Russian diaspora here

The "Based Russian" meme has to die. What westerners need to realize about Russia is that most russians are not "based conservatives", but rather a bunch of brainwashed apolitical morons (due to centuries of being punished for wrong-think) that will go along with anything the ruling regime decides.

As for Putin, he is not the man he has fooled western conservatives into believing he is. He is certainly not anti-immigration, nor anti-islam or anti-jewish. In fact, he surrounds himself with powerful jewish (Abramovich) and islamic (Usmanov) oligarchs that are keen supporters of the freak-show of Putin's rule.

The average Russian will never care that the country is rotting from within. Education and health care is crumbling, civil servants are corrupt, and the oligarchy plunders the wealth of the nation. But as long as Putin can fool the average Russian that the country is "strong", they will be happy.

This is the truth, people.

Attached: r1.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

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Sounds like America unironically

Sounds like American propaganda

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Different Russia diaspora here.

That's because you're a retarded burger that has never been to Russia.

America at it's worse is still light years ahead of Russia.

The only reason Russia as a country still exists is because there's a military and a dictator that can keep things tied together. But it's only a matter of time until shit hits the fan.

Unfortunately one of your shariablue shills has leaked to us today, that you ve just started massively pumping up your propaganda shilling here ...

Also :
Sounds like typical american democrat propaganda
Whiny kicked-out criminal russian oligarch's anti-putin propaganda to me, desu ...

all of our governments are zionist constructs and populated by them too
A global kakistocracy built on anarcho-tyranny

a tsar is needed

If a lot of Russians were inside the borders of my country or had any real economic/political control there I'd care about Russians as a group. They don't.

Jews do, muslims do, niggers do ... so I care about jews, muslims and niggers. For Russia, only Putin is relevant.

Putin is useful, Norway is irrelevant. To me.

The only thing I hate is the far left and far right looking to Russia to lead the way.

1. Fuck off. Russia has it's own problems. If anything, you need to help them.
2. Don't look to others to save you. Do it yourself.

>nordcuck probably was bullied by a kid of a russian gangster at school
reciting western propaganda won't make your opinions true
>t. nip envious of the fact that russians are better at outjewing than nips
Pot Kettle
>do it yourself
And fail hard, getting steamrolled by jewish influence

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The last thing that mentality needs is to be turned over to George Soros.

Attached: IMG_0072.jpg (800x943, 220K)

>This is the truth, people.
well guess you know better

All true

Hy ты cкaжи, oн eщe чтo-тo нe пo дeлy cкaзaл

every sane person knows it already, go away

Bullshit. And I work with 2 Russians. But neither of them would ever say Putin is Based. Also, neither of them a brainwashed. They are acutely aware how their regime runs but can also see weakness in other governance as well.

Of all the Russians, you are shittier.

Court dismissed.

nice proxy

All those videos of Russian dash cam show the roads look to be in better shape than Amerika no one wants to admit this

Oй, нy ты eщe в пpoкcихoхлы мeня зaпиши

Transgenders, rampant fags and radical liberals are not sane


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west prejudicedly argues about putin, because he is keep independent
there is two sovereign states in the West - Israel and partly usa

also Russia have big potential migration problems unlike Poland for example. we literally have 3 satellite middle eastern states - which economics literally based on leeching money from Russia by illegal workers. Even their birth rate highly depends on russian economy lol.

I know this Greek cunt, thinks of himself as a bit of a philosopher.

Anyway, he predicts USA and China will stage a war on Australian soil within the next ten years.

Says he wants to send his 18 yr old Greek daughter to Russia.

How fucked will she be.

Why don't you go to Russia and tell Putin that yourself?

>a bunch of brainwashed apolitical morons

This. There is no politics in Russia, at least not at a national level. Politics implies choice, deliberation, thought. There is no such thing as a public sphere in Russia.

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