Why do blacks commit more crimes?

Ok Jow Forums why do African Americans commit more crimes despite being 13% of the US population? Is it due to economic inequality? Past systematic discrimination?
Also, don't give me that "hurr becauz niggers" argument. I want answers from actual scientific and economic viewpoints, not from unfounded racism.

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Less evolved. Simple.

>Also, don't give me that "hurr becauz niggers" argument. I want answers from actual scientific and economic viewpoints, not from unfounded racism.
Can't read?

Did you know that not one African ever reached Madagascar in the recorded history of mankind, that's scientific proof enough.

They’re animals. Melanin causes higher predisposition to violence. youtu.be/HsIibD-TLcM

In short:
> Lower average IQ = more blacks are in the iq ranges typically possessed by criminals
> High testosterone & aggression compared to other races
> Lack of fathers
> Prevalent drug use
> Gang culture creating a negative cycle
> Lack of proper policing in black areas due to fear of being racist (e.g. look at Britain)
> Low education, see point 1

Why don't lower class people of other ethnicities commit just as much crime?

>There is archaeological evidence that Bantu peoples, agro-pastoralists from East Africa, may have begun migrating to the island as early as the 6th and 7th century.[35] Other historical and archaeological records suggest that some of the Bantus were descendants of Swahili sailors and merchants who used dhows to traverse the seas to the western shores of Madagascar.
Nice fake news asshole

Imagine being stolen from your home land, enslaved for 200 years, released without any money or anywhere to go, followed by 200 years of system racism, oppression and Jim Crow laws.
You would have absolutely NOTHING to your name. So now you have two choices;
>Do nothing and starve to death
>Make money ANY way you can to feed yourself and your family
If black Americans can’t get a job the right way because of racism, then they have no choice but to commit crime or to die.

Then how come the most notorious killers are whites with high IQ (i.e Ted Bundy)?

lack of culture and a warped relation with religions as tools for gaining power and influence in their communities

Not enough money for dem programs

because they're rare

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It takes low brain power to shoot someone, you need intellectual ability to plan a killing spree

They have a smaller frontal lobe as a result of their kind never needing foresight to survive.

Did you know that there are dog races with known lower impulse control, as well as lower intelligence overall?

Why is it SO difficult to grasp that different races exist within the human species as well, and the exact same variables exists differ between the different races, as with animals?

MAO-A gene and low IQ

Intelligence is mostly heritable. Start there.

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>low IQ
>high testosterone

>If black Americans can’t get a job the right way because of racism, then they have no choice but to commit crime or to die

But they act tue same in Africa

This, It's why we see them commiting retarded crimes that they have zero chance of getting away with for literal pocket change. I remember one of my Dad's friends, who used to be a long haul trucker, saying that when he was in Detroit you could only stop for the night in fenced compounds. If you tried to sleep outside them niggers would run up and shoot you through the truck cab and they'd check the truck for valuables. Niggers would gleefully commit murder over for what all they know could be a truck full of wooden pallets.

>why do African Americans

Same reason Africans commit crime and violence in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and Australia. They are unevolved stone age primitives.

Attached: black crime abroad.png (960x846, 46K)

Literal orcs

because they have the intelligence of chimpanzees. stop running from the facts and searching for a more nuanced explanation when the answer is obvious

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Bad genes. Gas them.

And Haiti

Then how come some African countries (with nearly 100% black population) have less crime rates than a 50% white country like the US?

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In the US Ghettos they are raised as criminals.
Not even kidding, everything is literally OK for them to do as long as they don't get caught, and when they are caught they just cry RACISM.
The only time they think crime is wrong is when it is committed against THEM or a family member and not always then.
They are taught stealing is OK because of white people keeping them down
They are taught violence is a perfectly acceptable way to achieve things because of slavery.
They are raised as permanent victims nothing is ever their fault and every thing they get is owed to them because SLAVERY RACISM THA MAN KEEPIN US DOWN.
I tried to teach these savages for 3 years in Chicago Public School, working around them turned me from an self righteous liberal into a staunch conservative

>single mothers
>shitty culture
>deliverance doctrine Christianity

They dont have a history or a culture. If you want to destroy a people simply cut their roots.

What is per capita? Also I can only imagine the sublime record keeping and policing in African countries.

Average IQ. 70-90 IQ is the prime zone for men to become violent criminals in early adulthood.

Income inequality, discrimination, etc. are all a result of historically lower IQs, not the other way around. The good news is that average IQ across race/ethnicity can go up with good nutrition and a stable society.

This is per capita dumb leaf

stupid fuck, next time keep the head of the table, so we know what the fucking numbers mean

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That's colonialism, goy. Africa was a paradise before those pesky Europeans arrived, just look at Wakanda.

>can't tell it's the crime rate by the content and image name
Who's the stupid fuck now Hans?

1. Because they're niggers
2. Because they grow up around niggers
Combine both and you have your typical nigger who serves prison time before they turn 25. Or migrates to Germany if they were born in Africa.

Would have been clever to leave that tidbit in the image rather then crop it out and leave meaning less numbers you literal cuckhold. Second point stands uncontested

You want science, here's science.

They're literally not human.

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Criminality peaks at around IQ 85. Most Subsaharan africans have an average IQ lower than that. Meanwhile, African-Americans have average IQ around 85. The explanation is that lower than 85 and yo uare too dumb to commit crime, higher than that and you begin to understand how to benefit more from voluntary interactions.

Niggers don't have as many neurons in their brain as whites and Asians.

a better question is, why do males commit more crime? :^)

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lack of father figures, which derives from the destruction of the traditional family

Liberia, for one, has a per capita GDP of $900. Nobody there has anything. Where nobody has anything, there's nothing to steal. So there's no crime.

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Do you really think those countries have the infrastructure to not only police their lands but keep records for statistical analysis?

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Niggers have a different sense of time. They have a vague idea that the future but their minds are almost focused entirely on the present. They also have less self control.

This makes them more likely to snap. They care less about the results of their actions because any punishment is in the future to them, and notions of the future is not something they are in touch with.

because we're biologically more violent
you're welcome btw
but this doesn't address the question at hand, which is the exploration of whether or not it will be prudent to leverage our violence to once more defend against a foreign violent element, as is our fundamental purpose

This is also true

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Systematic racism exists because black people commit more crimes. Why should i do business or rent to a coon if he will screw me? It doesn't take a high IQ to understand group image.


A genetic predisposition toward violence.
Short term thinking.
Lower economic opportunity and learned helplessness.

Blacks always blame others for their own problems. If there were no white people, the darker blacks would just blame the lighter blacks.

Blacks are also unwilling to learn from others. When confronted with history, science, math, and technology, they just complain that it's racist, or they claim they really invented it. Some blacks really believe the WE WUZ bullshit. They'll find one example of a competent black lab monkey (Herman Branson) and assume all blacks should have Nobel prizes.

Asians don't do that shit: they just study and cheat.

Holy kek saved hahaha.

>Liberia has accurate crime measurement agencies
t. user "i need good arguments" faggotberg

Because of their low IQ's they cannot participate well in the labor force. Because of their low IQ they also cannot comprehend how society functions, in order to keep and get a job. They get problems filing taxes, obeying police forces, all sorts of laws which were made to put society functioning. They simply lack the cognitive function to perform in civilization.

Combined with the higher aggression genes (thug gene) they have a lesser ability to just "dont do anything stupid and just wait and think" so that they get an even lesser ability to use whatever neurons that they have.

You also got violent slavs for example who are intelligent enough to not do stupid shit. But they also have pretty high violence in their blood and thus most of the time they do end up stupid shit. They end up drinking themselves to death (more cultural), but when they are stabilized they end up designing and creating good intellectual property.

The nigger however, no matter how much stability and a good environment for self development you feed to them. Simply lack the genetic potential to do well in the academics. The way the world is churning, assuming we wont go into fullscale nuclear war...most likely the other races will make the nigger gene eventually dissapear from this planet. Pretty much only the whites have enough compassion (jew created) to be nice to niggers.

It's most likely compiled by international organizations like the UN, so it is accurate.
>criminals only commit theft

I remember reading most of they were half (((white))).

>Ok Jow Forums why do African Americans commit more crimes despite being 13% of the US population?
1) some of it is probably genetic in terms of impulse control and via IQ long-term planning
2) some of it is probably environmental in terms of mistreatment and nutrition, especially mistreatment in the womb and shortly after birth
3) some of it is cultural in that their peers are already criminals and it is normalized to some extent
4) some of it is political in that a certain political party excuses and enables criminality through social programs designed to isolate poverty
5) some of it is your perception of criminality rather than criminality in fact

Black crime may be only marginally higher than other crime if blacks were distributed relatively uniformly throughout the population. That's right, diversity is a strength in this case. But the impulse control and IQ hurdles may be insurmountable in the long term, even if other causes are addressed.

Some simple solutions
1) eliminate public housing
2) eliminate food stamps
3) provide education on nutrition and child care (not means-tested)
4) replace benefit-based welfare programs with money e.g. negative income tax or UBI
5) eliminate the minimum wage

None of these will ever be done because at least a third of the popuation have a vested interest in keeping blacks dumb, angry, and poor.

>what's 2+2?
>but I don't want to hear "4"

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>they just study and cheat
kekly true
when success is the only option, cheating is an alternative

The fact is, you don't need need
>>actual scientific and economic viewpoint
to know that...
1. Not all blacks are absolute scum
2. Culture. specifically 'gangsta' culture is the root cause for these chimp outs. Wiggers are also in this conglomerate of degeneracy.
since your meme flag doesn't disclose where your hailing from, i'm assuming USA..then you already know.
There are cities and parts of town you don't go into because you KNOW its a black neighborhood and dumb fuckery goes on there all day, all night

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>The UN is accurate
>Most likely
Hey did you hear about that other international organization that suppressed one of their own expensive researches on cyber piracy because it proved there is no damage in sales or economy?

>not from unfounded racism

It's not unfounded you dolt. Evolution applies to all living things, including people. Genetics are real and they effect everything from skin color to disease susceptibility to IQ. For some reason, no one knows for sure, Africans evolved to have lower IQs on average and to have higher levels of testosterone on average. This is shown through countless studies and it's just obvious if you've ever talked to a handful of Africans or looked breifly at African history. What do you think you will get from a bunch of very stupid people with high aggressive tendencies? You get a lot of violence and crime. This isn't "huurr durrr nigger." That's a total misrepresentation and you understand nothing, you faggot.

IQ alone doesn't determine how you get a job. You also need to know the right people, unless you want to work at McDonalds. When the only people you know are niggers, you get stuck doing nigger work.

Try getting a job as a neet who spends all day on Jow Forums, you'll have the same problems.

This one is more about the psychology I think it's from Yochelson and Samenow's “The Criminal Personality" Blacks are far more prone to nearly all these criminal thinking errors that are associated with low IQ.

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Classic :DDD

Everyone in the US is doing a lot of crime. Blacks are just worse at it and get caught more.


They never made good wind chimes.

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natural habitat of the nigger is the jail

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> some high profile premeditated cases of homicide were done by mentally ill yet often intelligent people
idk you tell me
why are 85% of interracial crimes black on white?
why are there statistically no white on black rapes yet hundreds of the reverse?
why are black overrepresented in virtually every form of crime all over the west?

If someone has an IQ of 80, it won't matter who they know because they won't be able to do any work beyond nigger work. If someone is above average with no connections, they can at least have the cognitive ability to make connections and get somewhere based on their work. You don't necessarily "need connections" to get a job somewhere, you can meet people by getting out there and not being shit too. The whole "connections" meme isn't that important or helpful unless you're Jewish anyway.

I don't know if it's genetics, but blacks place less value on intellect and more on action.
This is why they're better athletes generally. It's also why they can't live in the West.

>> Lack of fathers

"More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock."

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock


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relative wealth disparity is also a contributing factor, as says there isn't much disparity in these places

FPBP OP is a faggot.

Unironically this
>Don't give me a perfectly valid argument that's been scientifically proven on plenty of levels

Africans evolved to live in africa which selects for different behaviors. Low impulse control and lack of empathy is actually an advantage on the plains of the savanna.

because that's what them leftists teach them.

>less evolved isn't scientific

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Fish don't understand water. So you suppose countries with no electricity or governments have detailed crime statistics?

When you catch a thief, witch, or goat rapist and neclace him do you report any of it to some law enforcement agency? Do they even consider their behavior crime or inappropriate?

Don't take my word for it though. Put your money where your mouth is and move to Wakanda.

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There isn't much wealth disparity in places like Papua New Guinea, Greenland or Tuvalu but their crime rate is still high. Your argument is false

Also if you want to claim that muh systemic racism, poverty or anything else contribute the massive black crime rate in the US, particularly black on white crime, then you need to justify the rape stats.
With theft you can spuriously argue that poverty causes it. You cannot do the same for rape. There is no material benefit to rape, yet blacks are hugely more likely to do it and especially against white women

how can the norm be considered a crime?

They evolved in an environment where aggression and physical strength was the key to survival, and long-term planning unnecessary due to the lack of a real winter and plentiful food. Literally, "Hurr durr niggers" is the answer. Most of them simply don't think about the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate unless prompted.


Got sources that suggest they are less evolved? Oh that right you don't, now go chug on a burger

then look at the other factors you bellend, wealth disparity has a weak correlation, it is but one element
what is their average IQ?
what is the rate of fatherhood?

It took you faggots this long to drop the red pills?


>what is the bell curve

>don't give me that "hurr becauz niggers" argument.

Niggers. Not even once.
That's not an argument. That's a fact.

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Real answer is that none of those countries actually keep statistical information on crimes, at least not very well. Haiti, for example, and their capital have predicted the murder rate gets up to 200 in some months while as low as 3 in other months. They just don't keep track of their crimes so whites come in and try to do it for them sometimes. That has to do with the "low IQ" thing people were telling you about.

>It's most likely compiled by international organizations
>most likely

So in addition to not even keeping the column headers in your "infographic" you don't even know the source or methodology.

Nice work. You really should move to be around more niggers, you guys will thrive together.

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b-but thats because the white man stole it...right?!

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Wow you must be new to the red pill... it's mostly because blacks have lower iq on average than whites. Pair that with government programs creating incentives to divide families and have illegitimate babies... and you have an utterly demoralized and damaged group of people who have become a separate caste of society.

Show flag nigger, you're gonna make fun of a country while hiding yours? Come on shill.

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