What a shame

What a shame

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The cause was feminism. And the cause of feminism was the Jews.


Yeah, and that time was before hart celler. Weird coincidence, huh? It's almost like when you import tens of millions of beaners to flood the unskilled and blue collar labor market, suddenly workers lose a lot of their bargaining power!

Yeah, because our government takes 50% of our income, only to provide Israel and shitskins with gibs. Meanwhile, our infrastructure is shit.

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Yes that's why Starbucks and other frivolous shit is so popular. Because people have no disposable income. Maybe don't buy the Jordans next time.

>this agenda

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*expands your (((social safety net)))*

*uncouples currency from anything resembling actual value*

*ships your jobs away to shithole countries*

*imports the least valuable persons of these same countries*

*poisons your women, children, and their minds*

>voluntary service falls dramatically
>war were declared
>everyone on the cheapo healthcare and college get drafted first

Why are you listing the protocols of zion?

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this. we sold ourselves out for chink shit and now we have to pay for it.

the average american can't even come close to affording a house in a major city let alone some flyover state making 42k a year. And don't even think about owning a home/holding down a real job without a college degree.

Meanwhile boomers reap all the rewards and get to glide off into the sunset on whatever savings they amassed during their 40 year gold run.

minorities in America take welfare, which the white american has to pay in tax, they take all the meme jobs for low pay - which used to be reserved for white americans getting out of college to gain exp - and hold them for DECADES (this is where part of the boss' wage increases).

Well the el goblinos aren't Americans
Deport them and give the workers higher wages
If less than 70% of Americans are white middle class something is wrong

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BAM right in the kisser.

>literally risk their lives
*Pilot little drones from far away to carpet bomb villages for Israel

>paying (((rent)))
>not taking the voluntary homelessness red pill and living in a car

How can you even recover

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it's illegal in germany to say to which ethnicity many of those rich guys are. Also, not an argument you commie.

Why not social market economy?

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because we don't want to get taxed 40% of our wealth for causes we clearly do not support.

It's almost as if doubling the workforce with women decreased real wages.


>when you work 40 years at minimum wage

>Mfw own full-size van.
>Mfw can be upper-class homeless.

Ist gut Kevin

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Spot on

And yet these same people are for open borders

This. When women entered the workforce they had a 50% increase in employable people. So of course the fucking wages would drop drastically.

It's exactly what happened to construction work when they let millions of illegal aliens do it for less.

Feminism, combined with fiat currency, inflation, and immigration caused all of this.

I wish. In that case I'd be taking your money through hartz 4 while you're working overtime. Truth is, you're a hypocrite. You readily give your money to minorities, or whatever groups you call diverse and oppressed, all the while you mock lower class germans. That's not very patriotic to me.

Shut up Jew.

Yes please. Indulge yourself in the paradise called Hartz4. I bet you too will become really happy

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>risk their lives.
>sit on a base in Virginia and hand out emails.
War is hell.

If we gave out universal health care and free college, two things would happen:
>Retards will major in dumb shit and end up deeper in debt when they graduate
>Universal health care will come out of taxes, which will make debts even harder to pay off

Hartz4 is supposed to be shitty so you get off your ass and look for a job. The state shouldnt be your nanny.

t. lived on Hartz 4

No argument in sight. And let us be honest, you don't give a shit about minorities either. All you care about is maintaining your level of comfort and the serotonin spike you get after virtue signalling to your hipster friends about how you love helping melanin-enriched people.

Ditch the expensive family phone plan.

Have the mother stay at home and not have to pay for daycare.

Have only one vehicle for family.

Live in a smaller house.

And don't send your kids to Frankfurt Jewing indoctrination centers.

Don't blow tons of money on recreational drugs.

Live within your means and you can survive anywhere.

hi, varg

I know your brain tells you that your view is right. But maybe you live in a bubble

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I work 42 hours a week with great benefits, and my wife doesn't have to work. We live quite comfortably, I don't see how this is a problem for anyone except city dwellers with no marketable skills

Couldn't agree more, it's a crying shame.

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What if I told you that you're nowhere near the first shill to come here and everyone here, regardless of ideology, is constantly assailed with opinions contrary to their own?

Race war, these under earning and parasitic minorities are what ruined america's golden age. We need to fight in the streets and cut their heads off.

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us vs them mentality has existed since the dawn of social animals. Humans are tribal. Us vs them mentality is a part of us. If you are "enlightened" and have dulled that instinct, good for you. That means that you should not expect help from more tribalistic germans when shit hits the fan (and it will hit the fan, by economic collapse or natural catastrophe). Nor should you expect it from the minorities you pretend to love. Blacks, arabs, turks, their values are far more traditionalist than yours, at the very least in matters masculinity and tribalism.

Unless you’re my boomer parents who buy brand new RVs but won’t help with college

The Left dont meme well and cant satire

Checked and underrated

not really, because the 16th amendment and federal reserve was passed before feminist bs. it was really think tank subversion in early 20th century and late 19th century universities of america that came to the surface post great depression.
the three big I's.
Interest Rates
Income Taxes
and the last biggie:
central banking

Have you ever seen two german growen men walk hand in hand through the streets?
Because you see that a lot in the middle east

The right is so uptight they cant have a genuine laugh

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Really I've been laughing ever since trump got elected

pick one

It turns out when you burn the accumulated wealth of previous generations on your own, it quickly runs dry.

>Feminism, combined with fiat currency, inflation, and immigration caused all of this.
and outsourcing jobs out of the US and destroying our industries, don't forget that

>Waah the world isn't in demand for my uselessness

Whoever agrees with OP's meme should starve to death on the streets. It's more than they deserve. Fucking useless cunts.

wow, that is not very respectful of arabic culture. Wow, I can't believe you just said that. I can't even

stupid i work 40-50 hours typically, sometimes more depending on intensity of project - my wife doesnt have to work and i own a home at 27 in an expensive city. instead of her working she gets to spend time with my parents and keep them in high spirits.

the cause of housing affordability are kids jumping into bullshit degree jobs without a plan...saturating the market and then being surprised when their degree was a waste of time lol

oil & gas will treat you good for the rest of your life if you play your cards right

The 1% are pirates who divide their spoils out of sight.

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What is this untermensch shilling? This is the third thread I've seen today and they all suck!

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>muh pension

if you're so desperate to survive that you accept shoveling shit as a job you voluntarily surrender your right to be respected.

Me too.

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delet this

Jews were minorities


Fucking this, maybe working at mcdonalds just isn't worth anyone's time if they have to pay for their living expenses. Maybe those things should be replaced with robots. Maybe not having an education isn't enough anymore, unlike 50 years ago. Imagine someone from 50 years ago complaining how being an illiterate seasonal farm worker isn't enough to support a family anymore, that's just how it works.
Maybe stop being a little bitch and try to improve your worth to society instead of complaining.

>The confederates lost
look at your country under the union's rule and say that you are victors

It's not about that retard. Sure theres plenty of useless faggots out there but you're missing the larger picture. The point is our government is carrying out a deliberate inflation policy to make the dollar worth less every year and has flooded the job market with foreigners to suppress wages while exporting practically all of our manufacturing jobs to foreign shit holes. They are waging economic warfare against the American people. Can't build a globalist empire and enrich yourself if you're citizens are educated, properly fed, and arent in survival mode day to day. When those factors are fulfilled they often start paying attention to politics and exercising their rights.

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I guess 45 million mexicans need to go back.

That poor DivO. Tradition and many honest reasons for fighting have been all but annihilated, for better or worse.

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>Inflation happens cause the joos and NWO

You're a fucking idiot. Take an economics class.

Because of that inflation the middle class earns more or less the same ans CEOs get 1000% more /s

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>Since 1978 things have changed

In other news...

>All this no-talk

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But you still know in what thread your are Jim?

Women vote themselves money. The leading cause of deficit spending is giving women the vote. How do you get enough money in circulation to feed the feminist beast? Won't work with a currency backed with a commodity.

If we don't stop women from voting going back to gold won't matter, they will just fuck it up again. We need to be back on Gold and Women need to lose the right to vote for society to fix itself.

I hate dumb cunts. Mussolni, Hiter, and FDR were Socialist and autocratic Nationalist. Jews and the KKK are socialistic autocratic Nationalist. Bitch cannot even political compass correctly.

Yeah, I'm in a thread full of whiny bitches who are blaming everyone else for their problems.

>What a shame
You know what the shame really is? That jobs like this do actually exist. I used to be a dumb fuck moron like OP, but then I got into the skilled trades. I fit pipe for a living, and it is not always glamorous, but we have a great time. I make great money, and am skilled at what I do. I keep my training current. My wife doesn't work. My kids are home schooled through a cyber school. I have a pension, annuity and a home that I make payments on, and should have that done by the time my kids are done with high school. I have NO COLLEGE DEBT because I wasn't a dumb fuck and got paid to learn my trade.

But faggot millenials say:
>Ewww construction work. Only dumb people do that

Fuck off losers. At the current rate of appreciation, I expect to be able to retire and live my current lifestyle between the age of 54 and 58.

But the faggot millenials say:
>Good luck enjoying your retirement when your body is destroyed
Well, fucking retard. I don't drink, I don't do drugs. I don't smoke or eat dumb processed food (My wife cooks nearly every day...real home cooked food). Part of my training is knowing what will destroy my body. I don't lift anything over 50 pounds ever. I either get help or get a piece of equipment to do it.

Faggot millenials say:
>What kind of pussy uses a cart to move thoes boxes of pipe nipples.

The guy who don't want his body blowed the fuck out by retirement.

Quit being faggots. Get a skilled trade. You will work when you want, and live life as you see fit. No one can take away what you learned.

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Retiring with a nice, long, full pension was only a little perk of the post-war period.

People were practically worked to death in the past. They didn't retire at 60...and they usually dropped dead about 2 weeks after retirement.

Now people are in school till they are 20ish and retire at 60ish... and life spans are getting longer. The average person just isn't doing enough profitable activity to warrant 30+ years of easy living during retirement ... along with massively expensive pre-K to University education. (along with the % who live off of various welfare schemes during prime years)

It's all a massive scam and basically a crackpipe dream. At some point the proverbial piper will need to be paid and I pity the suckers that get stuck with the bill.

people will champion a woman's right to work and yada yada ph how great it is! then those same people will share memes like OP on kikebook wnd wonder wtf why is this like this?!

i fucking hate normalfaggots

Hey good for you buddy. You post was a nice read as i took my pre-bed time shit. I thought of your pipes as I flushed the toilet.

>start working at 15
>don't work jobs meant for highschoolers
>don't quit unless you have a better job lined up
>didn't quit after a year
then again, most people back then didn't drink their rent away in alcohol, have $100,000 in debt for an liberal arts degree, didn't buy a brand new car without a stable job, or their parents liked them enough to hook them up with a high paying job

We used to know that you don't put Jews in control .
But that seems to have gone down the memory hole.
I looked around my country and I said oh brother.
This country's in the gutter with the kikes at the rudder.

>I thought of your pipes as I flushed the toilet.
I am not a plumber. I am a pipe fitter. There is an actual difference. Yes, I am ALSO a licensed plumber, but do not practice. I only work in powerplants and heavy industry. Big bore steel, stainless and chrome alloy materials. I am an expert on joining metals together. You have me confused with a mom-and-pop turd-herder operation. I work with systems that transfer anything from anhydrous ammonia to steam at incredibly high pressures and heat. I have been inside of coal, gas and nuke power houses. I have been involved with projects that I am bound by NDAs to never talk about on military bases. Pic very related.

I don't even tell my family that I can plumb.

I appreciate that you have shown your ignorance to me however. Keep being a wage slave.

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Don't get into debt. Ya dumb goys. You can live just like that if you don't have debt, have a decent job, and conserve your cash right

People back then didn't have to compete with millions of illegals for jobs.

Thanks leftism and female vote.
Thanks for destroying everything, u fucking diseases!!

You could have done that working at: the hardware store, JC Pennys, Kmart, PE teacher in the 1970s, True. My whole neighborhood did and all had 2000sf (200sm) homes most with pools. Everyone had a new car and none of the mother's worked. This was in Clearwater Florida, 1/2 mile from the beach.

>We used to know that you don't put Females in control .
>But that seems to have gone down the memory hole


This is why we need Marxism.

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welcome all freshman poli-sci majors. you got this

Thank liberals for this