>Almost all the Baby Boomers are reaching their retirement age >Social security and medicaid are dramatically increasing while the pension crisis is bankrupting cities and states >Millenials/Gen Z are shackled in student debt which is now at $1.5 trillion and are mostly underemployed
Are the Boomers gonna collapse the system before they go?
My dad has to go in to get his heart restarted. >feelsworryman
Jack Peterson
Yep, and they just keep fucking us in every possible aspect too, yet we keep electing these senile old shits.
Justin Cooper
I have zero student loan debt thanks to generous parents and can collect SSI if worse comes to worst. I got off Scott Free
Brody Allen
The coming collapse will vastly and disproportionately affect Boomers.
When their pensions are gone and smirks wiped from faces, they will beg us for money and shelter. then we will say...
"Your pension doesn't pay enough? Why don't you just go to college?"
"No job? just apply down the street!"
"You don't make enough money? Just work harder!"
Blake Evans
>Are the Boomers gonna collapse the system before they go?
The system will collapse because Boomers are going.
Luis Hernandez
This isn't true. Once they are gone from the picture do you know how much wealth will be freed up. Billions in medical expenses able to be diverted somewhere else, properties changing hands to their kids. Things will get bad but not bad enough to sink the ship.
Zachary Hernandez
Boomers don't pass down wealth. All of it will be donated to charity
Noah Bell
You preserved some European manners in your family, apparently. I still can't wrap my head around the concept of building good credit. "So you can get good loans and good insurance policies" But I don't want to get a loan and I spent a quarter century out of trouble
Gavin Ward
Yeah and taxes will be raised and ruin smart millennials retirement plans
Lucas Torres
>Are the Boomers gonna collapse the system before they go?
20-30 years of retired Boomers needing frequent 21st century medical treatment is going to completely destroy every western healthcare system.
Christopher Collins
My family set me up with good credit and explained all things financial early. They however think they taught me nothing because of how I act but hey I have to fix myself at any cost
David Young
thats wut I say to my boomers, but they just look at me like i'm retarded.
Anthony Edwards
The moral of the story is work in or invest in healthcare if you can. Ride their unwillingness to die for profit
Andrew Johnson
Think about the healthcare costs of the old people taking 8 pills a day and being housed in care centers. The money supporting that system will be freed up when they croak and go somewhere else.
Logan Sullivan
>Once they are gone from the picture do you know how much wealth will be freed up.
From posthumous charitable contributions to reverse mortgages, Baby Boomers are abuzz with activity to squeeze every drop of liquidity from their estates for consumption.
Christopher Kelly
Meh. My parents said only charge what you have and pay it straight from the bank account so interest doesn't accrue and always have emergency savings
Andrew Long
pretty much all within the same time period too. the next 10 years is going to be the boomer apocalypse. Have you thought about all of the Boomers with dementia that are going to be meandering the streets? It's going to be like the walking dead
Joseph Moore
guud advice
Lincoln Rivera
You mean 20 years
Cameron Richardson
>Have you thought about all of the Boomers with dementia that are going to be meandering the streets?
They all vote and they're going to make sure that you end up paying to keep them off the streets.
Eli Jenkins
oh, you don't know?
Alexander Green
Yeah and they told me many more things as young as 12. But think they taught me nothing. Sigh. They don't know what it's like to have a sinking ship fix everything at all costs mentality
Jaxson Thompson
The last ones are born in 1964
Camden Ortiz
no dude, i'm already seeing it now. old people wandering on the edge of freeways. circling around every crosswalk at intersections. walking into strangers homes etc..
Thomas Torres
1963. The cutoff for Boomers is the JFK assassination.
David Adams
boomercaust will be the best day of my life
Asher Campbell
I seriously hope so
Bentley Wood
all they know is good times and life getting progressively more awesome. Boomers pretty much live in a pocket dimension that shields them from the outside world (A perfect storm of economic, political and timing factors)
Ryder Taylor
Probably. It would be boomers if they weren't a hindrance for future generations from start to finish.
Leo Watson
>Have you thought about all of the Boomers with dementia that are going to be meandering the streets? No, we just put them in the White House instead.
Daniel Reyes
The system is collapsing due to zionists and their democrat enablers. Consequently millenials vote for the same policies that boomers did. Draft dodging pot smokers they are.
Jaxson Ward
/thread. well put.
Lincoln Price
The medical system is so screwed you need to turn to expensive alternative medicine to heal our minds and bodies from chronic issues. People don't realize it but it's better than waiting the glacial pace of the FDA in a society that doesn't tolerate one bit of offness
Benjamin Thompson
I did my time in the chair force, but I do not blame anyone for avoiding dying for ZOG. Millenials haven't had a war yet that wasn't strictly to suck kike dick.
Josiah Fisher
Isaac Kelly
My luck is mixed. Many bad things almost happen to me and almost ruin my life but they don't happen or it ends up resolving. What kind of attitude would this give you? My luck always turns from bad to good not continual bad or continual good
James Watson
I got a sweet €1.8 million boomer retirement coming my way.
The system is collapsing because Boomers tried to extend the systems which reduced elder poverty while simultaneously trying to pass the responsibility of doing so to their kids and grandkids via tax cuts. I don't expect anything different from a Prophet generation; the entire point of their existence is to confront that which the Heroes have created and tear it down.
Tyler Morales
>Are the Boomers gonna collapse the system before they go? I can only hope. It will serve as an undeniable exclamation point to all of the damage they have done to society.
Im a Civic and don't want to pay super high taxes. Wanting less after going through famine is something I can't relate to. Luckily I know how to evade the tax system later
Austin Morgan
trump is going to make damn sure HE does
Thomas Wright
I could have gotten one of their jobs too, had it not been for all the illegal immigrants.
Adam Sullivan
Bumpity bumpity bump.
Jack Scott
We need to block H1b visas too.
Hunter Russell
My boomer grandparents are nice. The dead ones left behind a house and small life insurance policy. Not bad for someone who grew up in dirt poor conditions and didn't have education. My living ones have houses but have no money due to (((circumstances))). They were/are great people and I love them very much. They all grew up poor and did good with what they were given.
Joshua Turner
What pisses me off is that they destroyed the South with NAFTA and illegal immigration. We can't even pick fruit anymore because they hire out spics to do it.
Isaac Brooks
>walk into strangers houses >"I shot him officer, I feared for my life!" Problem solved (depending on the state of course
Leo Turner
I find Boomers to be too illogical and stupid and Millennials to be too society focused as in wanting to ruin individual lives in the name of society. I'm a millennial but a social oucast so I invested in myself
Hunter Hernandez
Yeah those people who did that are traitors as my parents said
Andrew Collins
My Boomer-Silent grandfather left me a small portfolio with $200k in it. I used it for college and my start in life. Thanks, PopPop. He was very diligent and savvy with money. I have the distinct feeling, however, that my parents aren't nearly as savvy and aren't so prepared for their retirement. Also, my cousins seem to have devolved into pseudo-trashy single moms and bumpkins.
I've heard it said, "Three generations, shirt sleeve to shirt sleeve." I get it. I'm hoping I'll break the trend.
My mistake. PopPop was "Silent." His boomer kids are the ones who didn't live up to his example and my cousins are devolving even further. So far I'm PopPop's only successful grandkid.
Adam Adams
Boomers are bleeding hearts. They sway with whatever their news tells them. Millenials are just failures in almost every way. They themselves act like emotional children.
Brody Scott
So many boomers are anti-tariff and pro-US in spirit but as I said before, they fall for their preferred brand of news.
I'm so worried about my parents it's ridiculous. I'm trying my hardest to get successful enough to take care of them.
Lincoln Powell
Mine were back in the 90s when it was unpopular. Now millennials think most boomers were like this all along and foolishly want to rebel against this sentiment
Nicholas Martinez
>I'm so worried about my parents it's ridiculous. I'm trying my hardest to get successful enough to take care of them. You and I might be in the same boat. I worry about my parents in all sorts of ways, their health especially since their diets suck and they're not very active. I mean I think their retirement is going to be...alright. But nothing special. I think they bungled opportunities and maybe didn't try as hard as they could.
Isaiah Allen
That's how it is with me. Their diets suck and they refuse to change it in the slightest. As much as I hate it, I hope Medicare, Medicaid, and social security are available to them. I think our current political leaders need to cut it off for younger gens sooner rather than later though.
Easton Mitchell
Oh, those systems definitely need reforming. With the demographic crunch we're only beginning to experience, we're going to need to adjust our expectations for those services and experiment with how those services are delivered. I know for sure that we're headed for a Godzilla tax bill in the next 10 years or so.
Landon Nelson
Life is a constant struggle. Some generations have it easier, some have it harder. But we have to fight. The point of life is fight, survive, breed, lead them to success, and live for God. Also, i honestly think automation is a bit of a meme. And even if it isn't, we'll figure out something to do. Gen Z is up for a fight, but I think they can handle it.
John Jackson
>tfw boomer dad >luckiest son of a bitch this side of the Brazos >lost 1 million in the Internet bubble but made it back 10 fold over the past 20 years >nicest, most honest person I know >I work for his company and will succeed him >sole heir Feels good to have a great boomer dad. Sorry for everyone who has pieces of shit for parents and bosses. It's not all bad though.
Automation is more than a meme, I'm afraid. Not only automation in the workplace, but automation at home. In 1990 very few people had computers at home. Even fewer had printers or fax machines or scanners. In 2000 those devices were ubiquitous in every middle class American home. When 3d printing takes off, which it is soon to do, imagine the problems it will solve. This is just one example of how tech is becoming disruptive to a point where the normal economic motivators cannot replace the losses from innovation.
This is where UBI comes in and it's not just lefties supporting it, but a few conservatives are reluctantly open to employing it in a conservative fashion.
Logan Campbell
>Boomers parents cared about one another >Boomers got greedy simple as that
Chase Watson
Hope they enjoy cat food and brown people abusing them.
Brody Williams
That massive voting block is going to use its political sway to drain the lifeblood of the young even as they are rocketing towards the grave.
Young people better figure out how to show up at the polls when things start to unravel or they'll be paying for Grandpa's retirement their entire lives.
Gavin Morgan
I see you point, but when the ATM was introduced, the number of bank tellers actually increased. Not to mention certain industries died and some were birthed. I have a feeling we'll find something to do. If UNI ends up being necessary, then so be it. But men do need to work, literally. We get depressed if we don't have a purpose or have something to do. We could transfer that energy into being better family men, or working out.
Leo Barnes
Andrew Turner
The real lolcow is that the current social security retirement age is 67. Its a total farce. I'm 24 now. So thats 43 more years until I can retire. If social security is still around, which it won't be. The only option for blue collar retards like me is to get a pensioned job with the state. I'm looking into Sheriff's Department and Fire Fighting. But that's assuming that the fucking pension system will still be around. There is no fucking hope man we are wage slaves for life.
Oh, totally. And it's not that jobs will disappear, but that good jobs will be replaced with menial jobs that don't pay much. In fact the conservative approach to UBI involves scrapping entitlements and most of the welfare state altogether and replacing everything with around $13k a year for every adult over 21. And they acknowledge there would be "bleed off" but what it buys society is moral and civic agency. It wouldn't be nealry as expensive as popularly believed. It would be cheaper than the current system is projected to be in only a few years.
Cameron Foster
I get what you're saying. I disagree with your overall sentiment of what automation will do, but I respect your input. I'm getting out of here user, good talking to you.
Ryder Adams
>current social security retirement age is 67 >current age Wait till they jack it up to 80, of course they'll be exempt.
Lincoln Williams
>generation that contributed monetarily will get what they paid for >generation tide pod is upset that no one will pay them to pontificate in a Huffington Post comment-esque manner >or respect their degree in complaining fuck em. hope their entire life is suffering.
Blake Phillips
Maybe in your socialist eutopia; here it will suck the money back out of the boomers' pockets into the economy.
You're forgetting that taxpayers pay their healthcare once they turn 65 here!
Kayden Johnson
People were talking about automation taking over in the 50's. It won't happen.
Dominic Myers
"Dont forget to give them a firm handshake and look them square in the eye"
Christian Rogers
>he doesnt know about medicaid and SSI Boy do i have some bad news for you
Benjamin Clark
oh look it's this bullshit again. blame the boomers for your bad life choices.
Robert Nelson
Medicaid doesn't cover everything. And the money doesn't just disappear, the healthcare field is a HUGE part of the economy.
Cameron Price
Medicare not medicaid. Either way we're fucked unless AARP is declared a domestic terrorist organization.
You're right that it does not cover everything, but you're being naive if you think AARP won't scare granny to the polls while they drive so she can vote for more gibs. Medicare has been needing to undergo some SERIOUS reform, but the "voters" won't allow it.
Also, not everything that is billed is paid in full. So your circular flow of cash argument is flawed.