>One's Imago
>TOV's Premature Epublication
>A Thorced Meme from the Past
>The Living 4
Since this is thread TOW, we shall have some TOV in chronological order,
Which is probably the best way to read TOV, although out of order TOW Good too, outovu TOV
But now innertov, Thread Threme
Can't tell ya the start, because it is on paper,
And I couldn't be fucked transcribing it,
Also loads of incestuous nightmare gear,
That I don't want to edit or even look at for a good while.
Later on, upon digital notation, the subject matter turned to cannabis,
And the incestuous hermie gear that goes with it's breeding.
You see, my brain was writing the end before I had written the start,
I was just confused.
Baphomet and his hermie biz; just Kent, Gynedd, Connacht/Canada
Me Galactic Hempire
But I didn't know about the Hempire until mid way through the 6th section of digital Red, White & TABLOOk
at this
Work in progress, still haven't settled on a nomen.
Chronological Dope,
664o1o4o6i6a4 2o8e.
1. "what"
>The Religion of Yeshu has within it the seed for the succeeding Religion, through John.
>Mark, Matthew, Luke, Logos
>What if John is S�an?
>And P�tric is Petros
>With Religion A confirming the existence of Religion B,
>and Religion B part of the sum of Religion C,
>and Religion C going along with Religions A and B,
>Then a Fibonacci Trinity is formed.
>When you see some good in the universe, more good is made.
>Even more, when you pass it on.
2. "g"
>four eight four
*If I go to court, this post, entire thread(s) chain, may and or will be admitted as evidence.