Could America win a war against the entire world?

Could America win a war against the entire world?

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Good question, I think the losses would be significant enough that nobody "wins."

russia alone could nuke all of the us in a day


The US would put out a good fight but eventually Russia/China would invade lands and kill all mutts.

Yes easily.
They hate US cause they aint US.

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Nah, an invasion would never take place. It would be a stalemate. Neither side could stage an invasion, since both have enough ballistic missles to stifle any supply line.

>weak ago almighty JewSA declares trade war on Chink
>Chinks respond by fucking the petro dollar up like it owes them money.
>JewSA markets literally collapses

Hahahaha um no

Murka already lost

Eventually they would invade lands, shooting rockets back and forth is useless.

America couldn't win against Vietnam my nigga.

Yes, but we won't need tanks or ships or anything.

I dare russia and china to invade america.

>cognitive dissonance
We smoked the VC.
The war was ended for political reasons, mainly lack of support from American populace.

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I just don't know anymore

It would be up to 30 year olds or older

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Even the UK could take 80% of American out from Bermuda and there subs before American could even fire back.

The confusion and chaos of a UK surprise strike would be devastating and I'm sure yellow stone would blow as well.

America may even attack Russia by mistake as well instead uk causing even further chaos.

the reason why Russia keeping nuke arsenal, because US keeping their

Outside nukes? The navy could take on the world np at the start. The airforce could maintain air superiority in sorties probably only here or there, not everywhere. More difficult to determine the army's position. Would take more than 5 years to lose, possibly 10 if we only want to keep our territory. Human waves work on offense, gareli tactics on defense, 'the rest of the world' has both options.

Police action: No can't do it
Total War: With fuck all attitude towards hippies most certainly.

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Invade what? Russia forces can't even properly move them sleves/equipment through half of it's own country let alone mount a proper invasion on a US. This isn't MW2 where they somehow (undetected) moved entire battalions through the Atlantic sea. China would put up the biggest front on the pacific side though.

>invading through Alaska

That isn't what cognitive dissonance is, you fucking imbecile.

Could this be any less of a slide thread?

Are you retarded?

Conventionally? Yes

sshhhhh stfu user, the normies aren't supposed to know about our strike capabilities

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>We smoked the VC.

This is smoking the VC
>6 months
>40 casualties

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Taking nukes out because they lead to no winner. If it was just man power and military tech, yeah the USA could take on the World... The UK and Rome already proved it can be done.

>Americans lost even though statistically and logistically we won
Yeah k senpai.
Go pseudo somewhere else please.

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Mexico would let literally anyone come through their territory to invade us. Hell, Canada might.

Oh and I forgot the upcoming Presidential Election was a major factor as well.

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Id love to see the army march across the desert across the us mexico border whilst being ripped apart by us troops, id be more worried about canada letting troops through their country then the fucking spics backstabbing us

>Even the UK could take 80% of American out from Bermuda and there subs before American could even fire back.
you mean with the missiles they leased from America? kek

Well considering the only countries that matter in the rest of the world are China and Russia, it would be USA v Russia/China. The rest of the world doesn't really matter in this scenario.

>Could America win a war against the entire world?


Could we hold it all? No.

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They've already won.

The military is designed to be strong enough to wage a defensive war against the entire world at once. We might "lose" in the sense that we're unable to hang on to Alaska or something like that, but we wouldn't be utterly defeated.

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they already won, the economic, propaganda, information and political wars.

if you strictly think about weapons, yeah, they could defeat anybody but they can't maintain grip over the whole world, nobody can. that's why they focus much more on economy, propaganda, information and politics.

how many layers of wrong are you on

>conventional war
probably not, our naval superiority could hold out for a long while, but it would be a logistic nightmare for America to fight a war on its own, especially for the modern American economy
while it’s possible to have the capacity to manufacture what’s needed for the war effort, the service sector of our economy means that full mobilization of a war economy would take a lot of time
it is possible that we could hold out long enough for the rest of the world to lose interest, but with severe damage to the US economy for many years to follow
>nuclear war
probably not, missile defense systems are the new arms race and while America is at the forefront, these systems are not yet impregnable
the sheer volume of nukes outside the US means more will get through, and since the US would launch nukes themselves, pretty much no one wins

The thing is, the chinks are totally dependent of western economy.
We dont consume their products and we relocate in Europe and USA, their economy will be totally fucked.

They can't even win against Israel

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Sorry you've never beaten the Vietnamese in a war unlike the British have and that I hurt your feelings, post another one of your cartoons dude

>the sheer volume of nukes outside the US means more will get through, and since the US would launch nukes themselves, pretty much no one wins
sometimes i have a feeling the international jewery is seriously considering nuclear war as an option and are analyzing postnuclear world order scenarios.

In a one on one war against israel, it would get smashed. That’s if no nukes allowed, if nukes are deployed neither country would win because there would be no israel left considering how small it is and a lot of american cities would be destroyed but america is to vast to cover in nukes

>they focus on the economy

Perhaps if they werent trying so hard their markets wouldnt be slidding to 1920ies 2.0 style depression.


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ya let us finish the current wars before we take everyone else on.

American education.

Leafs don't even know what a military is

Their naval superiority means that the only threats to mainland USA are the nations in the western hemisphere, which it can easily defeat.
However, despite what some proud burgers might think, the USA would not be able to invade and conquer the Eastern Hemisphere.
So, nukes excluded, we're looking at a situation where the USA conquers the Americas, then there's a stalemate, though it probably wouldn't be able to occupy all those countries for long. (They had so much trouble with one small Central Asian nation of 30 million people, that will be nothing compared to occupying hundreds of millions on two continents).

Yeah, even if we were fighting aliens and zombies at the same time.

Depends on which side the kikes bankroll more.

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we'll see

Its 'AI' and 'merger' with machines and computers. That's the plan sir. The elites want to become Gods and kill the 'cancer' of humanity. That's the real WW3. Oh, and gene splicing hybrid humans with animal is the planned aftermath, creating a slave class of workers.

>markets slidding to 1920ies style depression.
source for that claim?

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Is Russia really that strong, or is it just a meme to encourage defence spending?

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No sauce for serbia

Q is the source. Trust the crash you shill.

Let me visualize a typical American grocery store for you
>Made in China
>Made in China
>Made in China
>Made in China
>Made in China
>Made in China
>Made in China

We smoked them, just like we smoked you wooden toothed shitstains back in the 18th century.

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Real live wojak with pink hair

it's not, it could fuck up lots of people and leave much of the us uninhabitable, no sane man would ever use that option unless faced with extinction, let alone someone enlightened like putin.

Bin that knife m8

>Could America win a war against the entire world?

We would have to arm the other side to even start the war.

imagine actually believing this

Define win a war.
Do you mean our (((government))) signs some sort of treaty that says we lost?

>implying we wouldn't annex them to prevent that

The nukes yes but everyone gets fucked if anyone nukes. US China and Russia likely have enough to fuck most of the planet individually.

>chink cuts off his gibs
Nobody cuts off their gibs, that's the point. The entire world is at our mercy.

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Easily. We can end earth in a day if we want to.

no but if anyone could hold out it would be you guys desu


>They hate US cause they aint US

Nobody wants to be you. A country so enslaved by Jews that you even mutilate your children's genitals in line with their faith. Not to mention you are all hopelessly mixed beyond recognition and the whole concept of whiteness has been watered down to a farcical degree.

At least when Britain ruled the world it was a white country. You are a fucking disgrace.

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No, Stephan Miller - keep your bizarro influence campaigns off the internet

Depends if it's an aggressive war or a defensive war.

Nobody could conquer and hold the US mainland. We have to much land and to many guns

The US couldn't win a war of aggression against the whole world either.

>much messikan annexashion!!!!

Just have a good look at US demographic

Now ask yourself just how smoothly would an messikan annexation go without it ending up just like vietnam but only a few weeks in.

It is pretty fucking disgusting how much hold AIPAC has on this country.
And no one says a fucking word.

Spotted the loser that still lives at home and doesn’t shop for themselves. Very little of our food comes from China. Thanks South America!

No. The US is powerful i'll give them that but they'd beat the 3rd world and that'd be it, thats if you consider a victory to be winning a battle, conquering that territory is a different story.

lol smoked, you sent a fucking letter when we were off conquering the rest of the world the only thing america was to the empire was a prison which we replaced with australia.

Whiter than you, Muhammad .

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Well, technically you're wrong and factually you are retarded, so you have that going for you. On the other hand, it's nice to see drunk Russians in Germany still think sober Germans want revenge for WW2. On America, and not on Russia. Via the closest ally Britain has. Because that makes sense, right Ivan?

cheers for the support there hans

>The US couldn't win a war of aggression against the whole world either.
Not while half the country wishes it was an EU state.

No, you moron. He might be wrong*, but he's not suffering cognitive dissonance.

>*he's not actually wrong, tho

Q predicted this

>Could America win a war against the entire world?
nigga we could win a war against a galaxy.

But we'd nuke them as well, then in 500 years we'd crawl out of our caves and finish them off with clubs. It would be too bad though, since the great Putin would be our best ally against the (((globalists)))

They'd be finished off by the civilian population before they made it ten miles inland. There's a gun behind every blade of grass here.

we did two times before ;^)

Yeah, most people would assume we'd use nukes. I think we should just take the continental U.S. and Hawaii and Alaska and leave the planet and explore the Universe.

No, just because you spend more now doesn't mean you can beat 21 times more people, more than a billion of which have just as competent industries.

Do we have to follow rules or can we go ham cause im pretty sure half of the world would welcome us as saviors

Also no nukes as thats m.a.d.

why would anyone fight
trade and peace are much more mutually productive/beneficial and pose no risk of violent needless pointless death

fuck no

Anyone that thinks the US could be successfully invaded with anything less than a coalition of every other country is a damn fool.

We have 300 million guns and something like a trillion rounds of ammo in private hands. Good luck invading a country with 100,000,000 pissed off rednecks with 3 guns each.

The 2nd amendment is our national defense.

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>trade and peace are much more mutually productive/beneficial and pose no risk of violent needless pointless death
because (((they))) don't want peace and trade unless it's (((their))) peace and trade

>We have 300 million guns
A lot more than that, my dude.

He is wrong, we never surrendered, we just withdrew funding and support from the gooks.
It is completely different than "losing".
I can get SOOD too senpai.

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They already did.