Why does education lean so left

Why does education lean so fucking left? Surely it isn't an organized effort. Does it just attract a leftist crowd for employment?
My children are in preschool and elementary and both their teachers have had lessons bashing Trump. Like their kids can't even vote for over 8 years, Trump won't be president when it's time for them to vote. Why even bring it up?

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>useful idiots
These teachers and professors live in an echo chamber and like the truth Marxists they are. They get the children young and impressionable and attempt to pollute and mold their feeble minds. This shit wouldn't work on adults.

conservatards hate public education because you're not forced to pray every day and believe that the earth is 6000 years old

wtf. are we back in the berenstein universe again?


we can't be
trump is still president

Look at all the publishers of all the textbooks in America. ALL JEWS.

That is your answer.

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Conservatives don't like helping people unless they're in the same church/family/group.

Are they single? Are they also female?

I have 3 friends who were conservative males who went into teaching. All of them left because they had or started families and couldn't support them on that income.

My female conservative teacher friends were gobbled up by Christian schools but so far have remained single.

At grade level it's mostly female teachers with an extremely strong union and government funding. Of course it's going to bias left. The grade schools filter to the good college spots and the good colleges filter to the top positions in society. It's a leftist assembly line.

Because there was that big push to reform education and fill it with leftists, who then did everything in their power to keep leftists in positions in academia and keep anyone right-wing out. This has been going on for decades so it has just continuously gotten more left-wing over time. Same story for the media, leftists are determined to control the narrative, whether it's through the news you hear, the shows you watch or what your kids are told is true at school.

Leftists like to pretend that this is because intellectuals can only be left wing, so therefore it is the "right" choice.

Public education in off itself tends to promote left leaning or bigger government teachers.

Teachers are paid by the government so they are unlikely to be against it because who bites the hand that feeds them.
Education itself tends to be egalitarian because in order to educate to have to believe that educating actually helps.
Teachers never leave school so they are very likely to promote the same views that they have been told themselves.

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liberals are typically weaker so it's only natural they'd choose easy jobs like teaching and acting.

The nurturing, femininine instincts that drive people to want to teach grade school children despite the poor pay are the same that drive people to choose and accept emotional arguments over statistics and trends.

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The teachers union and the marxists running it.

because reality has a left bias. the more educated and experienced you are, the more you see how shit conssrvatives are. it’s not breeding or grooming, it’s just that information to actual facts and learning to care for other people other than yourself will ostracize you from most right leaning ideals.

At some point in the 80-90's liberals/democrats were able to frame themselves as the ones that 'care about children'. After that they began to take on more positions in education. Like many, they hired in preference people like them.

So, liberals became the ones that were encouraged to be in education and later they were hired in preference. Here we are today.

>6 gorrilion genders
>humans are all the same

You can't have dumb people teaching.

Left usually implies "big government", i.e. the government meddles in all your shit. That's why a vast amount of people within a nation receive a similar amount of education up to a certain age... well ok, indoctrination somewhat continues in college for the US. So, the public school system is part of a "big" government and a big government is considered left... why would the public school system teach something that is against it's own existence? The reason it exists is so that people stay infantile and barely gain any self-reliance (big state takes care of you and your kids). If they would have this, then they would teach this to their kids who would turn on the big government.

>because reality has a left bias
People say this unironically

That's likely right

You are completely wrong. The more educated I was, the more I could see through their bullshit. The difference is, most conservatives are honest. We realize that diversity is not our strength. Liberals act as though it's their strength, when in reality, they spend a fuckload of money to live far away from these diverse neighborhoods. Lets dump a brick and mortar project housing in Schumer, Pelosi or Water's neighborhoods. Watch how quickly they stonewall those attempts. They know the truth, but they lie and virtue signal for votes. They know their base are dimwits.

The hell, m8? Mandela Effects of Mandela Effects. Glitches in the Matrix.

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We don't hate public education, it just works a lot better with zero federal involvement. Abolish the DOE and our math scores will quickly top europe again.


Teaching is a low iq occupation

Google Long march through the institutions

They fire all the righty teachers.

Papa Bear needs to take a remedial English course.

Most teachers are hags or roasties. Might explain it.

because they teach you about reality

1. The vast majority of grade school teachers are women
2. Professionally educated men are more likely than equivalently trained women to get real jobs instead of babysitting undergrads

Haha good joke here have a (You)

One of the greatest deceptions modern public relations was the re-branding of the teacher's unions as representing "the children."

>we can ignore the concept of supply and demand
>gibs make economy better
>government spending makes economy better
>race isn't a thing
>we can live in a massive ponzi scheme of gibs forever with zero negative issues
>islam is peaceful
>economic freedom doesn't make things better
leftist retard

The left is all about gradually reducing people's expectations until they feel fortunate to have a house and food on their plate for every meal.

fpbp despite being an obvious phonepost