This is Such a Stupid Argument

How can people be so blind to not see that capitalism is not the end all be all of societal or economic systems? It isn't even the best. China has been doing great under communism/capitalism hybrid, the Nordic countries do fine under social democracy, Denmark does fine with 60% tax rate. The idea the raw market capitalism is the only and best system is simply shortsighted, small minded, and retarded.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not best, just the fairest so far.

>also s a g e

Lol your bourgeoisie boss bends you over and gives you 8 inches everyday while you slave away ash tray change. Meanwhile he is vacationing in the Bahamas twice a year with a woman half his age in each arm all based off of the back of your hard work. I suppose if telling yourself that "it is the fairest system" help you sleep at night, then do what you have to do bucko.

china is not "doing well" their "catching up" retard its called the flying goose paradigm
its what happens to a society that catches up because their able to copy technology rapidly as opposed to developing new technology for themselves. technology means a more efficient production which translates to bigger growth.
go eat a tide pod you fuckin retard.

The cost of implementing new systems is too high
Everyone thinks they know what Utopia looks like
Nobody has an idea on how to get there other than killing everyone who tries to stop them
Found your own nation (or planet) and run your social experiments there

Would you look at that captain brainy of the brainlet squad. China has surpassed the USA in patents. Try again Jimbo and maybe you will get it correct someday.

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Too busy having a high standard of living, I suppose.
If you look closely, you'll see that those who suffer the most under capitalism are those who reject its opportunities for communism.
You may now use words like "dialectic", "proletariat, and "cuckservative" in your rebuttal.

>China has been doing great
stopped reading there, kys maoist faggot

I know what a utopia doesn't look like?

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it is implied that it is not end-all.

and that whatever the system, requires continuous refinement.

>How can people be so blind to not see that capitalism is not the end all be all of societal or economic systems?

Because they are dogmatic, just like you. Critical analysis isn't one of their strong suits, so they just jump on the "invisible hand of the free market will solve everything!" wagon in the same way that you jump on the "The workers state will solve everything!" wagon.

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They are cucks, the world is full of pussies that are too comfortable to do anything, they just hope their masters will be nice to them.

USA is not free.

Aren't you communists supposed to care about standard of living?

patents are not synonymous with research and development results dipshit.
this is basic macroeconomics.

They beat you in trade, beat you in patents, beat you in average IQ, beat you in GDP growth rate, beat you in population, and are set to flat out be richer by the year 2030. In what faggot world of yours do you not call that doing good?

The same way you jump on the "ethno state will solve everything" wagon?

Because they are soulless bugmen. Not hard to overtake everyone when you only care about and live for yourself and money.

>average IQ declines every year
>white population declines every year
I wonder if

Nothing has grown as fast as America and we have gotten shittier the more we moved away from capitalism into social programs.

And just because capitalism isn't perfect does not mean we haven't proven socialism or communism is complete flaming garbage.

You know I am really happy you said that Jimbo. Feast your eyes.

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which country contributes the most to innovation in all fields? tell me how capitalist they are then come back to the table and tell us how communism is so great..

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Go look how rich any communist/socialist leader is versus bow poor their people are. And then notice they have less freedom them us.

You take it in the ass everyday from your bourgeoisie boss for ash tray change to buy hotpockets and you call them bugmen?

Nope. I don't consider "white" to be an ethnicity, as that term is taxonomically incorrect.

and you continue a century long struggle against an amorphous specter that haunts humanity.
and ironically are the continuation of our societies religious values repackaged into a new form.

>Nothing has grown faster than America
Boy Jimbo, I know you like staying at home with your pretty sister/baby mama all day, but you really gotta study some more.

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Um China, and they are communist using capitalism.

spending ≠ success

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>Muh freedom

HAHAhahahaha, actually the most innovative nation is the USA, we contribute the most via our ptivate sector, while government run operations do little to nothing,

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>China is actually more economically capitalist than the US at this point
>China has more patents because they have more people
This arguement is about as stupid as shoving his head into his ass screaming 'asians are only good at imitation' when asia is already ahead in tech and medicine
>the poor in america make more than most rich people in the world
>commies don't have what it takes to kill the US
the only thing thatll kill us is the pension or student loan bubble

A centralize government might get shit done faster like russia/china's industrial revolution but a decentralize one like the US means when california goes under we can wall it off and sink it into the ocean

>Muh innovation

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so you are admitting they could not survive without the US to piggyback off?

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>But Gina is gapitolist

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So you are admitting that you don't do a fucking thing with the tech you invented?

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when did we not use it? we only send it over for penny a day retards to assemble it, my god you commies have no concept of innovation, no wonder you support goymunism.

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We take your shit and build it better and cheaper, then sell it back to you. Your capitalism is too weak to stop us from benefiting off of your ideas? Get cucked faggot.

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Jow Forums is bluepilled on capitalism, it and particularly the 20th/21st century version of it is a driving force behind issues like mass immigration and promotion of degeneracy such as Tranny mania and pornography. Both China and the USA/West have a political class and a merchant class. The difference is in the west the merchant class controls the the political class while in China the political class controls the merchant class. The success of this depends on the competence of China's political leaders but since they ultimately answer to the country (economic collapse would mean CCP collapse) is ultimately more ideal than in the west where the ruling class ultimately cares about profit and creating a more chaotic hyper-consumerist society.

In China capital does not rise above political authority. In USA capital rules all and has corrupted the political system.

that's why chinese steel is the worst in the world and the only reason it's used is because of how cheap it is.

actually they don't "sell it back" the companies buy land and make assembly factories that they then pay workers to build the stuff, so the chinese do not own it in anyway, if you knew anything about the situation you would already know this.

How is it weak when china is turning capitalist and we stay capitalist, you make no sense commie cum rag.

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>The idea the raw market capitalism is the only and best system is simply a small minded and retarded strawman

Good steel or not. We got the jobs and you faggots got welfare. You will take what we fucking sell you and you will like it.

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Was wondering how Putin got re-elected.
Got my answer.

>"in china you can't change party but can change policy"
>change policy to create thriving capitalist special economic zones that boost chinas economy
thanks for proving my point with your youtube vid, dumb ass
>butt its a chinese capitalism so it's not muh real capitalist
you just went full retard there

And ultimately the merchant class answers to no one since when the economy that they have ultimately caused to collapse turns to shit the American public just votes for the "other" party who really have little to no bearing on the economy other than being more supportive of particular industries (Repubs: energy, heavy industry, Dems: tech, entertainment).

Full communism and certain iterations of it such as anarcho-capitalism is stupid though and usually leads to a Khmer Rouge tier shithole. You ultimately need a merchant class to innovate and use to advance your economic might overseas so China is very close to an ideal "third way system."

The game is over you and your nigger race lost.

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>It isn't even the best.

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this but unironically

we just went over that vhina doesn't do the selling of the assembled products you idiotic commie.

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china is fascist ethno-state m8.

pretty much what Jow Forums want the us to be

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>China has been doing great
All the chink webms I've seen would beg to differ.

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Why do they never respond to this?

because it tears down the illusion they have of goymunism.

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Exactly, this is why we need FASCISM. Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same leftist kike coin.

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Look user, I'm sorry that your dad left but it wasn't because of capitalism, he just didn't love you.

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Maybe the left can't meme, but...

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So are your parents still happily married? Were they ever married?

Lol.... Mean while you got your asses kicked by finland.

Ooh no, someone has more than you, I'm sure you'll bitch and whine instead of actually being productive

>ideology encompasses over 99.99% of civilized history
>two events determine its capacity
>both events involve the clashing of authoritarian hierarchical branches of society anyway

Needs to gang up on them like niggers or in a dick hairs width of having britian and france step in to allow them to secede.


The problem with liberalism is the same as your own ideology. Inclusivism just opens the gates for jews to spread their hateful ideology to your people, spreading the ideas of equality and at the same time using divide and conquer tactics on them. Lying about the virtues of liberalism to communists and the virtues of state owned property to capitalists.
Jews always pit people against each other embedding themselves inside the counties to incite war so they can sell oil and metal and guns to both sides. The Cold War was just a jewish scheme for profit.
Exclusivism leads to prosperity peace and well being among your own people.

The entire top half goes to jews though. As well as most of the middle, and nearly all the businesses in the bottom half. Don't be fucking antisemitic, it's gross.

I think the communist is gone now. They never like it when you point out that they don't have a dad. (Which oddly enough seems to almost always be the case)

We've been cutting social programs for 30-40 years.


The government provides funding and research for basically every innovation here.

There are no pure capitalist or pure socialist countries and there never will be. Pseudosocialcapitalism won and is the master race. Lets call it "market capitalism with high taxes and state intervention", or maybe "socialism with private ownership", or other such insanities.
There has never been a free market, just like there has never been functional communism. We live in a world of supreme fuckery. Frankly anyone who says "capitalism" or "socialism" I usually have to go spastic on.

I kind of think that, rather than trying for the best system, we instead try for the absolute worse. For example, maybe it's time for mandatory destruction of all property and forced castrations for anyone under 300 pounds.

See this picture.

ALL systems in place today and most in history history have those in power renting out the bottom two tiers. The greedy figure out a way to enslave people using food and shelter. Think of your existence. Think of how much of your hard earned pay goes to food and shelter. Now think of technology and how the oldest "technology" on earth, food and shelter, now costs more than it ever has in history. Each technological advancement leads to making food and shelter easier and more abundant yet these things cost more than they ever have before. All governments, from Norway, to China, to Venezuela, to Cuba to the USA rent or sell the very basics of existence to everyone. Its sad and true. No where on earth today is food and shelter guaranteed. And until then everyone is enslaved. Doest matter what ism you call it. Note, Thomas Jefferson wanted everyone to get a parcel of land in arguments in the days of the constitution. Until everyone has rights to a piece of rock, we are all wage slaves. And even if you flat out own your house you need to pay taxes to keep it so even the most fortunate have to rent their own property from the wage slave systems in place.

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Reddit tier question.
What are you even try to ask?

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the confederates had no industry and managed to stay alive for YEARS beyond what they should have. The southern / confederate army did a whole lot with almost nothing. And for Nazi Germany, its took everyone else in the entire world save italy, spain, switzerland and japan to kick their ass. say what you want about the Wehrmacht and the nazis but they fought like hell and a tiny country managed to reshape the politics of the world for centuries.

and the god damned USSR needed the USA to help clean out the krauts, so lets not pretend Georgy Zhukov did anything more than order so many people to die in war that the germans ran out of ammo and suffocated under mountains of dead russians. even the towel heads in Afghanistan gave the USSR too much shit to handle.

sure...... that's why elon musk is wasting all his money with going to mars..

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Its bad enough that you have to post about your idiotic version of Communism user, but do you have to be intentionally gay and degenerate about it?

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Communism is a good idea in theory but will never work because you will always end up with a Mao or Stalin.

both these cunts (marxist-leninism and anti-fa not even as cogent as OWS newfag-marxian shit) failed to deliver a higher standard of living than lord of the flies we have now. and thats sad.

Good idea if you have an ant brain and reject innovation, bad if you're more of an abstract thinker and like "cool" new shit.

>spending ≠ success


>spending ≠ success

>The First Reaction To Truth is Hatred

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>that's why chinese steel is the worst in the world and the only reason it's used is because of how cheap it is.

the market is always right !

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they actually aren't, they price there shit how they want and we just don't give a fuck because they will always be a third world shithole.

>Look user, I'm sorry that your dad left but it wasn't because of capitalism, he just didn't love you.

not an argument

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and as soon as we get rid of the bullshit gouging laws then we can have a fair chance to compete against that.

Marxism is the future. Capitalism just cannot survive in its current form.

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>Needs to gang up on them like niggers or in a dick hairs width of having britian and france step in to allow them to secede.

hey if it works!
yo what does it take to defeat america?
no just an ak-47 and some vietnamese peasants . greatest army in teh world yet has the shitiest results
>being this delusional

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All these examples are very very partial.
The rest of the world, the environment and initial conditions matter.

There is a very serious and strong argument in favor of capitalism, or more precisely in some aspects of capitalistic systems.
That is the increased efficiency of systems where decision making is left to the free association between entities, instead of some central planning. And afaik there isn't and it is very hard to believe there ever will be a meaningful alternative.

No matter what social system is employed, it will never be as efficient and productive as capitalism if it doesn't employ some form of 'free' market, thus getting usurped sooner or later.
That is no small deal.

>the confederates had no industry and managed to stay alive for YEARS beyond what they should have. The southern / confederate army did a whole lot with almost nothing.

>grasping for straws

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Holy shit what about the American debt spent on defence, research and military resources? That shit expensive

>thinks peace keeping forces to protect the south were meant for a full assult even though we had a contrainment pollicy on communism and only fended them off to the border and never crossed it.

my god you are retarded, actually look into it instead of taking the commie retoric.

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>they actually aren't, they price there shit how they want and we just don't give a fuck because they will always be a third world shithole.

always a third world shithole
middle class larger then america

pick on senpai and only one!
the first reaction to truth is hatred!

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its only like 10% of our budget

>start your own business
>be your own boss
I’d rather pick my own career than be assigned one by the state.

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How can people be so blind to not see that capitalism is not the end all be all of societal or economic systems?-

That..That's not what that means...

Lefties man.

the middle class is relitive, if everyone is poor are they all in the top percentile of the nation?