Eats like shit

>eats like shit
>morbidly obese
>extremely limited vocabulary
>talks like a retard
>slurs his words
>3 baby mamas
>abuses chain migration
>doesn't pay his bills
>doesn't pay his taxes
>repeatedly goes bankrupt
>barely works
>golfs all the time
>screws the taxpayer
>draft dodger
>betrays his own country

Is Trump the biggest degenerate of all time? Is this why he's worshiped by conservatards?

Attached: trump shit face.jpg (236x330, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He is America.

Lol this guy is literally a beta holy shit.

He even got TWO SCOOOOOOOPS IMPEACH NOW #theresistance

>leader of the free world

yeah but he's gonna build a wall

that makes up for everything

>still got elected over a bush and Clinton

I know, it's amazing

Attached: 1522493217677.png (732x900, 120K)

Because they are not very fond of women and black people?

Iunno, stupid Americans I guess :3


He is an American, the American

Attached: 1517361853861.jpg (627x627, 54K)


>if you lose you win

Attached: she won sweetie.jpg (1200x621, 113K)

At this time before takeoff, cucks may begin boarding.

>loser gets to be president

Not quite

Attached: 1522214842124.png (737x737, 618K)


Attached: D947D794-5E97-4B7B-8567-09086CBCF4A4.png (1600x800, 46K)

But user. He was born rich and he will MAGA!

he seems to be building a 2 mile fence and the American taxpayer is paying for it

Attached: happy mexican big hat.jpg (600x372, 32K)

who won?
i was in team PB


with that retarded autism

>ignores swing states
>loses election
b-but muh popular vote

Get back to tumbler you libtard nigger

Attached: 1491580139251.jpg (640x640, 58K)

I don't even go on tumblr. IT's u retards that are obsessed with tumblr

left one out
>most powerful man in the world

Learn to sage retards.

Attached: notsleepingtonight.png (234x239, 25K)

he's not Putin. He's Putin's bitch

Attached: cock holster.jpg (1240x1031, 222K)

is your safe space being violated u snowflake bitch

You liberal niggers are so bad at not pretending to be yourself.
Get back to tumbler you feminist bitchnigger
You cant fool anyone here

Attached: 1489149944214.png (233x216, 6K)

not wall

this is my home turf online

#me too Georgian bro

By the way Georgians are cool people. I had a Georgian friend in highschool. We used to drive to MacDonald and listen to Georgian/caucusas/Russian music in the parking lot and eat chicken nuggets.

>reddit children
>knowing what sage is

#me too I mean also peanut fag. I think we won. The whole thing was retarded though.

ikr, leaf, i think time is up for blrumpfl stiltskin. #IMPEACHNOW

nutters seized the day.


Attached: 8C6F9034-59AF-4779-9108-F38ECD86220D.png (1136x640, 144K)

Honestly, I know like, 12 people like him. My stepdad and brother are like him and they love Trump.

Trump is so popular in America because he represents the average American Male and the American Dream, which is to fail your way to the top. Only in America, where white collar crime is celebrated as long as you don't fuck over other rich people.

it was


He is the physical embodiment of everything wrong with America


Attached: images (48).jpg (512x287, 22K)

>wins election

Donald Trump is a dotard, and he is actually the truest representation of Americans in 100+ years.

All the good AND the bad is in Dotard Donald

>build a wall
Actually he's going to upgrade a fence, but that's just as good, r-right?

I 100% would fight side by side in combat with people who got joy out of that bullshit. It's a definite sign of mental fortitude and ability to prioritize

These fags take themselves so fucking seriously. Then revert back to a literal childlike state when you dangle something shiny in front of them.

If these morons want to fix anything they should develop some fucking mental fortitude. Only then will they have the right to criticize anything.

Yeah, so true

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Attached: reeeeeeeeeeee.gif (245x245, 599K)

holy shit pajeet drops a truth bomb

Some would say he is the bestest goy in American history

And what does that says about you?


Canadian in the military

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u2.jpg (800x800, 87K)

Go ask Madow about the taxes. The left is pathetic.

When did I say I was in the Canadian military? Fucking moron. I guarantee I could snap your fat neck.

Also. You don't know how long I have been in Canada. Anyways your country is hopeless retarded mutt

deal with it leaf

How do Trump-tards feel about their glorious leader sticking his 60 year old boomer pecker in a disgusting cum-mop like Stormy Daniels?

I guess they think it makes him a total stud to take the sloppy seconds of a pack of niggers?

Attached: Trump the turd.jpg (1730x1107, 175K)


Attached: shalom good soyim.png (800x716, 205K)

>extremely limited vocabulary
>talks like a retard
You need to talk for the masses to understand you.

>repeatedly goes bankrupt
Underage and B&.


Why am I the only Canadian on this board that isn't a total liberal retard?

and yet the democrats STILL lost to him!
Pathetic, innit.

is it still the primaries? I hadnt heard from trump using migrants for himself for a long time

start taking notes nigger you might get rich


>Eats what he wants cause he can
>Morbidy Obese -- Not even fucking close. Overweight, yes, but obese, let alone morbidy, As a leaf you should know what obese looks like we have so many fat fucks here.
>Limited vocabulary is a bad thing
>Slurs his words once
>3 baby mamas which is unheard of a millionaire having more than one wife
>Abuses chain migration somehow despite not being an immigrant
>Doesn't pay his bills despite owning property which means he pays his bills anyways
>Doesn't pay his taxes despite proof he over-pays his taxes.
>It was some businesses that went bankrupt not him
>Barely works despite making 2-3 speeches a day during campaign and passsing more legislation and laws than most other presidents in their 8 year terms
>Golfs occasionally because he owns a bunch of golf courses, how dare you go to your house instead of staying at work 24/7
>Screws the taxpayer by reducing taxes
>Dodges draft by not being drafted anyways
>Betrays his own country by becomming president

You're so fucking stupid OP.

Nice navy seal copypasta, can't you get arrested for hate speech in Canada?

>>eats like shit
>>morbidly obese
>>extremely limited vocabulary
>>talks like a retard
>>slurs his words
baby mamas
>>abuses chain migration
>>doesn't pay his bills
>>doesn't pay his taxes
>>repeatedly goes bankrupt
>>barely works
>>golfs all the time
>>screws the taxpayer
>>draft dodger
>>betrays his own country

still...he's no leaf

opinion disregarded

Attached: 352123342.jpg (985x610, 591K)

Why are you in a white country?

>Implies America is whiter than Canada

I was not happy to hear he cheated on new-mom Melania. That shit is wrong.

I also thought he would have better taste. Karen McDougal? What man wouldn't want to?

Stormy Daniels is pure trash and it lowered my opinion of Trump.

What REALLY lowers my opinion is Trump's talk about gun control, pro-DACA, and signing the shitty omnibus bill

>Doesn't use tumbler
>Corrects spelling of tumbler
>Isn't it tumblre for Canadians?



Attached: 1501258153468.gif (793x595, 1.11M)


Ok mutt. Out of breath from all that typing? Probably the most you've moved all day

I don't care about hate speech nonsense. I'm leaving this god forsaken country anyways.

Reddit is down the hall to the left. Special snowflake

Sounds like a perfect leader for Americans.
kys leaf

Day of rake when?

Attached: 39b.jpg (517x650, 65K)

Love President Trump!

Attached: 20180401_141522.jpg (2560x1440, 873K)

Higher approval rating than Obama

Trump 50%
Obama 46%


based leaf, quality bantz mein neger

Fuck off leaffag, when you grow a pair and nuke the fuck out of Trudeau, we’ll entertain any opinion you might have on our country.
Until then? Yep, you guessed it- KYS.

Attached: 43B27E3E-B1DA-49AD-8AC1-9CE404E999AC.jpg (533x800, 109K)

He doesn't eat like shit. The fast food meme is to appeal to normies. No one actually believes a billionaire eats mcdonalds

Eat shit shareblue fag

Drumpf is such a winner, he's gonna get to prison before Cuntlery Killton

how's that crystal ball working out for you shitbreath?

nevermind of course, the topic of the Marmalade Messiah's diet was discussed well before he decided to become a republican and run for president.

you can't even shill right

ooooooh shieeet, he's a nigger

I hear more about Tumblr on Jow Forums than anywhere else. Jow Forums is more into Tumblr than SJWs are

Why is it that you snowmen in ghilliesuits are always normalfags?

Fake leaf to be accurate.
Fake refugee too.
>chain migration
Tries to make it sound like this (pic) but the truth is they are murdering each other to get here and he doesn't mind ruining the place for $.

Attached: IMG_3129.jpg (480x360, 45K)

peanutbutter in points
minis in spirit and memes


You just said the same thing again

Attached: Xl7p_1sD.jpg (512x512, 24K)


never u russian bitch

Attached: trudeau btfo putin.jpg (1200x630, 82K)

>bangs pornstars
>hates condoms

OP is jelly that we have Trump and he has that French fag.


banging nasty used up porn stars

how is that good

Attached: stormy trump.jpg (780x438, 37K)

>capitalism is wrong
fuck off

poo on poo violence

Lol. You still fucking think I'm Canadian. Nice! Americans really are stupid.

Why is it that 99% of people on pol talk a big game when they're just fedora wearing, basement dwelling, mouth breathing, trap worshipping faggots. If by normie you mean I'm non of those things, than you would be right, and I would prefer to be normal rather then your idea of "enlightened". You're just a special snowflake. This place is and ego stroking circle jerk.