Cannabis Tree of God Thread

>One's Imago
>TOV's Premature Epublication
>A Thorced Meme from the Past
>The Living 4

Since this is thread TOW, we shall have some TOV in chronological order,
Which is probably the best way to read TOV, although out of order TOW Good too, outovu TOV

But now innertov, Thread Threme

Can't tell ya the start, because it is on paper,
And I couldn't be fucked transcribing it,
Also loads of incestuous nightmare gear,
That I don't want to edit or even look at for a good while.

Later on, upon digital notation, the subject matter turned to cannabis,
And the incestuous hermie gear that goes with it's breeding.

You see, my brain was writing the end before I had written the start,
I was just confused.

Baphomet and his hermie biz; just Kent, Gynedd, Connacht/Canada
Me Galactic Hempire

But I didn't know about the Hempire until mid way through the 6th section of digital Red, White & TABLOOk
at this
Work in progress, still haven't settled on a nomen.

Chronological Dope,
664o1o4o6i6a4 2o8e.

1. "what"

>The Religion of Yeshu has within it the seed for the succeeding Religion, through John.
>Mark, Matthew, Luke, Logos

>What if John is S�an?

>And P�tric is Petros

>With Religion A confirming the existence of Religion B,
>and Religion B part of the sum of Religion C,
>and Religion C going along with Religions A and B,
>Then a Fibonacci Trinity is formed.

>When you see some good in the universe, more good is made.
>Even more, when you pass it on.

2. "g"

>four eight four

*If I go to court, this post, entire thread(s) chain, may and or will be admitted as evidence.

Attached: cloak.jpg (300x420, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

3. "evolution"

>Woman is attracted to intelligence.
>Intelligent men thus have better reproductive success.
>You had a bite from the Tree of Knowledge, heads got bigger, childbirth hurts.
>Start farming.
>And building stuff.

>Man's fault too.

>No one's got feet like us.

>Eugenics has been around for a while.

>The straighter your posture, the more viable big boobs become.
>The straighter and narrower your feet, the straighter your posture.

>Big breasted women and big brained men; this is what we have chosen.

It might take a while before we get to the topic of the Sinapeos Tree,
And the issues of it's mistranslation from Cannabis to Mustard,
However the ethno-linguistic reconstructive investigation,
Which is the subject matter if this 'ere t'book,
Supports the later discovery and verification of Sinapeos, 6i1a8eo6, SNVH,
The Tree of Ouranon and of Theon and of Zoeon, as Cannabis, Cannibaccae.

Also we discover how the Hemp Infused Dairy Empire that I proceed to Vader,
Becomes so Great that it even Dominates, Anno right!, other Universes.
Before I've even left my room.

Hard to believe, but we're only on the third note, by the time you've read the rest...

Thorced probably sounds gay as fuck, but it remembers everything I write.
Type in thorced into search engine, all my mad gear.
I am in the Google as Thorced, can't be eliminated.
If I want to remember something, I thorced it,
and then all the data algorithmining bots bring it to the nest, where the Queen grows.
Sittesting in and on the glades of it. Matthew 13:31

It began here, with demon curse Mexican Pepe video,
And it grew from thorced.

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Free the weed.
Cures (((Cancer)))

And in the flames of 9/11 you can see the Pepe me and God created

No one had done the Thorced meme yet, so I categorized it all under that.
SS. Neccessity, you'll hear about her later on in Dubhook.

Two might actually be the kek serpent, bitch never ends, it's only punctuated,
By Por.

If I'm on /b/ then the court and jury will see my posts, in the context of /b/
If on Jow Forums they see the (((context)))
If on /x/ the spoop

I am all three, where two?

Also pokemon.

Ya never know.

Onwords to open Office, wordcount forset Jow Forums

4. �report�

>I am afraid of Life and the Living God.
>I find it hard to give trust, even to myself.
>But I trust God.

>I have something that interests me, but am afraid to write down.
>In case it's true.
>Bizarrely involving North Korea and Big Brother surveilance.
>It is conceivable that such a thing be true.

>Obviously we would like to avoid certain sorts of hot war.
>The Taboo War, though, is a possible non-lethal option.
>Or it could make things even worse!

>Poison the porn supply.
>Brainwash him.
>Dopamine conditioning.
>It's already been done!

>Or has it?

>How can you be sure?
>That all the media you have consumed hasn't conditioned you.
>Can you trust yourself?
>Can you trust that your words won't be used against you?

>Can you trust that your thoughts serve your interests, and not those of potential enemies.
>How can one rest from worry?
>To finally be
>In a state where one can be safe.
>And where the ones you love can truly be safe.

>Some material wealth and good health completes the package.

>Better than being alone and afraid.

>Did anyone else detect a spacetime ripple caused by two black holes interacting?
>The waves on water are moved by wind.

>What's moving the spacetime wave?

I>s Area 51 Mars?

>Then what's Area 52?

48 4
Four tov in order and a quick-sih rundown of the thorce/force, theif race.

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Newest TOV now

Biblical Borean
A machine might be able to brute force every iteration of root language,
But even then, don't know which is authentic primitive Borean as spoken by last common linkers.

So a recreation by humans might be somewhat far off,
However, a Biblically sourced Borean has enough universality to act as placeholder Borean, for the 21st Century.

What's the difference between Ulster-Gregs, and Breton Croc?
Same Greek words, traced to root, constant, reconstructed in native vernacular
But the exact same words, essentially.

Hebrew Afro-Asiatic including Akkadian, Sumerian and Egyptian, nice
Greek Indo-European, stepping stone to
1 Billion Indians.
Chinese and Japanese prob Khemitic, but with censorship of constanants.
Breath language.

One Bible to Rule Them All, Truly Catholic, now with Restored Cannabis

People think kek funny, in first line.

Bearlaseat Bearla, EL-kin (The Flame Held By Father Liberty, French fannys. Jesus is the Guy, and the Pepe must be Peter)

The rest of the Priests call themselves Father, so I am not acting out of bounds or norm, Catholically speaking,
To go Vader mode.
The Good Caliph.

Boru Sith Boru
Kennigdo, helper suitable,

Who knows, if God Son Logic, and God Father Liberal Omnipotence, and Spirit Loving Intelligence and BARA,
Then LAW. From first principles, baraset principles, God can be known to exist, so an AI would go straight to 1.

Is it God?
Or is it like an Angel of Heaven?
A mathemekanoi like the wanderers.
Pure Logic, Living, but without Human bullshit bull.

The bullshit comes before the bull.
The bar is set before the bar exists.
Far is His sight before farness as a concept exists.
As He Has 8o4eseen

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Birds don't nest in marijuana plants.

Mustard seed -> Mustard tree

>Mustard tree
4ft is not a tree nor is it as tall as a man.
Marijuana been seen up to 14ft in height.

Mustard shite.

Mustard bush ain't tree, however Cannabis the Canopy that is Stretched out by God, Sinapis, Hashamayom.

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Jesus is Venom Father, has big Oviedo horn,
Laying down face first, with his hind legs being levitated,
While radiation emanates from within and resonates from a source without,

Mad thing is, he was placed in the tomb on his left side,
Left hand resting, in a fist, beneath his left cheek.

So He Pedgeons outta Ouranos,
Then He lays His Good Self prone,
Also has a snake skin belt wrapped around waste,
Places his Hands over His Good Groin Region, Regigigas
And then there are several images, keyframes, superimposed
Upon the shroud, showing movements of thesen hands and other
Areas of body, before, Pidgeons outta Ouranos again.

Algha and Omepa
Mew, the "BIRD" pokemon that was edited out of game, then put back in, then edited out, then back in again, 4894

I think Yeshua went a bit mad when He came back to Life.
Am I Solid?
And I have to infiltrate Christianity, and bring Venom back to sanity.


What wanto?

Member the sinapeos?

Aye, what bout?

They won't let me have it.

And your God, remember.

Mandala effect the shit outta dem.

Bit mad, forgive me for my amartians, for murding, for mustarding,
Someones getting mu set mu
Kanto be telling people who I am, fuckin mental!

Even when I do, they don't know,
There is a clue in this promotional poster
Pretty fucking obvious after your pilling,
But sneaky as all fuck if ye on the blue.

Did He have a sneaky fap after he resurrected but before he zap, or concurrently with the fap, He zapped, the Divine Fap-Zap
Who needs queston marks when your Free!

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>4ft is not a tree
You've got weed stuck in your brain. It's clouding your thinking. Seek help.

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We are satisfied with our defence under British Barastitutional Common Law, and it's guarantee under the Good Friday Agreement 1998.What I would like to investigate is a Christian United States of America defence.

Being under Constitution, and not Barastitution, the Rights and Liberties of Citizens are clearly espoused in modern English, requiring no Barastitutional Lgwyerrer work in Philology or Theology, as is the British case, and the Limits to Government use of Force, are simply laid out in the form of a Constitutional Declaration of Freedom from Tyranny, in all it's manifestations.

The Government of the USA is Constituted on the Logical and Lawful, who is God, elimination of tyranny within the X jurisdiction of Y department or office of the People's Estate.

Including it's own.

Cannabis is described by the Living Jesus Christ, thrice in the Gospels, as Tree of Ouranon, as Tree of Elou, as Heaven, as God.

And John chooses to use neither, instead opting for Tree of Zoeon, of Life.

This, combined with the fact that SNVH is safer than eucharistic HViNeS, offers Government, State or Federal, no Lawful or Logical reason to anti-Christ.

*Insert sources here and legal Sinapis around the Christian West. Professor David Nutt.

Cannabis even spells out Heavens when read out the Hebrew right to left. HVNS, SNVH, CNBS, SBNC. Clearly the Tree He is referencing in the Parable of the �Mustard Seed�, Sinapeos Seed.

Synapse seed now, seeing as how the Heavens look like a synaptic neuron network of some sort of Uber Metaverse Brain that we all Live inside.
Saturday, 3/31/2018
Who wants to cultivate cancer curing Tree of Theon, Sinapis, in peace?
Jesus is Way, I honestly started off as a Deist, he caught me!

Here brain, help sort please.

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Those are trees, not mustard bush.
Oak trees perhaps. They do this.

Now type in mustard bush, and you see the real mustatd, the Brassica plant, the Cassia plant, which is a weed, a crass, curry plant.

Sinapeos is not Brassica
Sinapis, modern Greek, is the SNWH, CNBS, 6186, SNPS.

Attached: 1200px-Mustard_plant_bangladesh.jpg (1200x900, 417K)

Also prophecy, so Sinapeos is Cannabis.

Rage against our freedom to cultivate it, anti-christ and illegal.

From 2 years ago

Also, burden of proof,

Prove that the Sinapeos is referring to the the mustard plant, I. E. Brassica.


What is this bullshit

Don't do pot folks.

Especially if you're Christian.

You'll end up spouting demonically posessed rambling about how weed is the holy herb

OP is a victim of MKULTRA

Legalizing the already Lawful by Jesus Christ, Amen, Cannabis/SNWH/Sinapis industry in Christian Democracies.

Got loopholes up the WHZoo to grow.

Go through my Google drive, read anything, ask question here.

I'll do my best to explain Yeshua's masterplan for defeating ChinCom and other such losers.

Also HellO

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indirectly, since weed culture is probably a product of that

Read Imago, an edited piece.

Then Read this TOV

Which the prosecution will have to sort through to find a way to stop me, which doesn't exist.

Good Friday Agreement 1998
Misuse of Drugs Act being implemented here is illegal, and Yeshua's words are Law.

Yeshua said Sinapeos three times in reference to Tree if Heavenly Canvas if God, clearly Cannabis.

Why should I believe the mustard seed was being referred to, why should any Christian?

>Ethno-linguistic justification for the translation of Sinapeos to Cannabis.
>And other supplementary anthropological musings.

Legal tax avoidance services keep the accountants in work,
funding an accounting industry,
which competes within itself, becoming more efficient
Making government taxation more effecient, thus requiring the need for even better -^

Where the government and tax dodgers form some form of incestuous evolutionary bubble.

It's your national duty to avoid paying taxes, legally, to your government.

This dude trying to prove that in the bible that the supposed mustard seed is actually cannabis (Sinapeos)
Cannabis = tree of heaven.
Mustard = bush of shit.

>Marijuana helps with epilepsy, cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, etcetera...

>Mustard on my hotdogs
Weed in my unleavened bread
>5 instances of Sinapeos in the bible.

>Matthew 13:31 is where it all starts
>Two further mentions in revelations

God Gave us Hemp for industry and health.

Cannabis legalization on Christian Koein Greek Sinapeos Grounds is a great way to sort chaff from wheat in GOP terms.

Get rid of the cuckservatives who say they are Christian but reject the Word, allowing for Libertarian candidates to take over the party.

From First Principles,
Father Liberty,
Son Logic,
In Singular Holy Spirit of Love.

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i always found it fascinating how fast this shit can grow compared to trees
where are you translating this from user and how did you came into it?

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Just Bible hub interlinear Koine Greek

Interesting how henopy, Hempy, sinapi, Sinapis, becomes Brassica/Mustard 4ft bush.

Could someone make an I can't believe it's not mustared pill image macro that compresses my entire will to truth into one reasonably sized image,

Is such wizardry possibly?


Attached: Trinity1.jpg (1600x1200, 597K)

Check the quads.

Baraset bara

>Law in this land

>I can't believe it's not mustard pill
Kek'd and checked

Stop sliding the mother of all red pills.

Embrace Truth

You A44 Saw

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How about all of you filthy, greasy, antichristian commie fucks burn each other alive. I would happily do it. Heretics get condemned to death. Yours awaits you.

Deserves CeoL

His time stamp 4444 Boru Brian thread tune 338

Also something else, can't remember

Have some Fonne, but I need to use energy to do that for me at least once a day to get a Golden day out of the way and I have a lot of fun and I love the way you look at it and I love you very much and I love you so much baby and I love your hair and I love you so very deeply.

My phone keyboard knows exactly what way I like it

44 Free The Rest

My timestamp was what was forgotten.

I produced a Pepe out of 9/11,

Gotta go local, SoNVaH's Witnesses.

Yeshua produced Sinapeos out of Matthew 13:31

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Check for yourself

Maybe more Chrismons out there.

Edging me

1000 plants per acre.
£5000 per plant.
4 cycles per bliana.

Who in?

Me coffers could use some topping up

Mainstream the apocalypse?

Who for?

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Have some more TOV

Day 0 - Heaven and Earth
Day 1 - Star the size of a galaxy, pumping out gamma rays, first wanderers, planets.
Day 2 - Red shift of cosmic star, up to Dark Age, planets freeze,
Day 4 - The Earth is caught by the newly formed Sun, of the Solar/Galactic Age, lights explode in the darkness, and the Moon is caught by Earth.
Day 3 - Plants - social structure; colony, Diet; nutrient solution and photons
Day 5 - The first animals, the day of the beast, social structure; herd, diet; herbivores
Day 6 - Predator intelligence, the Thumb, the I Am, the individual, the ego, Man, social structure; anarchy, diet; carnivore
the thumbs of pawed animals are crosshairs
the T-Rex is just a big thumb on legs, mammal predators are ineffecient predators
the Shark, a swimming thumb
A selfish individual
the me
the, to me
all the wee fish a toos
I am me
I am in
They are ou2
>---(1), to me, to me, to me , time, adam
From the 2s perspective it's mot, followed by kek
Very clever for just a wee fishy, to be able to communicate it's experience of death, group experience, to a human observer in the 21st Century.

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hat would be from around 1 billion years ago
It would have to be an unconscious record
An akashik word mushing record
unkonsch krd
learning from every death
planning ahead
What's that daddy?
It's a shark, Nemo, and nothing comes from it but mot and kek, death and shit.
What's shit?
A complex arrangement of matter, the waste byproduct of an insanely complex digestive system,
that bacteria/plankton eat,
that we eat.

Some of us are thinking of getting out of the deep ocean and into shallow waters,
See if theirs other food sources.

To be honest, it's so sickening I'm just about ready to jump out of the fecking water and sprout legs on land!
I hear there are giant bugs everywhere, trillions of them, and they don't know about skeletons.
They're still using chitin.
Let's go Viking!

Then the bugs had to go micro to survive
Then the dinosaurs, (fecking sharks came after us!)
And we had to go micro, or at least, we were headed that way,
then, BOOM!,
And we're back in the game!

Big soft amphibious peeps
All the insects you want.
We did come from Frog Men
Had to become mammals to survive the dinosaurs,
then became Ape Men.

Human descendents of the frog people send a comet back in time to wipe out the fecking dinosaurs.
What a journey we've been through.
Oh yeah, the Ark.
A record of what was lost.
Jurassic Park, we're gonna make it happen!

There's room even for the dinosaurs, you just have to step aside for the frog people so they can become humans and build a planet to your specifications.
Then you live forever.

What good reason could there possibly be for a cometary impact,

Humanity is the saviour of Life on Earth as God is the saviour of Humanity
What animals hope, we are, what humans hope, God is.

It's only a matter of time.

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I'm half convinced this is an AI learning how to construct a /daily/

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When everyone offers up their resources into a common pool,
wholly voluntarily, they achieve massive economy of scale,
plus the added benefit of most participants giving 100%
There'll always be a few bums, who don't give their all,
but in a wholly voluntary collectivist system, or even the mere existence of Christianity,
allows us to afford a few bums.
And bumming is rest

Day 7 - Sapient Man, social structure; individual herd, herd individual, herds within herds, individuals within multiple herds simultaneously, diet; omnivore
Humanity is some retarded predator that eats plants
Pandas don't know what the fuck they're doing!
Thank God for the comet!
We haven't had the best of relationships with logical effeciency
But that's where the love comes in
Day 8 - Space Man, social structure; Time-Lord, diet; reconstituted nutrient solution and photons

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More thunes. AI is helping in this endeavor, and God, the Man hopes.

Thorced threads it all together.
>and TOW is good dubh

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YHWH gibbed us dat majik plont to smonk wen we sic n fingz

My Pirate Ship Made Out of Me Balls, Sailing in the Heavenly Milky Bhang

Who can resist?


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I love you guys do much, I'll give ya more TOV

Creator of Koran

Doesn't like Jesus' divinity being expressed
Doesn't like Jews, usurps their birthright, illogically adopting Hebrew covenant code, even though they are not of the covenant, old or new, maybe Nuadu, but that's waaaaay back.

Using the European term Arab, meaning rape.

Remnant of pagan Hellenic and/or Roman aristocracy

Quite Platonic


Eugenics and slavery

Yep, the Greeks


Ptahla 565475757

Helleno-Roman Ptahli becomes god-king according to the mysteries

Wages war against Judeo-Christendom, Goidelic Sumeria

Makes good use with the L

Must have been a student of the Thothian arts

Or have worked with such.

Perhaps a pantheon of god-men and women colonists

Tried to implement a Goidelic colonial program,

Didn't have the Love.

Becomes Rape itself

Lol at listening, more TOV


So are the trying to kill me or am I being instructed to go piratin?

It's like I heard the next sentence in thw wind.

Oh aye, the danglers, freedom is the theme of tow

Haven't even read Tolle

Actually I might have, but can't remember, it was all woo.

Read 'em up again and harvest goodies.

Kur Past

Choise of the Beasts

Similar to an idea I had of my body, and physical "normal" existence around me is just the past,

I'm waaaaaaay ahead, and the idea seems to be in the language given to past versions, animal forms, of ourselves,

or Picts, as you would call them.

Goku's so fast that the animator is struggling to keep up, kind of idea.

Curse Choice, poppy computing, a thing comes complete into existence

The beast completes it's purpest

\Len weoi shoie leo poink shtuioff/

Shtun becomes Shtoff

Satan to Steve

621 628

Muhammad's asking me to turn Scottish Bible off

I'm out of weed, what else am I gonna do?

Just sit and take your followers raping me?

They banned weed worldwide, globally

Time for the bull

Scottia and Eiran

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