Why old people and women always defend homeopathy ?

Why old people and women always defend homeopathy ?

The thing is pretty much a huge scam, it's based on the belief the more a product is diluted in water, the more it's effective.

Those overpriced placebos are even paid by the healthcare system in some countries like mine. Imagine running a ponzi scheme, tell everyone this IS a ponzi scheme and still have everyone give you money and the government too. This is homeopathy.

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I think it's ironically from a distrust of medicines and chemicals in general. They tend to list Latin names on the packaging, so I suppose it makes it seem natural. People are so dumb, I wish I had no soul so I could get in this business.

If it's about distrust, i'd half expect to see most of/pol/ praising homeopathy at every turn

Sigh, everytime I forget if I make a thread about something else than migrants, cucking or Trump, nobody will answer on Jow Forums

People are too prideful to admit they been scammed. It basic jewry 101

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Stop posting CP in my thread

Also I can understand burgers cutting their dicks because everyone is doing it in the US but homeopathy isn't the norm, you actually have to take the extra step to get it and if by then you haven't figured out it's a scam, you're an idiot

stop using my language french faggot nigger

They don't know what it is, they don't know what anything is. They know they're stupid but they can't accept that nor can they bring themselves to actually research what they're putting into their body outside of skimming articles or watching Dr. Oz
Stop thinking that normies are actual people, they're a domesticated livestock strain of the human race and they're immunized to reason.

Homeopathy and herbal medicine are two different things. Jews love to conflate them though. Got to protect the big pharma stocks huh juden

only a jew would jerk it to circumcision pictures

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Who talked about herbal medecine ? You're playing their game by just mentioning them both together

the queen of england retains a homeopathic doctor which has delivered all of her children and her children's children

who knows what that means, royals are literally the kike's family dog at this point

Nigga eat a root and calm down

From my reddit experience the pharma shills love to clump them together

Like vaccines or what?

Herbal can be effective, just less than concentraded medecine of the same stuff

Water is water

How being an ignorant pleb is going for you today ?

>diluted shit makes you better

Some of it is good. Most of it is a scam. Much like regular hospitals.
>Hurr durr you need Ritalin.
>Durr hurr you need to take birth control pills for basic puberty conditions.
>Herr Derr you need anti-depressants for feeling bad despite your life genuinely being rather shit.
>Derr Herr you shouldn't smoke despite that being the only way you make it through a day of work.
Professional medicine in general is a scam. You've got to do what is right for you.

>Stop thinking that normies are actual people, they're a domesticated livestock strain of the human race and they're immunized to reason.

Did someone order Talmud?

Ok if you really think vaccines and homeopathy are the same stuff, you have to be a retard. A vaccine isn't a "diluted" illness, it's weaken by various process but it's still there. And there's absolutly no doubt about vaccine effectivement,only about possible side effects.

Homeopathy on the other hand is barely possible to detect in the product and all tests prove it does nothing more than a placebo.

You realise you contradict yourself ? Antidepressant won't make you life better, smoking too. But one will destroy your teeth and lungs and the other have only small side effects is the dosage is ok. If smoking is the only thing making you go threw your day, you need antidepressant (and help in général)

Naturopathic remedies are effective at the FIRST and THIRD stages. Modern conventional medicine is effective at the SECOND stage. If you take homeopathic medicine as an active TREATMENT to an acute condition you have, you are wasting your time and getting ripped off. If you use modern conventional pharmacological to PREVENT or RECOVER from an illness, they may be effective, but you are certainly getting ripped off potentially for thousands. All forms of medicine have a place, but you have to know when and how to use them.

t. RN/ licensed naturopath

>substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people

Fun game: am I greentexting about vaccination or homeopathy

Homeopathy is water. Stop talking about prevention and recovry when it's all placebo effect. The only good side of it is that you see a"Doctor" and you think someone is taking care of you

SSRI:s increase serotonin availability. High serotonin leads to impaired metabolism, dulled senses, decreased executive function. SSRIs improve the life quality of some, but takes the life out of others. Same could be said for smoking too. Some smoke and live to hundred. Others die by lung cancer by 35.

No, you're not. Homeopathy causes nothing.

Anti depressants turn you into a robot. Smoking lets you live a real life. There is no contradiction only a French faggot that thinks dulling the mind is equivalent to sharpening the mind.

>Some smoke and live to hundred
Despite it, not because of it

I am not what? Read again. I made no statements.

You have no way of knowing. Nicotine may as well have saved them from some other fatal illness. Every pleasurable habit is a compromise. Some compromises are a better fit for any individual, others less.

>I believe one thing to be true
>I believe the same thing to be false
Get off the pharma dick, bro.

Smoking is one of the few things that we know prevents the degradation of red marrow into yellow marrow. If you can survive the lung stuff your blood will be in a better condition.
It's not perfect in any way but for some people it's exactly what they need to live past 80.

You stated you're greentexting about homeopathy and vaccines. No, you're not. Only about vaccines. And you're wrong, it prevents the same disease, not similar symptoms.

I'm not totally against smoking. I drink sometimes a lot of wine and it's equally retarded in terms of health benefits. At least you know what you get.

But homeopathy is nothing

Vaccines eradicated dozens of illness and pandemics

Homeopathy ruined retarded people and prevented some to get a real treatment

>Homeopathy is water
It isn't though
>All placebo effect
You would be surprised how much modern medicine relies on the placebo effect to work and how effective it can be leveraged in treatment. Your perspective on a potential treatment can actually sabotage OR facilitate a treatment plan fairly drastically, happens all the time in oncology.
>You see a "doctor"
No you don't, a naturopath will never, EVER claim to be a doctor, and if they do, they are totally deserving to get sued into oblivion.

>You stated you're greentexting about homeopathy and vaccines. No, you're not. Only about vaccines

I stated nothing. I greentexted the definition of homeopathy and let you guess whether the definition belongs to vaccination or homeopathy. You guessed wrong. Consider your opinions invalid, you inferior thoughtform.

>I'm not totally against smoking. I drink sometimes a lot of wine

I have no interest in what you do. It's irrelevant. You are a stupid man. I help stupid men.

Let me see your research, bro.

Have you heard of the cults that pour bleach into their children's asshole in hope it would cure their autism?

>implying that doesn't cure autism
Sure cured mine, what say you then?

I'm not an expert in it or anything, but you seem awfully partial. At the very least those are more people understanding you can't trust big pharma

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It's called History

Hey I have read History, several times. It always ends with you coming out as homosex.

You're the one dealing in absolute. Homeopathy validity has nothing to do with trusting big pharma or not. People being corrupted doesn't turn water into something else than water

>Hey I have read History
Damn, the whole book ?

Well what do you think? That I would begin from the Word of God, only to quit halfway into French renaissance? Whatever I begin, I also finish.

I got really beat up in middle school and eventually I was so upset I quit eating. I was angry. So angry, too angry to eat, but if I did anything they would retaliate instead of ignore me. Eventually when I started loosing weight my mom pried it out of me that I had no friends... negative friends in fact.
She made me see the school guidance people, who I had complained to before, and somehow since my mom was involved they made me see a doctor. The doctor prescribed antidepressants because I was depressed.

I didn't want to take them, but my mom made me anyway. I'm literally a bastard I guess, don't know who my dad is.

Anyway, after antidepressants I never got angry, and the imaginary world I built inside my head to get through the day was gone. I was panicing that I couldn't remember it and really wanted off the medicine so I would lie about taking it sometimes, but then my mom would catch on and watch me take it.

I was never really happy after taking the antidepressants, but I was never angry either. The kids that were beating me up tried two more times, but it was now boring to them because I acted like a literal doormat and was no longer fighting back, so then they just avoided me and even quit pouring milk on me eventually.
So it worked I guess?

I made it really obvious my point is not homeopathy per se, but people questioning dogmas. That's especially important in regards to this poison industry. Intelligent people will eventually learn what works, and that's what matters really.

big part of old people and women are stupid

better not to deal with them at all

government gives them gibs, they spend gibs on homeopathy

jews sell them homeopathy

so de-facto government gives money to jews and jews use old stupid women as cover

>get bullied
>stop eating

Really showed them!

You should have included the words soyboy in the title kylian. Now you know better

Have you tried not being a pathetic nerd?

because they're both senile?