It’s happeing!!!!

Iran has obtained nuclear capabilities sources say

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World war 3 timeline confirmed

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Good. Every nation needs nukes to protect themselves from other nuclear nations.

Bye bye Israel

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Anuddah shoah when? 6 million wasn't enough.

>sources say
>may have been

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Can anyone tell me again why I should care?

Nice, Iran is one of the good guys. I hope they bomb the shit out of Israel

fake and gay

There was mermerings that North Korea was selling nuclear material to Iran

Who gives a fucking shit?

Iran is going to shoah Israel.

Boo-fucking-hoo some country tested nuclear weapons.

They won’t do shit

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Israel wants Iran wiped off the map.

The sunni thing isn't even a big deal for them (Saudis). It's the Shias.

What time is it in Telavive? What time does the shoah start?

Poor Iran.

Theyre going to get slaughtered for Israel.

This is a cruel world.

Doesnt matter that theyre Muslim - theyre an ancient bloodline of people.

No wonder (((they))) want to sacrifice them for Israel. They probably see it as some kind of powerful sacrifical magic.

"which sources say may have been nuclear"
BULLSHIT and fuck FOX.
The USA and Israel have been complaining Iran is months or a few years away from nukes since the early 90s. Iran isn't interested in nukes because that'd make it a target to further US and Israeli aggression.


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Oh just as I suspected, it's a big old fat case of not my motherfucking problem.

Dub's confirms

Time to fight for freedom boys


It's going to be your problem when you as a lapdog will be called to fight Israel's war.


you gullible idiots

doesnt Israel say this every year

FUCK YES!!!!!! No greater Israel!!!!! Jews eternally BTFO! Fuck you, kikes. Fuck you all the way into glowing desert glass crater. Can you feel it? We're coming for you.

Are you sure? I heard the were entering the final stag-, I mean they were four years awa-, I mean five yea-, I mean a couple of weeks awa-, I mean they already have them?

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how ((((Convenient)))))

Hopefully they nuke the jews and then get nuked by the US, two birds with one nuclear war.

Thanks for the image. Saved. I thought the fear mongering started with Netanyahu. Surprised to see it started with the Germans in the 80s.

I sure hope it's time

>no link

90% of you are morons

I don't care if Iran has nukes, but I do care that we gave them billions of dollars to NOT make nukes and then they just took the money and made nukes anyway.

Trump is right to call it the stupidest deal in history, and Obama probably made the deal knowing they would build nukes...

Yeah I can see where the military would be interested in drafting a 40 year old man. Like I said Mohammed........not my motherfucking problem.

dumb frogposter

Those billions of dollars were Iran's own money that the USA kept as frozen assets due to sanctions. Why do you burgers always run your mouths without researching first?

Greater Israel set back for at least four generations.

Forgot your memeflag.

>missiles are nukes
>sources say missile test seen may have been nuclear
just shut up kikes

I don't need a meme flag. Even the Founding Fathers weren't militant, imperialist assholes like your current leaders. You think Neocons are true to the vision of the Founding Fathers?

Even Thomas Jefferson appreciated the Persians, having read Cyropaedia to balance the Machiavellian vision in The Prince. I doubt the Founding Fathers would approve of the USA intervening in the affairs of Middle Eastern nations and hypocritically supporting Wahhabist Islamists.

> ww3 is upon us

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Yeah.. because they didnt draft 40 year old men in world war 2... oh wait, they fucking drafted any able man, so it will be your problem.

You said "you burgers" with an American flag, so you obviously fucked up by forgetting your memeflag. It's okay though, you'll always have the next thread to D&C.

>replying seriously to kike deflection

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More neocon fake news from (((Drumpf)))
He's itching to scrap the deal and get ready for war

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Real Americans exist, such as Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. I question whether you constitute as a real American. You come off as being more of a burger.

It's true this country was initially meant for European peoples, but if you really want that, then you must first stop fucking with sovereign nations. The Founding Fathers did not condone of imperialism. You have to act with integrity and honor and not this "Pepe kill all subhuman" bullshit. Learn to be energy independent and self-reliant rather than subverting & exploiting other countries for their resources.

Hopefully they'll nuke Israel before the African rapefugees are sent to Europe. You're welcome Western infidel dogs.

(((sources))) say iraq has wmd's

Fake news, but a wish it was real. I really hope Iran unveils that not only do they have nukes, but that they've also perfected hypersonic missile technology. Not only that but I pray that they give the schematics to Hezbollah and Assad too.

>sources say
>Fox news

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God, I hope so.

what a coincidence. This guy reappears in a high level post and now we have this shit.

>may have been nuclear
No one tests a ballistic missile with a nuke onboard. Dumbass.

Bolton...Fox News...Jow Forums. I dont believe any of this

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Is that source John McCain or Bolton?

Checked for the second historical installment of crispy jews

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for fuck sakes I just want to do my eight years in peace

WW3 rosters:

>Satanic Alliance
ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, FSA etc
Saudi, other gulfies
Yurop, Anglosphere, India

>Resistance Axis
Russia, China
Iran, Syria, Hezbollah/Lebanon, Iraq, Palestinians, Yemen
North Korea
Philippines under Duterte
Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia

>slimy bastards who will play both sides

>countries Drumpf will also end up bombing for not wanting to join in
South Korea

The bootlicking neocon good goy drumpfshits of /neo-pol/ WILL defend this.

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nuclear missiles?


Real talk, why the fuck would be so hard to get nuclear capabilities? Its the materials, the intervention of US, literally what, how the best koreans made it?

you seem eager to fight for israel

False and homosexual

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Big if not true