Thanks Trump.
I don't have a fucking Facebook account...
USA wants future visitors to submit 5 years of social media history to get a VISA
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You know who else doesn't? Illegal Mexicans, Africans, Arabs. This is a good thing polack.
This is retarded and will make US government feed your tax money to Social Media companies because they provide national service now.
Trump is going full retard please forgive us for voting him in. He was great until like two months ago then he started to go weird
Do they finally have something on him and will make him destroy himself to save his family?
They did the same thing to the previous Pope btw.
Great, USA just lost billions of dollars in regular Tourism income.
Thats really have you destroy the economy!
Welp. There is no fucking way I will register my phone number on facebook just to apply for US tourist visa.
Why the fuck would you want to visit USA anyway? Traitor.
>implying we want your 3rd world ass here
>No social media
Kill yourself you wh*te subhuman
Fuck you kike
>billions in tourism
Umm no sweetie
WTF, that's completely nuts. If it became an actual thing, it would not only enforce people traveling to the US to use highly invasive social media like Facebook but also encourage people to maintain a fake internet identity under their own name and LARP as some smarmy goody-two-shoes posting bullshit on Facebook and Twitter to rim whatever SJWs end up in charge of examining the social media content. Nuke yourselves, Ameritards. "Land of the free" has been an ironic expression for a long time, but now it's just slapstick.
Stay the fuck out. If (((Disney))) loses money, that's too bad.
I don’t care if it keeps pajeet out
>Gudapati Sai Teja · Studying at Student
>No way USA....Just keep Your brain in your skull...don't let it go to your knees...
What did Pajeet mean by this
>21 year old hardworking, high-achieving graduate of a highly desirable subject
"Sorry sir, muh national security and muh freedom. Let us treat you like a sub-human by invading your personal life needlessly, as everyone knows all terrorists keep their master plans on MySpace"
>Ahmed-Muhammad-Ashir Mu'sfir and his 9 children arrive from Syria
"Welcome to America!"
Fucking antisocial polfucks, first they attack Germany, whine when we retaliate and now they don't even have social media accounts. Also stop stealing our cars.
>a Brit calling a Polack "hard wording and smart"
I see what you are trying to do m8.. We don't want your trash..okay cunt?
His head has always been full of sour milk. He’s the epitome of dumb boomers. We elected him because it was funny.
What happens if one doesn't have such a thing?
the zuck upgrades you
>Great, USA just lost billions of dollars in regular Tourism income.
>Thats really have you destroy the economy!
Tell someone who cares you money grubbing kike
I won't make one though.
Then dont come here
Why anyone needs a VISA to visit that shithole country?
But I want to and I'm a good person.
>it was just a joke guys
>not at all a result of angry white male backlash against a culture that hates them that was exploited by a top level con artist
I often take trips into maine. Are the fucks at the border really going to hold me up for hours and search for my fb account
wait, does this apply to tourists aswell? if i want to visit America for 2 weeks i have to show them my social media history? i mean i have maybe 1 or 2 posts from 2012-2013 but my dad never in his life used social media. Will he not be able to visit?
You don’t need to make anything anymore. You will be made, into somthing better, into somthing more connected. What is good is what benefits humanity. This is good. Just close your eyes and go to sleep, soon you will be but never shall you awaken.
You'd still have to wait 5 years.
If you didn’t know he was a con artist before there’s not much anyone can do for you. He used to put his name on condo scams.
What have we done...
You'll be fine. People who post ISIS videos might have trouble
Thats breach of privacy, america no longer should call democratic country.
H̸̹Ḛ͙̗͞ ̹͍̞̹̩̣C̛͈̤͇̣̱̩Ǫ̳͙͎̻̪̻̼M̀E̗ͅS̴͔̳͙̪͈͙
It seems pretty easy to set up parallel social media accounts. We are getting into weird tarritory here. I assume they will be using more than the information you provide them.
I don't use social all.
You're acting like I voted for him.
Nothing wrong with this, stay the fuck out if you have baggage you don't want seen
Don't use social media.
To visit the US you must have 5 years of social media where you praise the US and Israel to your friends and family.
Why don't I just visit China instead?
facebook guilty
twitter, not even once.
The entire name "twitter" makes it sound like an app for morons
>I assume they will be using more than the information you provide them.
yes, remember they already have all your 'internet history'
What if I delete it?
Man look at these dirty brown Icelandic nonwhite mutts...
>t. boot licking kike
The knives are out this week, our President is back with vengeance.
No you want "legal" Mexicans and Poos
What the fuck is a social media?
We aren't the ones being restricted, Genghis. You fags are the ones being inconvenienced. I couldn't care less.
I think it's more likely that people just won't visit the US. I'm not about to join Facebook or Twitter to visit a country. I'll just go somewhere else. Like Paris. Paris is over run with niggers too.
Lmao this is going to be great.
There are a lot of Mongoloids in the USA. How are they going to get that data from the Chink governments?
More like more retarded than ever. You do realize not getting visitors is a bad thing for trade, yes? Trump is actually driving America's global presence into the ground.
hahahaah all the butthurt here
dont forget to clean up your "likes" section
Does this only include american social media?
I think it's more likely that whites will just stay away and Indians will have to do It for work. It's to speed up your browning.
I know kikeland makes some people submit their social media accounts upon entering. I never intend to abide by any of these intrusions. But then again I'm already an American.
We have enough drunks here already, Pat. Enjoy your halal baguettes
>be irish
>population has never recovered from potato incident
we're full, fuck off
You don't need a VISA you dumb leaf. I go to Cucknada all the time and I don't even have a passport.
Looks like you chimps that were badmouthing Murcia on Facebook and Twitter are fucked.
So glad you monkeys can't come here now thanks to this new edict.
Thanks Trump
I'd rather have a pole than another mexican or a muzzie
He's acting like you supported him.
Also I told you so.
>I don't have a fucking Facebook account...
nows a great time to get one. Where else are you going to get non-stop pics of bears from rehabilitation sanctuaries and K-pop girls?
Didnt his daughters helicopter have some sort of malfunction 2 months ago ?
This is the sort of shit that happens when it's taboo to assess race. Same shit as when the TSA people do strip searches of old white grandma while letting a dozen kebabs go through no problem.
It'd be so much easier if we would just say "if you're a shitskin we don't want you traveling over here". I'm not worried about Janusz and Pawel from Polan.
A Brit complaining about government intrusion thats rich. In the US the goal is to give our citizens the freedoms of the UK gives its 3rd world invaders and put the people trying to enter the country under the same level of scrutiny your ordinary white UK citizen goes through on a daily basis
So just make an inactive account or tell them you dont have one
He definitely does seem to be going full retard. They probably finally scared him into submission.
>be pajeet
>submit visa app with Facebook history
>99.9% of history are poo posts and "I fuck you bitch" to blonde chicks
>banned for life
The problem is that obama made america bend over for the rest of the world in bad deals. trump is trying to fix it by making bluffs. The issue is that the world needs china much more than america.
I'm but a humble facebook account salesman.
Your russian VK account won't work.
I'm pretty much a ghost on social medias.
Shitskins love social medias. And they don't have to hide to say controversial things as they are patted on the back each time they write "kill whitey" and such. American administrations might even make it easier for them to get visas if they displayed leftists or anti-white speech.
>Thanks Trump.
Unironically this. Thank you Trump for keeping out hordes of niggers and nigger loving faggots like OP.
It must be a trick.
I actually reposted Trump on facebook in the past.
Fucking democrat public worker will ban me for that as I'm obviously a Russian troll that indluenced the elections.
what a shame, I wanted to go back to ny. I liked it there, there were more people than amerimutts.
>Fucking democrat public worker will ban me
Most people don't get that getting a new governement won't change the fact that your civil servant are crap and will sabotage the new government efforts.
It takes purges : either through a radical revolution at the risk of losing people competent enough of their office, or decades of continous power where you slowly replace your adversaries with your own people. The latter is what Putin and Erdogan did.
arabs have been using twitter for the sex trade for a decade now.
africans have been online for 30 years. Their internet is literally tied directly into englands. They probably have better internet than you.
but we dont need more plumbers.
I don't have social media apart from an e-mail for business stuff - would they demand access to that too?
>I'm not worried about Janusz and Pawel from Polan.
You should. They are just like niggers only they blend it better.