Tommy Robinson will redpill you on how Muslims are monsters and need to die.

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To máš tak když žiješ v literally ghosttownu kde se rozpadají budovy a nemáš kamarády

Have you owned an ae86?

Books are the way to enlightenment
redpilling as all about reading
Look at this! They found the 1 white kid that played the "knock out game".

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so does this mean that if they were to blame it on Egypt, U.S would have went to war but since it was Israel it was justified and ok?


no i just like the design

i only read only fascist fantasy books like Man in the high castle

Books to read: 1984, Brave New World, The Fountainhead, Make The White Girls Bleed, anything by Dostoyevsky and Kafka

Attached: ussliberty-dees.jpg (580x442, 140K)

thought about reading 1984, will give it a chance, will look onto the other books

Yeah they wanted us to fight another war for them. It seemed exceptionally malicious though.

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i dont like niggers but the guy deserved it, i hate niggers that chimp out and say we wuz kangs and shiet but this guy was just going down the street to visit his friend Tyrone and yeah. Ironically enough niggers do worse crimes and get away with it

So why do the jews invest in power rather than in manpower? Why not fight yourself for your country?