Convince me why Islam isn't the final redpill

Convince me why Islam isn't the final redpill.

Attached: the-holy-quran.jpg (283x400, 69K)

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look at the practitioners.

all niggers. worse than niggers, in fact.

Bin Laden saved us from Jewish Communism. Read 'Bin Laden September 13 2009 Statement'.

Verse 5:82 - Christians are nearest in adfection to believers.

Verse 60:5 God does not forbid you from takinng allies and being kind and just those who do not attck or expel you

5:51 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what God has revealed therein

Everyting else is Jewish divide and conquer tactics

Christians were 20 percent of the Middle East before kikes started bombing. Meanwhile the kikes were starting wars all over Europe through their finance control

Compare all there shit to this

Attached: Eternal life is free.jpg (1060x755, 143K)

Muslims>Jews, that's the only thing sure

All anti-islamic shills are all funded by David Horowitz at (literally) Shillman Fellow Center

This has nothing got to do with Islam but
White Christians are the worst Christians they don’t follow the bible and change allot of things allow faggots to be free and Allie with Jews the only true Christians i know are orthodox Ethiopians and the Quran’s literally makes more sense than the bible

Attached: Anon is angry about islam 1.jpg (1696x6224, 2.44M)

Attached: Anon is angry about islam 2.jpg (1336x6290, 2.38M)

desu I dont have any qualms about it after looking into the tafseer of it. Just the fact that its not pragmatic at all since its been blended with arab culture. muslims in african and middle eastern regions are pretty much too braindead to use islam. on the contrary, i've seen some asian and white muslims in my workspace who use it quite well within their lifestyles and conduct. Basically, islam would have been more appealing if it was not tied with the niggest cultures out there. I can say first hand due to 13 years of experience in the middle east.

I am a christian orthodox who lived around muslims in syrian and lebanon, your only looking at the things that you view as "redpilled" in the quran and your avoiding the other retarded traditions that involve doing filthy shit and the fact the muslim goal is to ruin western civilization from the day that islam started

Then again the arab world is poor because theyve deliberately rejected all Jewish finances and placed dictators to keep Jewish influence out. Which the Saudi king is foolishly trying to undo

Why are portraits not allowed in Islam?

>Look at the nations it produces
>Look at the people it produces
>Look at everything it manifests

That's why, you moron.
>Convince me setting my house on fire doesn't turn it all to gold

no difference really, jews want to control the world through their jewery in economics and politics, while muslims want the same but instead through jihad and inbreeding. Ive lived around true muslims in the middle east where they are the majority, you eurofags still do not realize that they are just as bad as jews if not worse

The middle East is the only place without Jewish control. This is how they avoided the bulk of two world wars and communism.

If Muslims disappeared tomorrow, the Jews instantly take over the world without obstacle

Culturally the same as Mexicans arent they

based britbong

Are you kafirs gonna post the same screen shots over and over again, that consists of propaganda and personal opinons? Pathetic

Bin Laden --

"The Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants."

"The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt into paper statelets to guarantee Israel's survival."

"That is to offer support to the Jews... to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of Greater Israel."

"After the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes."

"The reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally Israel."

"The time has come for you to liberate yourselves from fear and the ideological terrorism of neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby"

"Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people. Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people"

"Freedom and human rights in America are doomed...
These Jews are masters of usury and leaders in treachery. They will leave you nothing, either in this world or the next."

Quran 5:82
"You will find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe, those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud."

Quran 8:61
"And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in God."

Quran 60:7-8

"Perhaps God will put, between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them, affection... And God is Forgiving and Merciful."

"God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly."

Attached: hitlerreborn.jpg (225x249, 24K)

>look at the practitioners.
yeah because this is how you judge an idea

t. someone who follows literally the same thing but with a different name

couldnt have been further from each other. mexicans want to just "party" and "enjoy the now" while having no common goal. from what ive heard, muslims want to spread their message. This implies a certain need for advancement and exploration. they certainly do have a common goal that gives them influence and power. But this is only a means to an end for them.

>1 pic = 1000s words

Attached: muslim.png (607x767, 55K)

> Convince me why Islam isn't the final redpill.
Or I will kill you, kaffir.

faggot = you, that's the only thing sure

Death to Islam
Nuke Mecca When

Attached: evenbarrygotthemche-ches.jpg (550x421, 36K)

Attached: image.jpg (1302x1296, 293K)

William Pierce, White Supremacist-

"The Jews were caught by surprise last month, and they had to whip up
something in a hurry in order to deflect blame from Israel and from the
U.S. government's support for Israel. Apparently the best they could do
on a moment's notice is the explanation that Osama bin Laden attacked us
simply because he hates our freedom and democracy. Since they first
cooked up that explanation they've refined it quite a bit. Both the
Foreign Ministry in Israel and the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, Israel's enormously powerful lobby in Washington, have been
circulating "talking papers" to their own people, to politicians, and to
everyone else who is likely to be making a public statement about
America's new war or about Washington's past policy in the Middle East.

These "talking papers" tell people how to counter what the Jews call
Osama bin Laden's "lies" and also how to respond to anyone who suggests
that our government's support of Israel might have had something to do
with the September 11 attack. The papers warn people never to raise this
subject, but if someone else insists on talking about it, it is to be
countered with the explanation that support for Israel had nothing at
all to do with the attack, that we would have been attacked even if we
weren't supporting Israel, and that the only reason for the attack is
Osama bin Laden's irrational hatred of America's freedom and democracy."

Attached: 23635475.jpg (400x377, 32K)

Cause its 2018 not the middle ages.

Nuke Mecca?

Implying anyone has the balls to do it.

When you do the Jews work for them, so they can communize the whole world

"The reason for our dispute is your support of Israel" - Bin Laden

Attached: JohnOliver.png (763x652, 113K)

beware of false prophets. you will know them by their fruits.

Muslims, Chinks, Slavs are the only people left who could fight the Zog, so I'm rooting for them all.

"In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs"
Jewish Forward Magazine

Read more:

Christian Reconstructionism is the final Redpill not Islam