how can i buy an automatic rifle in my country if only military can have it, that is so unfair
How can i buy an automatic rifle in my country if only military can have it, that is so unfair
Because of your low iq your leaders know giving you firearms would make your country just like America. You are essentially a nigger.
>join the military
>find a way to steal rifles and other shit for your secret militia group
you DO have a militia right
and that is bad?
be more like america i mean
>He hasn't joined the army yet just to fuck a VHS-2
Come on, Hrvoje, step up your game.
even if you join an army i doubt you are able to own a automatic rifle in your home for personal purposes
so whats the point in joining military
What do you need a machine gun for when it only takes one bullet to off yourself?
Black market nigger.
just steal them from the military then
do you have experience with it
Het an illegal one then, you are located near the main black market trade route on the continent after all.
It surely can't be that hard to get a gun. My cousin in Croatia has a pistol, he's 14 years old. It can't be that hard, surely?
and what route that would be
i dont want a pistol
i want only automatic rifle
Just cross the border into Serbia, bring back a M70. There you go. Easy.
The Balkan one. Do your homework instead of expecting to be spoonfed.
i want an modern automatic rifle, like pic related, i have money
Become a soldier, duh.
Then you have the right to buy it.
Can you even afford the bullets?
Also automatic rifles is quite useless unless you fighting in squad utilising military tactics. For personal use it is better have semi auto for powerfull cartrige or submachine with lare mag.
I bought a Yugoslav SKS a month ago, solid weapon. Helps keep the coyotes off the property.
Thank you Croatia.
do you have experience with buying from black market
can you give me some links
wish my government wouldn't be so cucked
in america you can buy anything
GTFO, oficer.
I suggest you go through all possible legal channels to purchase a fire-arm. Don't ruin your life because some user told you to do illegal things.
t. responsible gun owner
but i can't buy an AUTOMATIC rifle in my county
in any possible legal channels
i dont want a sucky hunting rifle or a pistol
Make one.
nice digits but you are basically wrong. it takes a lot of screening, time, and money to buy automatic weapons in america for personal use
If you want to play with fire-arms join the police or military, they'll also provide you proper training with said arms.
If you're scared of a happening, when the day comes a rifle will fall into your hands with little effort required.
get an ar15 if you can and join the army then just take off the 2-3 parts on an m16/m4 that make it auto, and just like that youre done, install those parts and done
wooo QUAD DOUBLES biatch
>muh join the military
why would i have to listen to old angry guys screaming at me in 5 am in the morning telling me to to go run 200 km for a piece of bread and then go sleep back with 50 other angry sweaty men in a sardines can just to be able to shoot a shitty auto weapon INSIDE of military grounds
why not just buy auto rifle illegaly and screw that
>buy semi-auto rifle
>add bump stock/ghetto convert receiver
wow so hard
i want fully automatic weapon
nice try vpn using fbi
i am not an fbi
why don't you believe me :^)
bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh look at this dude
And that is how you get fully automatic weapon, knuckledragger
your pic related isn't a VHS-2, it's a BETAMAX 2000
A firearm is only as good as you're ability to shoot it. The training you'd go through would probably make you 5x better the person you are now, physically and mentally. It would also facilitate your physical strength in operating the fire-arm. It's not like you're in America where you're instantly deployed to Shithole-istan after training.
Consider my advice.
how had is to fucking PRESS A BUTTON and unlock it to be able to shoot, i dont need a fucking training for that
>muh strength
We can’t buy automatic rifles either without a class III FFL, loads of cash, and an extremely rigorous background and registration program.
We can, however, purchase and carry semi-automatics, revolvers, pump action, and single or over-under/side-by-side weapons with a criminal check and the proper paperwork.
but you CAN own an automatic weapon, that is the point, i can not not even if i prove i am buddha and jesus's spawn
>i have never shot a gun before
thanks I can tell. if you want to shoot what you're aiming for more than once you'll require training.
Recoil control, basic weapons function beyond knowing the weight of the trigger pull, weapon maintenance.
How much do you bench? squat? deadlift?